walker 0 Posted January 27, 2011 I'm having some trouble with mortars. I disassemble the mortar and two bags appear, but there's no option to pick them up. Hi Concurssi Look at them and use the Gear option Default Key [G] Kind Regardss walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
concurssi 11 Posted January 27, 2011 Ah, you have to open the gear menu. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 27, 2011 (edited) I'm having some trouble with mortars. I disassemble the mortar and two bags appear, but there's no option to pick them up. Ah, you have to open the gear menu. Lol all this time and I had the same problem, i did it once before where I was able to pick them up but figure out how i did it, and I swear all I did was look at the bags and it said pickup. ill give it a try again. Thanks Walker. Edited January 27, 2011 by Gnter Severloh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladlon 10 Posted January 28, 2011 Hi, Walker. Thanks for the response. So, you're saying that if I point out enemies (despite not being in a squad at the time), the othere AI will 'know of them' then (and may deal with them)? That would be great. I know that in Battlefield2 [....I pause and duck, just in case that's a bad word around here....] I love how it seems that if I report an enemy, I can almost count on one of the AI (including helicopters, tanks, etc) to pummel him soon afterwards... Very satisfying! Secondly, regarding re-arming in Flashpoint:Takistan... Ya, it doesn't appear that there are sniper ammo supplies anywhere built in... just regular ammo (via rearming at hummers, or from dead soldiers). Weird... Not sure if the 'mission' (which is completely randomly generated) is editable, so I'm not sure I can fix it myself. It places you in random spots as it is, so it doesn't appear you could just put a box 'at the start' even if you could edit it. But, I'm not sure... I suppose, I could just ditch the sniper rifle, and grab a regular gun from a dead guy. I'm not sure if there's any documentation on it. Haven't seen any, but I haven't fully searched, really. Just hoping someone here might know... ---------- Post added at 12:24 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:44 PM ---------- Easy one, this time... After upgrading to the latest patches for both OA and A2, I noticed that now I have blue icons travelling around on my map. It didn't take me long to realize that they appear to be live, constantly updating markers on where enemy units are. How do I get rid of those? Previously, I just had the 'spotted' enemy units appearing on the map (which was good), but this is a bit much. I tried a number of different items on the difficulty settings, but couldn't seem to get rid of them. Is there a way to restore it to how it was previously (with only spotted enemies appearing on the map)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walker 0 Posted January 28, 2011 ...Easy one, this time... After upgrading to the latest patches for both OA and A2, I noticed that now I have blue icons travelling around on my map. It didn't take me long to realize that they appear to be live, constantly updating markers on where enemy units are. How do I get rid of those? Previously, I just had the 'spotted' enemy units appearing on the map (which was good), but this is a bit much. I tried a number of different items on the difficulty settings, but couldn't seem to get rid of them. Is there a way to restore it to how it was previously (with only spotted enemies appearing on the map)? Hi KiloVenomIt was probably the spacebar you hit but while you were in high command mode so I am guessing warfare or some such was the mission type you were playing. http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/action/armaii/video/6268701 There is more information in the ArmA II manual. You may also search google for ArmA II "High command" Kind Regards walker Hi ladlon Blue Markers are usualy either Nato Markers for BLUEFOR your side and may also indicate that you have high command interface available to you, OR they may be information available to change via a difficulty setting. Usualy Enemy is indicated by Red markers for REDFOR. The video I posted above may explain this better. Kind Regards walker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladlon 10 Posted January 28, 2011 (edited) @Walker: Hi... Ya, I'm not sure what's going on here. I know about high command and all that... and it DOES appear to be using the high command icons (squares with X or an oval)... but I'm not sure why they are suddenly now there at all times. Previous to upgrading, I would just have the spotted enemy icons (red filled ovals with arrowheads)... but now, I have (from the very beginning, through no action of my own) what appears to be the locations of all the ENEMIES, updating (moving) continually in real time, marked by (what appears to be) BLUE high command icons. When enemies are spotted, the standard red filled circle icon appears underneath the blue high command type icon. It's like there's some cheat or debug tool being run, showing me where everyone is. I can't figure out what to set in the difficulty settings to get rid of it, or why they are there at all. Seems kind of odd they would be there (unless you are playing at the lowest difficulty). They only appear on the map. This is happening for every game I play in Arma2. I'll have to check it some more and see if it's still happening. I had some other odd things occuring while I was not fully patched up to the latest version (like about 20 sachel charges laying on the ground near my weapon crate and vehical in a Cipher session!). Perhaps some mods getting messed up because the core Arma2/OA program wasn't fully patched? Might be fixed now that I'm fully patched. I'll let you know... UPDATE: Ya, seems to be gone now. Must have been some clash between updated mods and an un-updated base Arma2/OA program. When I went to play again, each mod told me that it couldn't load the save games, as it wasn't compatible with the new version... I started new sessions (restart), and it's all fine now. Edited January 28, 2011 by ladlon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VladyVostok 10 Posted January 29, 2011 I have a question. What mods can i use in SP and won't require the server to have those mods.For example,i can't join a server that uses ACE,but i don't/Or I can't join a server that hasn't ACE but I do.Can i Use RUG DSAI? Or Zeus AI. At this moment,i don't have ARMA 2 OA installed. But i will put on those mods- Zeus AI,RUG DSAI,RUG High Dispersion,CBA,ACE,ACRE.Wich one requires to have both,me and the server? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 29, 2011 Hello and welcome to the community. Really depends on the server, the thing to keep in mind is you can run whatever you want but the catch is if you dont have the mods or files that the server requires to play whatever missions they are running then you will not get on. So the thing is you will need to find out what a specific server uses and or requires addon/mod wise before you can get on their server. Some servers dont have a requirement, for example I have a gameserver but its private always locked that requires no mods to play as i dont have any mods on the server or the server's cfg setup that requires a player to run a certain mod, so My buddies and I hop on our server with A2WarMod which has a ton of addons and mods and we get no problems. Missions on server like mine can be mod specific which means a mission can be built requiring a certain mod to be used for example if you use ACE units and stuff in a mission, you wont be able to play that mission without ACE so basically the mission is mod dependant. So to the point being is you can run what you want but if a server requires a certain mod then you have to have that mod if you want to play on that server. does that makes sense? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KiloVenom 10 Posted January 30, 2011 I'm in a mission and it's become dark. Is there a way to advance time to day light? I know about increasing the time rate but even at x4 it would take a long time to skip 8 hours. Is there a way to go to bed or skip time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 30, 2011 Yes there is but I believe you will need a script to skip time. I had seen this before in a mission long ago dont recall, but for your particular question ask here, maybe one of the scripters or coders could tell you how: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=93 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KiloVenom 10 Posted January 31, 2011 Yes there is but I believe you will need a script to skip time. I had seen this before in a mission long ago dont recall, but for your particular question ask here, maybe one of the scripters or coders could tell you how: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=93 Is it me or did the game developers release this game way before they should have? Like they should have beta-tested it for a few more months. We know of all the glitches. But there are simple things like my AI drives worse than a monkey when I'm in the gunner seat. I mean they don't even know how to drive around a bush, let alone just drive over it. They didn't consider a player might not want to attack at night? And therefore be able to advance time as they desire (they could have asked the makers of Far Cry for help on that one)? Your gun disappears if you enter the purchase weapon menu. Eventually your gun disappears anyways and you're left with an AK-47. I can't build vehicles in the last mission because it tells me I can't reinforce... and on on... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 31, 2011 This thread is a discussian about things a newer player needs help with or questions about and not the place for complaining about what BIS should have or shouldn't have done, or issues with AI, there are threads setup for such topics please search for them and or use them in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VladyVostok 10 Posted January 31, 2011 Hello and welcome to the community.Really depends on the server, the thing to keep in mind is you can run whatever you want but the catch is if you dont have the mods or files that the server requires to play whatever missions they are running then you will not get on. So the thing is you will need to find out what a specific server uses and or requires addon/mod wise before you can get on their server. Some servers dont have a requirement, for example I have a gameserver but its private always locked that requires no mods to play as i dont have any mods on the server or the server's cfg setup that requires a player to run a certain mod, so My buddies and I hop on our server with A2WarMod which has a ton of addons and mods and we get no problems. Missions on server like mine can be mod specific which means a mission can be built requiring a certain mod to be used for example if you use ACE units and stuff in a mission, you wont be able to play that mission without ACE so basically the mission is mod dependant. So to the point being is you can run what you want but if a server requires a certain mod then you have to have that mod if you want to play on that server. does that makes sense? A big part of it does make sens.So i can use every mod i want,but to join a server that uses a specific mod and requires it,I need to have it to be able to join that server.But, if i have mods that affect gameplay,and that server doesn't require that mod,or doesn't ban that mod,can I still join it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted January 31, 2011 (edited) But, if i have mods that affect gameplay,and that server doesn't require that mod,or doesn't ban that mod,can I still join it? Yes you should be able to join the server with no issues, as long as you have the mod the server requires, and you game has the latest patch that the server is running, and you have battleye you should be able to get on np. What you see and or experience ingame versus another player will be different unless you both have the same thing running obviously. But for the servers, let me explain how the server has their setup for when they require a mod. Theres a code in the server's cfg which is this code: equalModRequired = 1; which means: Clients (this means the players joining the server) require the exact same modfolder naming, order and amount as the server. 1 means active, 0 disabled. So if a server has this code running in their cfg then lets say the server only has ACE2 running and nothing else, then you will need ACE2 to play, but if the server has ACE2 and not the latest version then if I remember correctly you need the same version too. If a server admin setsup his server right he should have what mods he is running in the title line, thats what I would do if I had mods on the server. My gameserver called 3PGD WarMod is a private server pretty much anyone can join the server if they know the pw but there are no mods on the server as I dont have any missions on the server that require mods. All the missions built that are on the server are custom mp, with many scripts. Now this is something I think alot of servers should do, is just build or run missions that dont require mods, I personaly think theres already plently of units and what not to play with in the game, but for a misson its really ones imagination that decides how a mission plays out, scripts can do miracles versus mods required. Edited January 31, 2011 by Gnter Severloh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
