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Stay doggie, stay!

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Is there a command I can use to make tanks, soldiers, or even animals stay put? For example, I have a whole line of tanks I want to stay put so they remain in the best defensive position they have, but unless I take away their gas they still run around.

Thanks! :)

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Or just select hold. not sure if that would work but i am pretty positive it would.

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"stop" is not a good command, use doStop instead. Stop disables various higher AI functions as well. Also, if you're using disableAI, remember to disableAI "TARGET" as well (or was it "AUTOTARGET"?) - otherwise they will still move to engage.



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"stop" is not a good command, use doStop instead. Stop disables various higher AI functions as well. Also, if you're using disableAI, remember to disableAI "TARGET" as well (or was it "AUTOTARGET"?) - otherwise they will still move to engage.



I should have explained better I want to do -I'd like to assign this in the mission editor. So far none of those commands have been accepted in the initialization field. Basically, I'd like to them to target and shoot everything just like normal, but I want the vehicles to not move even when engaged since they're already hull-down.

Edited by jpinard

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this stop true;

Thank you soooo much! This worked perfectly and is exactly what I needed. :bounce3:

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If you want vehicles to stay, just use

this setFuel 0

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If you want vehicles to stay, just use
this setFuel 0

There's a slider you can use to remove the fuel, but the problem with that is they constantly try to start up to move their vehicles and the sound it makes is awful - especially when you have a 10+ vehicles constantly starting/stopping their engines. Horrid.

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