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About knightlite

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. knightlite

    Auto-rotational landings

    I have done some testing and Auto-rotational landings exist, but the conditions to make one are so remote they will never happen in a battle. The contitions are <50m <170KM and holding Desend when the engine goes. If you are not holding the descend button there is no hope.
  2. One of my favorite missions to play on my home LAN with my brother is Chopper War. We put in 2 choppers and crates with AA launchers and then go head to head in the choppers. After a while one of us shoot out the others engine. I would like it if you hold the down key while falling you build up power and then you can press the up key briefly to do a softer landing. This would be helpful for the people who load 20 men into a chinook and don't have time to eject them.
  3. Amazing mission. I love it and I'm not even done yet. Long time ago my brother got a Notice to Airmen about the dangers of CFIT. Controlled Flight Into Terrain. That means you flew a perfectly good aircraft into the ground because you couldn't see. That applies very well here because I was playing at night with the bedroom lights off and flying the cessna low with the nav lights off looking for fires.... I got all relazed and very into the game, saw a town ahead then.. BOOM!!!! Flash of flame and light from the underside of my aircraft. Smoke billowing out back then skip skip thud as I slam into a building. Man you scared me bad. Thanks for taking a couple years off my life.
  4. The unit setfuel 0; works perfectly, and that is what I did for one of my missions. Kegetys has that part. Also you can click on effects and fade to white and back, things like that to create a weapon effect that knocked out the engine in the first place.
  5. For your first objective put "obj1 = true" in your On Activation field. For your second oblective put "obj2 = true" in your On Activation field. For your third oblective group the trigger to your player and when you open it it will allow you to set group, indivdual or vechile present. in condition field put this and (obj1 = true and obj2=true)
  6. Try putting end=true or end = "TRUE" in the condition field of your trigger end1. Without the "= True" it might just consider it a null value
  7. Here is what I believe. Forget Gunslinger. I and probably everyone else does not want clutter. Now if they did add a limited number of special use objects I would appreciate it. A few bushes and trees for creating camo bunkers. A few buildings to make towns with windows you can fire from. Some buildings like the repair, fuel and ammo buildings for making mirror image bases for multiplayer and the towers to guard them. As for add-ons, professional looking ones where the author is WILLING to contribute should be added if they bring a new element to the game. I would really like mortors that have a proper shrapnel. ie a mortor hit would kill men in range and not even dent the armour around it but would have a proper blast radius.
  8. knightlite

    Addons in missions ?

    I don't like unofficial add-ons in missions because most of them don't change anything but the country the guy is from. There is a few add-ons that are nessasary for the mission, like one of mine with the USAF Cessna. But I was reading about one group wanting to have an official stamp (Like OFPinfo) for their add-ons. The add-ons are rated and cannot carry the stamp unless they are USEFUL, accurate and well designed. So the mission should not use add-ons and if one is ABSOLUTLY needed, it should be a good one that carries the stamp. There has been some really bad add-ons and I don't want these on my system because people might put them in multiplayer games to unbalance sides.
  9. knightlite

    Description.ext - aaarrrgggghh!

    I'm not sure about XP, but there should be a menu in the control panel or in the explorer options for file types. You will find options where you can click and choose options like "Do not display file Exentions" There should also be a tab for registering files, delete the program registry for EXT files, the files should go back to the paper with windows logo and not load wordpad any more
  10. knightlite


    Actually, you found the right website. At flashpoint1985.com go to editing from the index and download briefings.zip the file contains a briefing you can edit and the manual to go with it
  11. knightlite

    Alot of cracksmoking in flashpoint

    I'll help a bit, but the other guys are right, there is like 10 posts with the answer to this. Put the Heli-pad in your base and put a load waypoint on it from the heli. put a get in from your group next to the load, press F5 and sync the two together. Then for the landing use transport unload and give your group a move waypoint near by, sync the move waypoint to the transport unload. that way the chopper won't leave until the men have at least walked 5 meters from the chopper. Where you have the pilots get out just use a get out command. next time please read other posts with the search engine before asking this, there are some better methods to do this, this is just the simplist without scripts
  12. knightlite

    New mission

    I was reading through the posts and the person with windows ME and 128 megs of RAM, you need more RAM. I'm sure you have a great computer but I'm sure $25 USD or $40 CAN could add a 30%-45% increase to your computer. Your operating system probably takes almost half your RAM. As for the mission, congratulations on a campagin worthy mission.
  13. knightlite

    Bis released vbs's uh-1!

    My favorite April Fools joke ever played on me is the RedStorm Entertainment, Nuclear Weasel. Rainbow 6 came out and of course I love that game too. Then they announced Rainbow 6 II was coming out and they posted a whole site annoucing the new game on April 1st with screen shots and everything annoucing the new game as Nuclear Weasel. The screen shots showed a nuclear control centre with weasel pictures on the walls. When you checked the site again April 2nd, the whole site had changed to Rogue Spear.
  14. knightlite

    How to manage sea attacks?

    Little trick I learned because I made an invasion once. Send the boats to a waypoint offshore. Then make the next waypoint ON the beach but on an angle with the side of the boat that the people exit against the shore. The angle means even if they exit into the water, they will only be in a foot deep.
  15. knightlite

    Wind direction

    I know wind is a factor in the game. You can change weather to effect some of the things but I can't find where you can set a direction. It would be nice for parachuting so you don't get blown into the water.