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Pausing the game in a coop ...

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is it possible to pause the game in a coop ... If it is show me how please ...

No save/ load

just put the match on hold without quitting the game.

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Sorry, in MP the are no saves, loads or pauses. You could export a MP mission to the SP mission folder and play in SP mode, then saves, loads and pauses would be available.

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yeah but there will be no re-spawn ... which makes the mission impossible and then The Mision is CTI and I think there is no way I could load a saved game with that , because of the number of variables.

Or can I ?

So if I may ask ... is there a way to freeze the AI , so only human players can move.

I play with my Brother and We can put the AI on hold and then revive it when we came back.

Edited by Shinji

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you can use fwatch to save variables on HD and the load them whenever you want... but well, it's a lot of scripting anyway.

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can you please ... Tell me more about it.

is it like An external saving thing. Can you help please?

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you could put in an addaction or radio call to slow game - down although it's not pause - maybe it's enuff time - to say go get a beer or run to the bathroom. Obviously you would need to "hide" your player in safe place when you step away from pc. Otherwise a very slow moving bullet can still kill your unit.

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Unfortunately according to the BIS wiki, it seems that setacctime does not work in MP.

Or it would have been easy to make a radio alpha trigger with setaccTime 0 to pause everything and a radio bravo one with setaccTime 1 to get get the action back at normal speed, as this works perfectly in SP.

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Hmmm - perhaps then an experiement for me to find out later.

Will try to make work in mp.

Will try when my projects in WH40K Mod make me take a break.

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Ok ... well would be really good to be able to Pause ... only the LAN coops. You know between friends. You all can take a lil brake ..

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