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Tactical Systems - Command

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Finaly got around to trying this and I like it very much I must say nice Job! Looking forward to more missions, hopefully somebody will make some.


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what if the command net action could be accessed only off of a certain object like lets say a vehicle or a radio object? is that possible now? if true, this could be the workaround i've been looking for.

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I was just thinking today that I love large scale battles, but can't find an online community consistently running big WGL missions. So I decided to look into your CAE and see if there was a way to build on it to suit what I'm looking for.

Unfortunately I'm not on my OFP rig, so if these questions are stupid please forgive me.

1) Is this an extension of your CAE? Ie can you use this in a Dynamic Campaign, or is it more for single missions?

2) How scalable is it? I like the idea of managing a platoon sized element (ideally I would control a squad with other squads acting with me, but that might take some work), and I like being able to call for hings like air and armor support, but I don't want to have to manage everything out there.

3) I understand that its more realistic to have an HQ squad issuing the orders, but I really want to be in the combat. Can I play as one of the squad leaders that can issue orders to other units? (Hence my reluctance to have control over too many elements)

Essentially, I love the Dynamic Campaigns, and want to enjoy those on a platoon rather than squad level. To what extent does this mod do that/to what extent can it be manipulated to that? Just curious as I'm either going to work with this or CAE and see what I can accomplish.

Again, sorry if this sounds unnecessarily demanding, I'm not expecting OFP to be tailored to me, just wondering what's out there. "Play it yourself and come back with less stupid questions" is a perfectly reasonable response. ;)

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this idea would be perfect if helicopters had the option to land with engines off or land with engines on because dismount doesn't get the chopper to land its men and there are no other options.

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@ subferro. This is not a mission, it is a command engine. It can include as few or as many elements as OFP can handle. Any unit can be designated as a command unit by running a script on it. It's modular, you could be commanding a supporting sniper or an entire mech company with support. Give it a try, you'll see what I mean.

@ BronzeEagle. Thanks for reminding me about helos and landing, I'd totally forgotten about that. As for you question about running the dialog from an object, check TSC\Client\Start.sqs. In particular, look at the line:

player addAction ["COMMAND NET","TSC\Dialog\Dialog.sqs"]

Change player to whatever your object is called and you should be in business.

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OH MY Goodness ......

this is one fine play mod add on .. bout DAS and TSC ....

as you stated Drago69 , it is under the complexity of CoC, But to have Arty added to this

Ohhhhh Boy ....

I my self have only played around with the missions that came with the DL ..

and adding a few more troops here and there .... but My God Man .. you guys made a sweet @ss add on ..

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its great to make challenging levels then giving the player numerous ways to beat it. less linear. i just wish the enemy ai was a little better at information sharing but hey i can live without it. as far as the choppers idea drongo yeah if you put something in relation to them landing when you ask them to this script is perfect.

Edited by BronzeEagle

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@ subferro. This is not a mission, it is a command engine. It can include as few or as many elements as OFP can handle. Any unit can be designated as a command unit by running a script on it. It's modular, you could be commanding a supporting sniper or an entire mech company with support. Give it a try, you'll see what I mean.

@ BronzeEagle. Thanks for reminding me about helos and landing, I'd totally forgotten about that. As for you question about running the dialog from an object, check TSC\Client\Start.sqs. In particular, look at the line:

Change player to whatever your object is called and you should be in business.

lets say i instead of player put the name of my radioman. when my radioman dies, does the command net die with him if the action to bring it up is on just him? because thats what i want. i want the player to lose the command net if the radioman dies unless theres another radioman elsewhere. speaking of which, what about multiple names? or even classes?

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Quick question, is there any way to make it so that when the console opens, its big already, rather than having to click on it. Also, would it be possible to make it so that you can click on your unit icons to select them, and open the console upon their selection?

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@Bronzeeagle: The best way to do what you want is to have a radio weapon and add it to the array in Init.sqs. WGL, VTE and Tonal all include such weapons, I'm not sure if there are any standalone ones.

