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Sahrani ACE2 Evolution Blue WIP

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finished evolution ports
- are there any?

my unmodded versions are pretty close to the original evo, as we played evo in arma 1 for 2 years...

ive fixed so many bugs and broken scripts from the original semi-ported mission you wouldnt want to start over mate!

take a look at my unmodded evo sahrani or cherno and youll get an idea of how much has been ported. e.gg. side missions, support options, enemy units, reinforcements, HALO, rewards, ranking, etc etc - it's all listed in the readme inside the pbo.

or here:


blazes (oneof my clan mates) is ACEing evo atm.

I'm still huntingdown the last few bugs and about to make a proper duala one with the molatian forces etc and then a red reloaded where we play russians with BMD, Mi28, RH aks, etc and the enemy have F4, F16, chinooks, bradley, chenowth, vulcan, etc

we tend to play one map for a few days unmodded then play it modded or red, then the next week switch to a new terrain and play unmodded and then modded (sahrani, panthera, duala, cherno, etc)

so the game is always different... yet the rules are the same...

Edited by eggbeast

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More like "finished". I never played Arma 1, but my friends who did complained they tried a bunch of Evolution missions they tried were nothing like the original and/or bugged as hell. I'll point them in the direction of your evolution.

Will the non-ACE version be functional with ACE or does ACE break some core gameplay elements/scripts?

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it works ok - there's a minot conflict between evo T menu and thermal camera in ace using T, but you can redefine it in the ace config

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Yeah, I have neither team switch nor thermal imaging bound to the "T" key, I actually have reveal and target bound to it so I can use those without having to click the right mouse button which also zooms and aims (which is already too many actions for 1 button).

I'm assuming the T menu would work with whatever key I bind to team switch?

Does the script that replaced destroyed vehicles with damaged ones work even with ACE? As in ACE armored vehicles are often "destroyed" but not really destroyed (damage is still 0), and there is a module to "allow full repair of tanks" so I assume normally you cannot fully repair tanks in ACE?

What are the changes from the original evolution (other than replacing units)?

Sorry to bug you but my buddies really got the hots for the original Arma 1 Evolution (but also love to play with ACE, the game is really not the same without it) so I'm trying to find the best I can for them.

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i've never played with ACE, but my bud blazes has made a version of my evo with ACE built in. as i'm the evo script whizz i'm gonna spend best part of today getting to grips with this and assessing the conflicts etc.

meanwhile read the mission overview for non ACE version here


the sahrani version is almost the same as arma 1 evo, obly i've modified the cities a little, including arcadia and iguana (which we liked a lot in the hohei version) and taking out pita and masbete as they're a little TOO far to travel. also it leaves us with some new territory for the red version to come...

other differences? you have to do the cities in sequence rather than however you like, but this was a mistake in kiljoy's original approach as it crashed the server when too many people went flying and crashed in non-active cities, or if they were chasing a convoy into one, or just being dumb and going off to another city by themself... the group count maxed and the server went down and all the hard work you and your buddies put in to get 1500 points to nuke the last city went down the toilet... so i've retained the city-by-city approach from arma 2, so as to enable the full range of side missions, which are a total blast.

on sat night me and a bud spent 6 hours in F16's flying side missions. because you can run sahrani on 8,000m viewdistance easily, it's an awesome game...

remember to read the parameters screen at server start

Edited by eggbeast

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Were the static wepaons, mobile respawns, tomahawk missions and having all aircraft available from the start actually a part of the original evolution?

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Were the static wepaons, mobile respawns, tomahawk missions and having all aircraft available from the start actually a part of the original evolution?

lol sounds like you already know the answer to this

I added enemy statics as well as friendly ones.

mobile respawn came with the hohei upgrade to kiljoys original and was very popular. we use it for side-missions - basically running with the mobile (recon hq) for hours all over the map, rather than back to base each time and flying out solo to meet up with the team - not all of us are good fliers. anyway YOU CAN TURN THEM OFF IN PARAMETERS MENU

Tomahawk was an extension of the support options but it was bugged so it's been removed.

all aircraft available - only possible if you select UNLOCK ranklock option(DEFAULT IS ON FOR WEAPONS AND VEHICLES = oldskool) in the parameters menu, or take a pilot class.

so basically, the things that are different are essentially TOGGLED to your preference.

the reinforcements by truck and para drop came from hohei and razor's arma 2 dev. these are a great addition.

the things that are the same though, are many... our version has so many functions from the original that I have scripted in or repaired.

perhaps you should try it?


