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[SP/COOP/ADDON-FREE] 1-13 Red Mercury v0.90 (Beta)

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Teaser trailer added in first post.


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Thank you very very much for releasing a coop mission that doesn't need any addons at all. I am so ****** of missions that requires mass of addons, even if the addons are called ACE or something...

Looking forward to play this mission most definitely.

Oh, and thanks for using the Ghost Recon music in your trailer, the first Ghost Recon is epic.


Edited by Bon

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the first Ghost Recon is epic.

Could not agree more, played it before I found OFP. Not as varied and sandboxy as BIS games but still very atmospheric.

Hope you enjoy the mission,


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Gave your mission a whirl... I've haven't gotten very far in yet, but so far it's pretty kick-ass! Awesome briefing and info and that GR1 music brings back good old memories indeed. :)

A bit of help though... after clearing the initial enemy compound and then looking around for probably 10-15 min, I can't seem to locate the computer... any hints?

Also, I've been playing solo in MP, to keep the ground and helo groups separate. Out of curiosity, why combine the two groups in SP? Imo, that really makes it hard to give your ground squad orders (as you have to keep checking/deselecting the guys in the helo). After all, you can teamswitch back and forth between the ground squad and the helo when the groups are separate... so why have one big group?

btw- I'm liking the whole teamswitch-with-separate-squad-and-helo-groups thing so much that I've been toying around with writing a small command system (for SP use, maybe MP eventually) that works something like this:

1. When playing as the ground forces, you get radio options to call the ai-controlled helo in to your position, and an option to order helo back to base. So lets say as the ground forces you call in the helo in to your position (from base where it was awaiting the order).

2. Once the helo get's close to your squad's position... Because the AI is rubbish at landing air vehicles / taking off again without crashing into the trees, at this point you as the player teamswitch to the helo pilot and land the bird yourself, next to your ground troops (with precision of course, as you are human).

3. Now, when playing as the pilot, you get radio options to order the squad to board -and- an option to order the squad to dismount. After they are boarded up, you as the player pilot fly the troops to a new location, and order them to dismount.

4. Once they are all dismounted at the new location, you teamswitch back into the ground forces group leader and order the chopper back to base.

Most importantly, all of this occurs while keeping the ground squad and the helo crew in separate groups!!!

So, I've got a rudimentary version of that system up and running as an addon I made specifically for your mission, and it works! (With a few glitches I'm ironing out.) Funny thing is that, this has got to be the first time I've ever created an addon specifically for someone else's mission! :D

Maybe you might be interested to include this functionality (or something like it) into your mission for those who wish to play in SP?

Anyhow, thanks for the mission... so maybe I'll stop the bomb and the on the other hand maybe a big city goes up??? Only one way to find out... :p

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Thanks a lot for the nice feedback MadRussian,

Ghost Recon was a great game :bounce3:

Your group script addon seems interesting, maybe you could give me a link or e-mail it to me if you want me to check it out.

You might be right on the SP big group, with teamswitch it's not really necessary.

Hint on the laptop: It is inside the building at a random buildingPos, could be anywhere, but definitely visible. Check EVERY little space in the building. An officer is usually guarding it.

:o An embarrassing mission design flaw is that you have all the time in the world to find the bomb in v0.90. I included a boolean variable that makes sure the timer stops when you disarm the bomb, so that IF there would be only seconds left the bomb wouldn't go off in the winning outro or something. Stupidly I forgot to initiate this variable as false in the init.sqf, so the trigger that detonates the bomb when the time is out is not functional right now. This is fixed in v0.91, so maybe you want to wait and try that version instead. I could e-mail it or something.

The nuke still goes off if you screw up the disarm...

[email protected]



Edited by laggy

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Your group script addon seems interesting, maybe you could give me a link or e-mail it to me if you want me to check it out.

I'm still polishing the functionality and it's more complicated than originally thought, but if and when I get it in perfect working order, I'll send it your way. I'll probably also release for general purpose, as I think this is the ideal way to transport playable troops via helo. (i.e. without crashing AI pilots, etc)

You might be right on the SP big group, with teamswitch it's not really necessary.

Sounds good. One related recommendation regarding your Beachhead mission: It's cool to be able to combine the two groups for SP. How about the ability to split them up again? And how about adding this ability to MP? That would make for the perfect 2-man coop experience, being able to group together and then split back up depending on the circumstances. btw- Another kick-ass mission you've created! :)

Hint on the laptop: It is inside the building at a random buildingPos, could be anywhere, but definitely visible. Check EVERY little space in the building. An officer is usually guarding it.

I see, that's a neat way to do it! I'm assuming once you locate the computer, you get an action?

Just a minor suggestion though, but maybe add an option in the parameters to mark the exact position of the computer (with a small dot mark or something), maybe even upon clearing the base. For some of us, it really isn't fun to look around all over the place for something, especially inside a compound with numerous buildings / rooms / levels. :eek:

Plus I really did end up stuck last time, after looking what I thought was everywhere in there. Maybe the computer ended up hidden inside a dead body??? Perhaps that officer you mentioned?!? :p

:o An embarrassing mission design flaw is that you have all the time in the world to find the bomb in v0.90.


