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Alot of cracksmoking in flashpoint

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dude i thought you need a college education to become a pilot.... well the bot pilot in my map smokes crack alot of it. Let me explain why i say this, First of all i want the pilot to fly into the base you spawn in and land, i put a wavpoint directly on the helipad (meaning i clicked the chopper to highlight, then double clicked on the helipad to attach it) i put the type as move becuase load did not work... the only time it would land is if i order my men to get in chopper then it lands... when all the bots are in it takes off even if i am not in it. then it goes to the LZ which is an invisible helipad... i attached it to that also. that is when the pilots crack smoking childhood kicks in. he goes there and passes it a bit then turns around and goes to it (which looks very gay) then hovers over there for like 5 seconds then lands, i autpmaticly get out and then it takes off with my friend and the bots still in so i have to tell them to eject, which really is gay. I have another wave point for it to leave and go back to the base and getout...... but the crackhead doesnt! he just stays there... the wave points are in order first move, then transport unload, then getout (at base) plz someone tell me how to make it land at the base and wait for everyone to get in, then takeoff, land and drop us off wait for everyone to get off! then leave to the base and land then the pilots get out. P.s. i use winter kolegev and it is at night time also i have a custom uh60 an artic one the pavehawk or something but i dont think that is the problem

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ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHEDO"IJgh'ajsBLALRHAFGSFAGSwfgshahhEHRhsrhartahrhrh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woiurtwpu392830-daklc,A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU THINK I TYPED ALL OF THAT OUT JUST SO SOMEONE COULD TELL ME TO GO TO A TUTORIAL!!!?!??!?! OMG IM GOING TO KILL ALL OF YOU AHAHAHhHAHAHAHAHAHAHhAHAHAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaahhaAHhahahhahahhh!haqhh!hah!hahahah!ahAH1HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAAHAHAHHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHQHAh!h!hskADHJKLHahahahhHAHAHAHHA CHICKEN FRIED STEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!aRGGGGHHHh!!h!!!!! confused.gifsad.gif plz tell me how to do it plz plz plz plz plzplzplzplzpzlpLPLPZL plz0r j00r nu70rz

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But OFPEC has it explained way better than we could explain. And it would probably be the same anyway... Try it, you wont die from it. Btw, please use more empty lines and dots, it took me 5 mins just to find the real question biggrin.gif

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Oh behave, or I'll close this thread and you never get an answer to your question and you will spend the rest of your life thinking how the heli landing can be done.

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Dude! What's the difference between reading it in here or on a well documented, well-though tutorial?

I'll tell you: Here you will get a sketchy idea, on the tutorial, you will get the whole picture. What on earth is wrong with that? Is your HD to small to accomodate a small text or html file? wink.gif

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I'll help a bit, but the other guys are right, there is like 10 posts with the answer to this. Put the Heli-pad in your base and put a load waypoint on it from the heli. put a get in from your group next to the load, press F5 and sync the two together. Then for the landing use transport unload and give your group a move waypoint near by, sync the move waypoint to the transport unload. that way the chopper won't leave until the men have at least walked 5 meters from the chopper. Where you have the pilots get out just use a get out command.

next time please read other posts with the search engine before asking this, there are some better methods to do this, this is just the simplist without scripts

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smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gif gracius but still the tutorials suck my butt i looked for it but all i found was the chopper to do all that BUT i CANNOT be the commander

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