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HOME a film by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

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I will second that :rolleyes:.


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Oh come on, not again.

Bad Humans destorying the beautyfull mother nature. Or sould i say goddess gaia?

This is the same kind of propaganda which is used by Al Gore and this green yuppies.

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Thank you for posting this movie. I've watched a few minutes of the beginning and will watch the rest tomorrow. There are some truly beautiful shots in this.

Oh come on, not again.

Bad Humans destorying the beautyfull mother nature. Or sould i say goddess gaia?

This is the same kind of propaganda which is used by Al Gore and this green yuppies.

I'm assuming that you think that they're wrong. How do you know that they are? What negative impact does listening to them have? Have you ever heard of cognitive dissonance theory? If so, do you think you are using it to rationalize your actions?

EDIT: Also, name one Good thing that humans have ever done for the planet. I can name several bad things.

EDIT #2: Its funny that you go calling this a piece of propaganda when you have Invisible Empire linked in your signature.

Edited by Jakerod

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Oh come on, not again.

Bad Humans destorying the beautyfull mother nature. Or sould i say goddess gaia?

This is the same kind of propaganda which is used by Al Gore and this green yuppies.

you're funny ..this is not about good or bad humans :rolleyes:

Just watch the whole movie and enjoy it because this is just a good movie.

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Oh come on, not again.

Bad Humans destorying the beautyfull mother nature. Or sould i say goddess gaia?

This is the same kind of propaganda which is used by Al Gore and this green yuppies.

Whereas the propaganda used by the "other side" is represented by clamping hands over ears and singing loudly. Comment made for balance purposes ;)

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while i'm nowhere near a "green yuppie" it is alarming to see how fast the unhealthy development is going.

And it will be a hell of a job to turn back all the mistakes the governments and influential people have made. If only people weren't that ego-centered around the world....

Besides this movie is brilliantly made to spread the word, but I doubt it will reach the persons that should learn from it the most...

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this movie is masterpiece of nice nature footage and music combination ...

about the narration and text well it's well done but they missed out some facts (e.g. nuclear energy and such) ...

anyway it's worth the watch

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If you havn't seen it already, you may like Koyaanisqatsi as well. Very similiar, but no naration or text in that one.

Youtube has some great videos, particularly the Screening Room, personal favourite is Warlord.

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wow, nice movie and i have to conffess, i'm resposible for what's happening.

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I finally finished watching it. It was a great movie. I found the polar bear part kind of sad though. I know that they are one of the species that may not make it to the end of the century and the one in the movie was looking at the helicopter like it wanted help. Granted, I know thats not why it did it but it just seemed that way. The elephant did kind of the same thing too.

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Saw this one some time ago and agreed the footage is amazing. That we - the human race - is sucking our good host dry of bloo... resources cant be denied either. Time to rethink some things as we are supposed to be the "smart ones". Too much money in the process both in bad and good (public transport for one) that cant be stopped just "like that". But i think we can come up with solutions. Lots is being made in that area.

Im no green nut either, but it doesnt take many brain cells to understand that this earth is getting very populated wich need more and more resources plus at the same time the surface is getting smaller and smaller. Just check how much we grew as population over the world in just 100 years... I read that in 40 years roughly we need to produce twice the amount of food to sustain everyone. Towns (made of concrete and brick FYI) getting larger and larger and everything underneath that in the soil dies from no sunlight and air plus toxins. Were spreading. Time to build a rocket and GTFO! :D

Saw the movie "The Road" and even though they never say what really happened to the planet i started thinking about volcanos - especially after this one pumping ash out right now. Just think if a bunch of volcanos start pumping harder. Then we can say good bye as there is nothing we can do to stop it (ash blocks out sun - consequences will be bad ass). Anyway sorry slight OT. :)

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Time to build a rocket and GTFO! :D

and then what? :rolleyes:

Edited by ShadowY

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