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Me trying it is one thing, but getting my friends to try it with me is a whole different story :) They already got pretty pissed at trying various versions of evolution that simply don't work properly or change too much.

Anyway I could probably convince them once an ACE version is up and running, even if it doesn't use ACE vehicles/weapons, the bare minimum would be that all the scripts will work as intended with ACE active.

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Tried it, seems quite bugged in many aspects, some of the extra features that were not in the original evolution are not possible to disable via the parameters, and there are other weird stuff like M107 being available from the start and airplanes attacking us in our base.

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An even worse bug was enemies starting to ignore me after a certain point, dunno what caused it, but it seems similar to the bug with the first aid module. While the other bugs can be worked around to some degree, this broke the mission :( also people kept crashing for unknown reason, and I even crashed a few seconds after someone else crashed.

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which mission ?

was this the ACE version ?

what is the "first aid module"?

was it on chernarus? or panthera? duala? sahrani?

which city did they ignore you in?

were you in a vehicle?

what was the status? tower down/ officer captured/ enemy surrendered?

how was it playing? did you experience red chain? were the units running on the spot? etc

when you crashed, what mods were you running?

what mods were on the server?

If ACE, what version was it?

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in other words:

a bit more specific feedback would be useful to actually address those problems.

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Evo blue ACE Saharani V4 , first town. (fixed version number)

Since you ask if I was in a vehicle, it actually does seem like they started ignoring me after I went in a UAZ AGS, however I am not 100% sure. I only verified they ignore me after a while when I got out of the UAZ and walked right in front of them. Don't think we captured the officer though I am not sure, someone else might've captured him without me noticing. There was no desync, connection-wise everything was working, units were moving smoothly and were dying as soon as I shot them, good ping etc.

First Aid Modules:


There seems to be a bug with them if you don't re-synchronize them on respawns that makes AI ignore you. Them ignoring me in that evo mission reminded me of the 2 bugs being very similar therefore I mentioned it as they might have the same cause, though the mission uses ACE wounding system and I am not aware of the ACE wounding system having such issues (though a BIS first aid module version or no first aid module version would be much appreciated).

Edited by galzohar

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Evo blue ACE Saharani V3 (IIRC)

is this one of ours blaze?

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I would guess so.

I have not experienced being ignored by AI. Strange.

Also the ACE wounding system is not synchronized to each player, just placed on the map. If you would like to play without it, all you have to do is delete it from the mission.sqm.

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I would just do that if it wasn't for the other problems ;) I don't know if that issue has anything to do with ACE wounding system or not, it's just the same problem but not necessarily the same cause.

Are enemies being outside the town and airplanes attacking us as soon as (if not before) we leave the base intentinal? Is not having the antenna marked intentional (because I think it is, considering it sometimes shows up for some of the players)?

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blaze i don't have an ACE sahrani from you - did you make one?

antenna shows up when you're within 100m then remains marked for your squad

enemies and planes attack you yes - this is a realism tweak.

make sure you have the latest versions always, as the older versions had too many planes attacking... and man were they toughv

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v4 ACE Sahrani - was it a GITS mission? not sure we made it

if it was v4 GITS sahrani then it isn't for ACE...

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ah ok that's one of blaze's work in progress missions - i haven't even begun to debug it yet. wouldn't recommend it for serious team nights - just released as beta for curiosity.

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Also, latest ACE version seems to have broken both Minoza's and Blaze's versions (trying to load them now gives a "content that have been deleted" message).

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good to know.

I'm stuck atm with fixing the support ammo box, as it does not work with ACE.

I will update the missions in a few days, if I can get around that problem.

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