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Feature Request: Trained Vs Untrained units

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A central problem with ArmA II is that it does not reflect superior training and tactics for better trained units over those with little to no training. Would someone be so kind as to make modules for trained or untrained units?

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You can set the units skill when you make the mission.

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Indeed. I've longed to make a mission where the player commands a large mob of untrained troops supported by one small but well trained AI unit. Unfortunately this isn't doable, as it's the same AI for all units or none.

Unit skill levels are OK, but not quite enough, as the the stock AI is, well... stupid in a wrong way. :)

Edited by dialektiikka

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let me think)) something about a mob of a much more stupid tagrets aganist cool hunter man with coolest fashion' gears ??


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Uh-oh I smell a topic closure...

You can set the units skill when you make the mission.

I guess he wants new animations to have "untrained" units to fire in totally unproper ways, like on the illustration


and many more from BHD I guess :)

For AI there is GL4 with switchable AI features and the AI enhancement of Fabrizio_t, if it ever gets released...


let me think)) something about a mob of a much more stupid tagrets aganist cool hunter man with coolest fashion' gears ??


Yeah, seeminlgy there is a need for a little turkey-shooting here :D

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this will be closed and moved to addon request i'm sure...interesting idea i guess

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first we need an AI that behaves like trained units. only then we can make them more stupid lol^^

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I think this should be somekind of a priority for the community...

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If you want to, you can help me beta test this addon:


Which adds "High Dispersion" units to all sides (well, HD weapons really, but anyway) - these weapons are less accurate than regular weapons and can be used to simulate poorly trained units/crappy firearms.

Just a thought :)



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Looks interesting... I'll give you a hand, just finished a good mission to try it in.

Tomorrow i'll let you know ;)

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adds "High Dispersion" units to all sides... these weapons are less accurate than regular weapons and can be used to simulate poorly trained units/crappy firearms.

This combined with the settings for courage etc. in Group Link 4 AI mod might prove to work. :)

Would be great if High Dispersion could be placed as linkable module that automatically transformed the units' weapons to HD. Then again, I don't dare hope it can be made that easy :rolleyes:

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Well, instead of a module I've simple added units with the weapons + groups, so you can simply use F2 and plop down a group of "HD" soldiers every bit as simply as adding regular soldiers :) Currently the vehicles aren't HD, but I might be working on fixing that...



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I tried it today.

I feel the difference even if it doesen't seems much...i tried my GRU units against 3 teams of guerrillas in HD. Just one kia. I don't know if your mod influences movement too, as it looked like they were behaving badly but shooting wasn't too dispersive. Short range was not affected, maybe just reaction time.

Btw don't misunderstand me. I mean good work; you made a step forward doubtless. ;)

If i can help more just ask :)

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I tried it today.

I feel the difference even if it doesen't seems much...i tried my GRU units against 3 teams of guerrillas in HD. Just one kia. I don't know if your mod influences movement too, as it looked like they were behaving badly but shooting wasn't too dispersive. Short range was not affected, maybe just reaction time.

I didn't mean to hijack this thread, sorry to the OP: if you want to discuss it over at OFPEC that'd be fine too :) I'll probably make a thread for it on these forum too soon enough though.

Anyway, I'd say 3 teams of HD guerillas only being able to kill one of your dudes is HD enough! The mod doesn't influence anything but dispersion, but it does bring out some of the flaws and perks of BIS default AI. At short ranges, the units will put a LOT of bullets downrange, meaning they'll still get plenty of kills - try it at ranges of 100+ meters and you'll see a much more prolonged firefight. Also, since the units are 'designed' to be able to kill with a few shots, they usually just crouch down in the middle of the road and shoot - except now they don't hit, but they still keep shooting, instead of shooting a few and then taking cover. So they do 'seem' very stupid, although normally it would be more of a find target - shoot - kill - take cover routine, now it gets stuck on the -shoot- since they're missing all the time.

Try one of the HD weapons yourself and see how the spread is. If you think it should be even bigger, it's easy enough for me to change, but I'd like some opinions on that of course :)

Anyway, sorry to the OP: I can move this discussion to its own thread instead of hijacking this one!



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