@Mjolnir66: Making the dialog always zoom requires dePBOing the addon and editing the .hpp file. From memory, you need to change autozoom to true. BTW, selecting units by clicking on their marker is already implemented, you just need to click on "select unit" first.

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@ subferro. This is not a mission, it is a command engine. It can include as few or as many elements as OFP can handle. Any unit can be designated as a command unit by running a script on it. It's modular, you could be commanding a supporting sniper or an entire mech company with support. Give it a try, you'll see what I mean.

@ BronzeEagle. Thanks for reminding me about helos and landing, I'd totally forgotten about that. As for you question about running the dialog from an object, check TSC\Client\Start.sqs. In particular, look at the line:

Change player to whatever your object is called and you should be in business.

now lets say this object was my radioman. i want the command net to go down with him if he dies, i think this will happen automatically im not sure yet. but i also want a script that if a certain unit like lets say the radioman on my squad under command goes down i can't control them anymore and they head back to base. that would be badass. ideas like this are the future of gaming to be told no matter how out of ordinary in concept, who knows bis might be reading this and ask for your little invention and hear our ideas and be able to make them so im just putting it out there. but as far as choppers you really should see to it that they perform as needed with this new radio.

Edited by BronzeEagle

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Sorry to bring this back up, I've been toying with this and its great, but I have one quick question. It seems like all units of a group try to get in the same transport, is there any way to change this? I'm trying to set up a mission with an M2A2 mech platoon with 3 rifle platoons of 8 and 4 Bradleys. Since Bradleys in game only hold 6 passengers, the platoons have to split up, but they seem a little resistant to do that. Anything that I can change to make that happen?

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Well, yes that would work, but the whole point was to keep my 3 squads of 8 rather than having to use 4 squads of 6....

Either way I found a workaround, not perfect but I can deal with it. To touch on another question that was raised in here, did anyone find a way to incorporate this with DAC. As in, getting groups created by DAC to activate the AddGroup script and get into the TSC groups?

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has the tsc been altered any for choppers? that would be great if we could command choppers a little better. maybe with like a land command.

Edited by BronzeEagle

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Sorry to bump, but I just tried this and am thrilled about how easy it is to use, a chopper land script is needed though please. If you could do a "land and disembark", move and disembark, or an eject script that would be fantastic and would keep down unit txt juggling. the first would work for chopper of course. the second would work for an APC, and the third would work for pilots or maby crews. maby a paradrop script aswell that would eject crews with 'chutes?

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yes i really wish the air transport portion would be worked out. ground wise its a charm.

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First post updated with the latest version. There is now a "Land" order for helos.

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drongo can you get the choppers to land and cut off engines or whats the deal with that, when i land the chopper i see it taking off soon again, i think when it sees a hostile on radar. them chopper pilots are too scared to touch down and stay there, if they could cut off engines upon landing or something it'd be great. if not ill just have to instruct the player about the scared pilots.

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Before you give a "land" command, you should give a "halt" command and set them to "travel" posture. I can probably automate this, will have a look later.

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a realism script where the enemy has a plan and moves and backs up other units, etc, but no timer or score keep. is that possible? basically what you already did but without the timer and visual score keep. I think that would be the most real, maybe a zone captured radio message instead of what you have now but, yeah that would be most real. is this possible?

Edited by BronzeEagle

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Hey Bronze, I'm sure you can take the timer off, I'm no scripter but I'll play around with it tonight to find which script the timer is in and the radio messages. If you want to simulate back up just make a few triggers with one adding the Addgroup command in the units command line. or if you want the cheap and easy way, get SLX+everymodyoucanthinkof to get group link 3.

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Yeah, Newabortion is right. One reason why all of the scripts are available at the editor level instead of PBOed in an addon is so that people can edit things to suit themselves.

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no i have no objection to how things are i just want to know how to get more realistic results as in no score system and timer but at the same time still have the ai converge on objectives, etc.

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