Now that is a funny one! :D

Thanks for the heads up though. I'll add that initialization to my helo addon for the moment until your next release. I'm really having fun with your missions... you've really got a knack for this!

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I see, that's a neat way to do it! I'm assuming once you locate the computer, you get an action?

Yes, "Extract Computer Files" will show up as an action.

FYI, if you initiate goodend = false, the timer will blow the nuke, BUT then the geiger meters won't work. Not an easy choice, but like I said this idiotic mistake from my part is already fixed in v0.91. My perfectionist side with sounds, resources and outro made me screw up in the last minute :o

I'll most likely release v0.91 tomorrow, so if you want to wait I can PM you when it is out. I don't think any other flaws will be found, since I tested the mission quite thoroughly on a dedicated server.

However, I still have some problems with the briefing updates, which sometimes are not a 100%. When teamswitching, some tasks can show up twice. It doesn't affect the mission, but looks bad. Have asked for advice on OFPEC on this, but still no answers.

Thanks again,


Edited by laggy

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first of all glad to know there are ghost recon 1(!) fans out there,thought I was alone in the dark...need help with pilot in sp:he said "where should we go,sir?"but I am unable to give him coords on map..so I switched to his slot but after landing he refused to stop and all my squad died

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Well, was this version 0.91?

I chose to NOT join the groups since you can teamswitch anyhow.

Just fly the chopper yourself and if need be turn off the engine when you have stopped, that way it should work ok.

I might include a possibility to join the groups, but so far most players seem to prefer that the groups are kept separate.

Try it again and stick to version 0.91, I would love some feedback ;)


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Thanks for making a mission that doesn't use a crap ton of addons to go chase down, laggy! I started the mission and I have really liked what I have seen so far, but I have a really dumb question:

When you first start off in the chopper, how do you tell it where to go, or are you supposed to take control of the pilot and fly yourself? That's what I initially did. However, when I landed, I told my guys to disembark and then I switched back to the group leader and got out. When the AI pilot took control of the chopper, he suddenly decided to go about 50 feet in the air. This resulted in about 3 of my guys falling to their deaths as they were disembarking. He later settled down and the rest of my guys got out ok until the chopper got shot down while it was hovering. Is there a way to avoid this random jump in height, or do I just have to wait until all my guys get out to switch back to group leader? It wasn't pretty helplessly watching my poor guys fall to their deaths :(.

I'll post some feedback once I've finished the mission. Thanks!

Edit: I just saw Aelin had a similar prob. Guess I just have to wait until I switch back to group leader. I'm using .91.

Edited by Rambler

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Thankyou, look forward to playing it :)

Thank you very very much for releasing a coop mission that doesn't need any addons at all. I am so ****** of missions that requires mass of addons, even if the addons are called ACE or something...

Looking forward to play this mission most definitely.


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Thanks all, look forward to some comments :)

The reason I didn't want the pilot to join in SP (or MP) is that it really becomes annoying for the team leader having to uncheck/controlling the chopper crew, which otherwise wants to stay in formation.

IF you teamswitch over to the pilot, fly and land yourself wherever you need to go, and then turn the engine OFF, the chopper stops, at least until they are fired upon.

I would love some feedback on this, since I might include a join function to use, for those who want it.



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Hi all players,

Geko reported (I think, because my german is terrible) that some AI didn't disembark from the helicopter in version 0.91. He also got an out of memory error after 30 min of play.

Has anyone had the same issues, because this is all unknown mission "behaviour" to me.


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Version 0.92 will come out today or tomorrow.


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Mission feeling is good even if the nuclear devices kind of scared me ...

Nevertheless, ^^, posted on front page at Armed Assault.info, and hosted on .ftp:

Red Mercury (v 0.92) - [2.3 MB]

Thanks a lot Old Bear :)

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Hi all,

Could someone please report any found bugs or annoyances :)


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Hi all friends and beta testers, thanks for all the feedback.

I'm putting this mission up as a final version, which means it has to be "perfect".

Do you have any bugs or annoyances to report?

Otherwise, thanks for all your feedback.

Yours truly,


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Hi laggy,

What are the Key commands for landing the copter?

It's usually 0-Radio and click on the map, yes?

I can only do 'Disembark' which lands near the coast line which is a LONG LONG ways from the factory.

I want to get as close to the factory as I can without the long hump.....


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Hi kommiekat,

You can make the reaper helo join you through the radio menu.

Otherwise teamswitch (press "T") is the best way to control the chopper in SP.

The mission is fun as COOP as well.

Look forward to your feedback.


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Enjoyed a lot your mission, but it is very macro managing with your squad, pilots, the Cobra etc... maybe too much MI8 harassments, the rest was well balanced, I would liked a radio command for Cobra support instead designate for him targets, the squad is too big to manage, I prefer to manage a 5 men element than 10 more guys, and two helos. We miss AT capabilities to defend too.

Cheers ;)

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Enjoyed a lot your mission

Thank you very much :)

the squad is too big to manage, I prefer to manage a 5 men element than 10 more guys, and two helos.

I agree in a certain sense, I suck myself at leading a big squad :(

However, in this mission it makes sense to have a big squad and a smaller enemy capability would make the mission boring, I think.

About AT, did you check the lobby weapon/ammo option in MP?

Thanks again :)


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