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Amazingly stupid question, however...

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...I need to ask it! :D

I've been playing the game for quite some time now so I really don't know how I haven't sorted this out yet but here it is: When I'm team leader and want each team member to target a specific target in the 'hold fire' mode for example, how do I do it without using the drop-down menu (flawed because it often contains duplicates which makes selecting the correct target a bit of a gamble).

In OFP and A1 it was a simple matter of selecting your man, then right-clicking on the target with the cursor to get a "two, target that machine gunner" type scenario.

The system seems to work differently now. Either that or I must be missing something.

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Sheesh, I guessed it probably was a stupid question but 36 views and no response. Obviously more stupid than I imagined! :p

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BIS changed this procedure

if all your AI units are on cease/hold-fire:

- press F key for your AI

- scroll down and click last option "communicate"

- right click on the target (eg for "Target that machinegunner.")

- press F key to open fire for AI

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Aha! Thanks, I'll check that out. I've looked at the 'communicate' option but most of the time it's blank. So that in conjunction with right-click? Thanks again.

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Or you could just remap the "reveal target"(which also assigns targets) button from hold right mouse button, which is no good, to something else ,like a key, so you don't get the annoying revealing in MP. Then pressing it will order the selected plebs to target.

You can remap it to just 'right mouse button' which should work aswell, its the 'hold' part that has issues.

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Remap your keys. in the controls option, remove RMB from BACK... if it sounded confusing, I'm sorry

In the control options, on the left side there's a list of actions.

Look for BACK

remove RMB for it

Then you can use RMB enemy to target it... just like it used to in OFP and ARMA1

Hope you can understand what I'm getting at

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Remap your keys. in the controls option, remove RMB from BACK... if it sounded confusing, I'm sorry

In the control options, on the left side there's a list of actions.

Look for BACK

remove RMB for it

Then you can use RMB enemy to target it... just like it used to in OFP and ARMA1

Hope you can understand what I'm getting at

That worked perfectly. Cheers!

As a matter of interest, the option above 'back' is 'select'. What does 'select' do?

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