concurssi 11 Posted February 1, 2011 Is there a way for me to order the friendly AI squads around in Warfare? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted February 1, 2011 Probably not, If AI is not already under your command or you cannot get new ones, and or unless specified in the mission you probably wont be able to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith 0 Posted February 2, 2011 When playing a Warfare mission where you are the Commander, you should be able to switch to High Command mode (Ctrl + Spacebar). This allows you to select all AI combat teams using the F-keys or by clicking on them on the map, give them individual orders and assign them to tasks. Pressing Ctrl-Spacebar once more will take you back to control of your regular squad. New tasks can be created right-clicking on the map; e.g. doing this on a neutral/enemy town's depot marker will allow you to create a "Capture" task. Selected teams in High Command can be assigned to this task by left clicking on it in the map view. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
concurssi 11 Posted February 2, 2011 Aha, thank you very much :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VladyVostok 10 Posted February 3, 2011 Yes you should be able to join the server with no issues, as long as you have the mod the server requires, and you game has the latest patch that the server is running, and you have battleye you should be able to get on np. What you see and or experience ingame versus another player will be different unless you both have the same thing running obviously. But for the servers, let me explain how the server has their setup for when they require a mod. Theres a code in the server's cfg which is this code: equalModRequired = 1; which means: Clients (this means the players joining the server) require the exact same modfolder naming, order and amount as the server. 1 means active, 0 disabled. So if a server has this code running in their cfg then lets say the server only has ACE2 running and nothing else, then you will need ACE2 to play, but if the server has ACE2 and not the latest version then if I remember correctly you need the same version too. If a server admin setsup his server right he should have what mods he is running in the title line, thats what I would do if I had mods on the server. My gameserver called 3PGD WarMod is a private server pretty much anyone can join the server if they know the pw but there are no mods on the server as I dont have any missions on the server that require mods. All the missions built that are on the server are custom mp, with many scripts. Now this is something I think alot of servers should do, is just build or run missions that dont require mods, I personaly think theres already plently of units and what not to play with in the game, but for a misson its really ones imagination that decides how a mission plays out, scripts can do miracles versus mods required. Hey man,really thanks for your help. But,1 thing is keeping me away from Online and loading Saved Games...I think it is not the right thread,but i have SLX and if i want to load a saved game it says: Cannot play/edit this mission because of the downloadable content that has been deleted-CAname.(CAweapons,CAbizon).But i never had or i never deleted that content.I have read some threads about this problem because i have the Standalone Expansion,should I buy Arma 2,and this problem will be fixed? I also tried with out SLX Online but it says that i cannot join because of the downloadable content that has been deleted and again,CAname... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted February 3, 2011 VladyVostok, what mods do you have setup, any addons, or mods you are using, and what were you doing before the message came up? Was your game working before then? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airborne_1944 10 Posted February 4, 2011 Noob Question here. What does BatttleEye do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VladyVostok 10 Posted February 4, 2011 VladyVostok, what mods do you have setup, any addons, or mods you are using, and what were you doing before the message came up?Was your game working before then? Ok,so I uninstall'd the game,Reinstall it,with no mods,and same thing with CAname...And i'm kinda pieced off...I'm playing the demo from steam in MP,and i can't play the full game in MP :/ Right now i have ACE,ACEX,ACE_SM,Rug_DSAI,RUG_HD,JSRS,JTD Fire and Smoke, and NIM Dynamic Weather,and some small mods(Different Infantry Units mods) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4086 Posted February 4, 2011 What does BatttleEye do? To get a better idea of what the BattlEye Anti-Cheat Engine stands for, here is a list of the core features of the engine: Fast dynamic and permanent scanning of the player's system in both user- and kernel-mode (currently in development) using almost exclusively heuristic/generic detection routines for maximum effectiveness BE Client is using innovative, sophisticated detection routines, such as entirely dynamic on-the-fly scanning being controlled by the BE Master Server, advanced debugging techniques and full scanning of relocatable memory BE Server is keeping full control over the game server, enforcing quick and constant responses from all BE Clients and instantly kicking violating players BE Server and BE Client are communicating via highly encrypted network packets Secure BE Master based auto-update system using one or more physical servers, working very reliably and bandwidth-friendly without disturbing the player @VladyVostok what game are you playing Arma2 alnoe or OA or CO, and is your game patched? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VladyVostok 10 Posted February 6, 2011 I just bought OA and it says Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead-Standalone Expansion to Arma 2.And yes,i do have the latest patch(1.57 and 1.57 beta) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kris72 10 Posted February 6, 2011 Hello Playing Domi AI version, was wondering if there are any diff in the behavior of the AI? trying to play around with laser with the AI as pilots, well, they kinda suck..lol. Would adding a pilot AI help in any way? Just placing AT soldiers in there atm (if it does i need to figure out how to swap those awswell but thats another tread) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites