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F-4E Phantom II - 'Wild Weasel'

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Not quite that one... it was a file front file, but didn't work..... Thanks for that link, that viper model link works. I'll have to tinker with it a bit. However, I do want to say that in

all the BSG commentary, we are losing track of a configuration issue with ALL the conversions that are being done. I hate to say it, but we need to figure out the afterburner thing. That exploit where you turn off the engines but leave them at part throttle, and then turn on the burner script BEFORE restarting the engines is insane. I actually hit 8000 (took a screen shot, haven't looked at it yet). Talk about breaking missle lock. I hate to hold up the process, since I know you've got other stuff you want to release, but maybe you should? Or maybe release them without the afterburners?

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any chance of a fix for the F4 afterburner?

it's great but it blows the tyres off and you die if you try to use it to launch, and we just put it in all the aircraft carriers as the AB was so darn good at getting you off the deck...

would love to see it fixed. such a great plane

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Okay ladies and gents... after hours of pouring over the scripts for the afterburners (and knowing that you'll be going a completely different direction on the next release), I have solved Eble's afterburner issue by the careful application of editorial skills. And yes, it is still based on speed, but I have removed a single line of script which was probably causing all the issues. I removed the "looptime" and adjusted a couple of other things after finally realizing that the looptime was making the entire particle and boost routine bunch up on itself. The entire Afterburner.sqs script is below (albeit for the F4 - but it will work on the F15, too, with different particle positions... i.e., don't mess with the particle attachment locations):

<Adjusted 4/29/10, 9:07 p.m. Pacific Time>

// ---------------------

// Original FX scripts by Lethal

// Modified by Gnat

// ---------------------

private ["_MaxIntensity","_Boost","_leftengine","_rightengine","_emitters","_Intensity","_looptime", "_plane"];

_MaxIntensity = 0.24;

_Boost = 0.25;

_Intensity = 0.20;

//_this setvariable ["afterburner",false];

_maxspeed = 1450;

_plane = _this;

_plane animate ["ABSwitch",1];

sleep 0.5;

_this say "RKTF4_burner";

_leftengine = "#particlesource" createVehicle position _this;

_rightengine = "#particlesource" createVehicle position _this;

_emitters = [_leftengine,_rightengine];

{_x setParticleRandom [0.05,[0.05,0.05,0.05],[0.05,0.05,0.05],0,0.8,[0.1,0.1,0.1,0],0,0]} foreach _emitters;

{_x setDropInterval 0} foreach _emitters;

_looptime = 0.1;

_runtime = 200;

while {(alive _plane) and (_plane animationphase "ABSwitch" >= 0.1)} do {

if (isengineon _plane) then {

if (time >= (_timestamp + 0.8)) then {

_plane say "RKTF4_burner";

_timestamp = time;


if (_Intensity < _MaxIntensity) then {_Intensity = _Intensity + 0.1*(15*_looptime)};

if ((speed _this) < _maxspeed) then {_this setVelocity [(velocity _this select 0)+((vectordir _this) select 0)*((_Boost*_Intensity)*(15*_looptime)),(velocity _this select 1)+((vectordir _this) select 1)*((_Boost*_Intensity)*(15*_looptime)),(velocity _this select 2)+((vectordir _this) select 2)*((_Boost*_Intensity)*(15*_looptime))]};

if (fuel _this > 0) then {_this setFuel ((fuel _this)-((0.500/12500)*(3*_looptime)))};


else {if (_Intensity > 0) then {_Intensity = _Intensity - 0.2*(15*_looptime)}};

_leftengine setParticleParams ["\Ca\data\cl_exp","","Billboard",1,0.07,[-0.40,-6.0,-.80],[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30,(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30,(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30],1,1.2745,1,0,[0.6+(2*(speed _this/_maxspeed)),0.5+(10*(speed _this/_maxspeed))],[[0.040,0.100,0.900,0.1500*_Intensity],[0.200,0.200,0.800,0.1000*_Intensity],[0.500,0.200,0.000,0.0250*_Intensity],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000*_Intensity]],[0],0,0,"","",_this];

_rightengine setParticleParams ["\Ca\data\cl_exp","","Billboard",1,0.07,[0.40,-6.0,-.80],[(velocity _this select 0) - ((vectordir _this) select 0)*30,(velocity _this select 1) - ((vectordir _this) select 1)*30,(velocity _this select 2) - ((vectordir _this) select 2)*30],1,1.2745,1,0,[0.6+(2*(speed _this/_maxspeed)),0.5+(10*(speed _this/_maxspeed))],[[0.040,0.100,0.900,0.1500*_Intensity],[0.200,0.200,0.800,0.1000*_Intensity],[0.500,0.200,0.000,0.0250*_Intensity],[0.000,0.000,0.000,0.0000*_Intensity]],[0],0,0,"","",_this];

{_x setpos (getpos _this)} foreach _emitters;

if (_Intensity > 0) then {{_x setDropInterval 0.001} foreach _emitters} else {{_x setDropInterval 0} foreach _emitters};

sleep 0.05; // mod by Crowe

_runtime = _runtime -1;


deleteVehicle _leftengine;

deleteVehicle _rightengine;

sleep 3;

And I know, you knew that all along, Myke. *LOL*

I'm going to put this on the F4 post so that those folks like me who like to tinker can fix their F4 models before the next release. It'll work on the F14, too.

Edited by quicksilver67
performance tweak

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any chance of a re-release ofthe F4 with the fix - i fly these things every day and it's a shame not to use the AB.

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Eble will eventually release it with a new system and pimped out accessories. Its weapons will be added to the GLT weapon box, meaning they'll show up when you re-arm in game (and other cool things in the future). In the meantime, if you REALLY want to mess with it, get Arma Tools at: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=411

Use the unPBO to unpack the PBO file (which gives you a folder), then use unRap to open the config file. Look down about half way in the config file, and you'll find the actual plane itself. Look for this line: maxSpeed = 1450; (I bumped it up because 1450 kph translates to 900 mph, which is correct sea level performance for the F4-E ). Then save the config.cpp file, and erase the old config.bin file (this will hurt nothing, and will allow you to tweak other lines such as ailerons and elevators to more reflect actual performance). Go into the scr folder, and save the original Afterburner script as something like "OldAfterburner." Then open up the script and paste the new script over it. Save as Afterburner.sqf script, then exit to the AddOns folder, and pack up the rktf4 folder as a PBO again.... easy!

Or, you could simply wait a while for them to release the updated and fixed versions. It's Eble's ballgame, not mine. I just fix things.

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yeah ive been all over the confiog for these cos i run a script that uparms them and i looked at the afterburner a while back but couldnt see the bug that you found - so well done for that. its just that i dont want to make my own version ofthis as the guys who play on my server will all need it and then it could get tricky. would prefer a fixed version from the creator if possible.

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Was getting this error (while running ACE, but I doubt it's related when looking at the actual error):

Error in expression <_num1 = [b]_number[/b] / 100>
 Error position: <_number / 100>
 [b]Error Undefined variable in expression: _number[/b]
Error in expression <(_num1 < 1)>
 Error position: <_num1 < 1)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1
Error in expression <(_num1 >=1 && _num1< 2)>
 Error position: <_num1 >=1 && _num1< 2)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1
Error in expression <(_num1 >=2 && _num1< 3)>
 Error position: <_num1 >=2 && _num1< 3)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1
Error in expression <(_num1 >=3 && _num1< 4)>
 Error position: <_num1 >=3 && _num1< 4)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1
Error in expression <(_num1 >=4 && _num1< 5)>
 Error position: <_num1 >=4 && _num1< 5)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1
Error in expression <(_num1 >=5 && _num1< 6)>
 Error position: <_num1 >=5 && _num1< 6)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1
Error in expression <(_num1 >=6 && _num1< 7)>
 Error position: <_num1 >=6 && _num1< 7)>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _num1

And this goes on for a while. Looks like _number is an undefined variable and this results in the rest of the stuff not being defined as well...

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Now that I see you posted in both threads, maybe you mean "same bug" rather than "some bug"? :)

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This addon is not compatible and was not tested with ACE in mind sorry.

It will produce errors.

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