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Nato last fight against taliban

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What, you mean the current offensive? I don't see it being able to single-handedly end a war against a terrorist insurgent force. They're always able to find supporters and recruit people in that part of the world.

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What, you mean the current offensive? I don't see it being able to single-handedly end a war against a terrorist insurgent force. They're always able to find supporters and recruit people in that part of the world.

Please explain.

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Big problem for india army now,now terrorist will move to indian border.

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Please explain.

There's currently a large offensive underway in Afghanistan involving NATO forces who are trying to push the Taliban out of Helmand Province. It's been "advertised" as the largest offensive of the war since the invasion. According to CTV, they're reaching the Taliban haven of Marjah.

And for the last part of my post, people in these parts of the Middle East have very little to live for. Few jobs, low or non-existent wages, terrible hygiene and constant war. It's easy for the men to sign up to terrorist and/or insurgent groups, like the Taliban. How can we really defeat that?

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Well, a large offensive is all good and everything but I think to say it will be the last fight with the taliban may be a bit short sighted.

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Well, a large offensive is all good and everything but I think to say it will be the last fight with the taliban may be a bit short sighted.
There will be no last fight until all occupant have left Afghanistan and the clanleaders have reestablished what they see as the natural state of afghan society. There is no real "peace" in A-stan since the 18th century, just periods of absence of war.

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i double what said above, bravo Beagle

Few jobs, low or non-existent wages, terrible hygiene and constant war. It's easy for the men to sign up to terrorist and/or insurgent groups, like the Taliban. How can we really defeat that?

it is real issue - if people do not value their life - they fight and make war very easy

how can you defeat that ?

1) living them alone, 9-11 won't be repeated if US won't be doing their foreign politics the way Reagan/Bush did

you must understand one thing - if you come to someone's house and do something against him , and as reaction he kicks you, than you should not ask "how can i stop him from kicking me" but simply leave his house

2)giving people peace will stop war - easy

it is vicious circle when someone thing he will make peace sending more troops and more tanks , violence always causes another violence, one death always causes revenge and etc.

3) job, hygiene ? why you think they must live your way ? maybe they want watch horizon and eat milk and cake instead of doing business (job) our way in bureau ?

problem is when one country things people in other country must live other way than they live

they have other religion and other rules and life philosophy, pushing force to change them - only make them mad

now turn situation back for example

Afghan invades America and want to: turn them Islam, make them high taxes and socialism, forbid gun ownership, forbid drink beer, forbid to wear hats, forbid to drive big cars and only public transport , American guerrillas fight and some of Afghans ask "what can we do to stop them?"

how does it sound like ?

hah ? or take under account alcohol prohibition in States, what it made ? mafia, al-capone and etc.

from your point of view their life can be sad, from their own point of view not, cause maybe they do not want to "earn working but more farmer life like in middle ages?"

you judge their problems from "economic" way of thinking, maybe they need no money, but "what grown here in my farm and my goats?" maybe they have other values in life ? if they want live in middle ages with goats, long beards, 4 wives (yeah it is best) - it is their choice

problem is always when you make someone your way

and violence causes hate and will to revenge

the same what you have with Talibs you can have in subcultures wars

i can tell you example from my teen ages

i was among guys who loved Kreator, Metallica, i had long hairs , black boots etc.

a lot of lads/hooligans called in Poland "dres" (sports wear) were fighting us to make us cut our hair and wear Adidas/Reebok/Nike clothes they loved

violence was big, there were even cases that someone was killed

cause someone wanted us to listen to DJ Bobo in 1992-1995 (strong fights on my neigbourhood)

because their group wanted change our clothes style , than now they are hated by many of people

and noone of us ever shake hand of man in sports wear, rather thinking "how to destroy this fu***"

the same with presence of "white man looking for gold, coal, iron, oil" in some regions of world

the same that worked for mafia, prohibition, the same that worked for metal vs dress, reggae rasta/punk vs. skinhead , works talib vs. west soldier

4) constant wars ? yes - since white man came here to make colonies, to take oil etc.

you really not see that some warful regions are consequence of our (white man, Europe, America) deeds from XIX/XX centuries ?

Middle East conflicts arose when we came to take oil in early XX c.

many problems began with "colonies" and "trying to Christianize"

5) in some years our cars, vehicles will have alternative energy sources, hydro vehicles, electric vehicles and problem will solve itself , cause we won't be sticking nose to Arabian region

3 countries that have biggest oil sources: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran

1 cooperated and making business (Saudi)

other not wanted so invaded (Iraq), now from third propaganda make "devil" to get all oil sources in the world

can't you see it ??

6) maybe very very important factor to destroy wars is showing people "reasons to live" ?

they believe (their religion) that present life is not important, cause in heaven award awaits

so life on earth can be poor, sad, hard, but in heaven...

you will have the same in many religions

till we not kill last god , we will not have peace on earth, "religion is hate, religion is war, religion is fear " (Slayer lyrics)

they not have reasons to live, they have reasons to die... for god and heaven

but we also cannot replace religion by "bank account" virtue, cause then we will make evil greed society - which will be ten times worse

our "white man" civilization made step to be more atheistic, so we have less reasons to fight , simply we should leave that region in peace, let they will solve their own problems themselves , when they will in some decades throw away gods , they will also throw away rifles

you will not kill war without killing god (religion, church system etc.) , cause almost every religion priests justify killing other religion people (even if this religion holy book do not do it)

in every religion priests twist and change "holy ancient book" words

- thats why i am atheist - i have one less reason to hate and kill other people, i may laugh at them, but i won't take rifle to my hand to change someone "god" with my "god" like people did since some thousand year

today you say about Talibs and 9-11, but back in time... we made crusades and slaughtered poor peaceful Arabs , we slaughtered Indians in America, Aborigens etc. Catholics slaughtered Orthodox (conflict Polish-Russian in past) most of wars in past have "religion" as background

Edited by vilas

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