HateDread 13 Posted April 16, 2010 Well if mixing the modules has no effect on your missions then I guess what works, works. Even though mixing the modules is "never a good idea" if you get a female zombie (Slow zombie) it will cause the game to crash and etc. this setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_SM_GRPTYPE","STATIC",true]; only works for the spawning module I believe. I can't recall how to make a group of zeds not move. I will look into it and post back. If all else fails, just use a spawning module and then turn it off as soon as the group spawns. EDIT: Try using this command _x setvariable ["CHN_UNDEAD_NONMIGRANT",true]; I'm going to be rather pathetic here, and quote my own post for you to see, Mini. Z (Haha, I like the sound of that). It might be of use to you. Sorry if I take up room, but these little facts and ideas will most likely help you. This is because i want people to think logically in how they search their environment. So for example, army base = weapon supplies. But when all the zombies i placed there already walked away, there is no risk versus reward in place, eliminating a lot of tactical choices. So if they do move your way by default, he can make them stay in an area and just have them shamble around there? Pulled straight from the documentation: [_spawnpos,_spawnnumber] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRSTATZEDGRP Spawns a group of random type undead with _spawnnumber members that does not migrate or patrol returns: group These guys stand perfectly still untill they detect you, which could possibly be manually set using doTarget, but I'm not sure. They have a fairly good range if you're not being stealthy, so it rewards the player. Also, it is how a zombie probably would be, in the real world, if there is nothing around it - it would stand still, as zombie's don't get bored or tired. You may also like to use this; [_spawnpos,_spawnnumber,_movepos] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRPMV Spawns a group of random type undead with _spawnnumber members and adds a waypoint to position _movepos to the group returns: group And set the position they move to to be the player's position. For example, player enters base, trigger activated, and this code is run - zombie spawns at designated location (could be scripted to be random choice from list, etc), and runs at player. You could do it from multiple directions with random number of zombies. Throw in ambience, and you're even more likely so scare the player. It works really good at night :) One way I've done this in the past is use a quick-and-dirty script running out of at trigger's onAct field, triggered by the player's presence. You just change some of the numbers for a different effect on a different trigger. I realise my method for spawn location selection is off, but I'm sure you get the idea. Where FTL is the name of the player's unit; [[(getpos FTL select 0) - random 200 + random 50,(getpos FTL select 1) - random 150 - random 75 - 50,(getpos FTL select 2)],2 + random 4,FTL] call CHN_UNDEAD_fn_CRTZEDGRPMV; Another thing I've used previously to scare a player, is turning off the lights at night, when they have no nightvision, as per this post; When I wanted to do the same I just call this script when I want to turn them off: {_x switchLight "OFF"} forEach ((getPos Solnichniy) nearObjects ["StreetLamp",1500]) _objHouse = nearestObjects [solnichniy, ["House"], 1500]; { for "_i" from 1 to 5 do { _x animate [format ["Lights_%1",_i],0]; }; } forEach _objHouse; NOTE: Solnichny is a Game Logic (Location) that I place in the center of where I want the lights to go out. That will turn off all the house lights (in the windows, which are activated by ALICE), and all streetlights within 1500m. Hope that helps :) And anyway, I'm making a mission similar to yours. I might ask you for help soon. Hope these help! - HateDread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 16, 2010 (edited) Ha well thank you for that. EDIT: Here is a thinker... Does anyone know how to force the Spawning Module to spawn a CHN_UNDEAD_DOG? I can't seem to figure it out... I can easily use scripts but I need the spawning module to be able to do this. Any help is appreciated. Edited April 16, 2010 by Minizzzile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SigintArmA 10 Posted April 16, 2010 Yeah I just tried to install it using the second method (And video at the bottom) as a way to help me get this addon to work (Never used addons before so I must be doing something wrong with -this- one because there must be something specail else I need/need to do). http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18 Is the place where I read how to do it so if someone can PM me with a solution that is easy to follow for this addon noob it would be great ^_^ Also if there was no flaming for a simple question. Thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stubbinz 10 Posted April 16, 2010 Hey, i've got a question that i can't seem to find in this thread, what exactly are the classname of the zombie units? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 16, 2010 (edited) Yeah I just tried to install it using the second method (And video at the bottom) as a way to help me get this addon to work (Never used addons before so I must be doing something wrong with -this- one because there must be something specail else I need/need to do). http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&q=18 Is the place where I read how to do it so if someone can PM me with a solution that is easy to follow for this addon noob it would be great ^_^ Also if there was no flaming for a simple question. Thanks again! Once you download all 3 parts of the Undead Mod simply extract them into your ProgramFiles>Steam>Steamapps>CommonArmA 2>Addons Then you are good to go. Also, you will find a folder called "Demo-Missions" or something of the sort. Extract those folders here: Documents>ArmA2OtherProfiles>YOURNAME>MPmissions After that, start up ArmA 2 and find the missions and have a good time! Hey, i've got a question that i can't seem to find in this thread, what exactly are the classname of the zombie units? If you can unPBO the mod you can find the classnames. I think there is another way but I am not sure currently. If you look through some of Charons missions you can find a few classnames. Offtopic: Where do you live in Colorado if you don't mind me asking, I used to live there in Denver haha. Edited April 16, 2010 by Minizzzile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SigintArmA 10 Posted April 16, 2010 I didn't get it through steam so... that doesn't help me any o_o thanks for the attempt though ^_^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 16, 2010 I didn't get it through steam so... that doesn't help me any o_o thanks for the attempt though ^_^ Do you know where your ArmA 2 game is? (Might be under Bohemia Interactive maybe?) Just throw the addons into the addons folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SigintArmA 10 Posted April 16, 2010 Mmmk, I don't have to alter that launcher like that one method said? Just throwing it into the original Addons folder will be safe and fine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 16, 2010 Mmmk, I don't have to alter that launcher like that one method said? Just throwing it into the original Addons folder will be safe and fine? Yes, you only have to throw them in your addons folder. The reason they say you shouldn't is because that folder can get cluttered up with too many addons, but if you arn't a big addon freak then it shouldn't matter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SigintArmA 10 Posted April 16, 2010 (edited) Got it working and the mod is -fun-. Good passtime when I just wanna do an all Vs 1 thing and I don't wanna dodge bullets! Haha Edited April 16, 2010 by SigintArmA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stubbinz 10 Posted April 16, 2010 Ah, well anyone know of a good PBO extractor? And I'm in the springs ha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raven1720 10 Posted April 17, 2010 @Stubbinz jzip is good and free Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HateDread 13 Posted April 17, 2010 Ah, well anyone know of a good PBO extractor?And I'm in the springs ha. I personally use PBOview. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charon productions 10 Posted April 17, 2010 Of course doing that requires Charons permission...Im not exactly sure where he dissapeared off to. Is it possible to get permission to edit a mod without the creators consent? From whom do you want to get that permission lol? What is it that you want to edit? There is a thing called "real life" and work duties for those that don´t know it ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
That guy Over there 10 Posted April 17, 2010 From whom do you want to get that permission lol?What is it that you want to edit? There is a thing called "real life" and work duties for those that don´t know it ;) oh thank god, we had thought that ether this mod had died or you had been taken by the zombies, now its safe to nuke them :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HateDread 13 Posted April 17, 2010 From whom do you want to get that permission lol?What is it that you want to edit? There is a thing called "real life" and work duties for those that don´t know it ;) --Relaxes-- Welcome back Charon! --Cheers-- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raven1720 10 Posted April 17, 2010 The undead king returns....we need help!!!!!with are zoms Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 17, 2010 (edited) From whom do you want to get that permission lol?What is it that you want to edit? There is a thing called "real life" and work duties for those that don´t know it ;) Ha! Oh I know sir. I don't know your duties but I have work, school and all the goodies life can throw at you as well. I just wanted to look at the spawning module and see if it was possible to include the dogs in that and, of course I wasn't going to PBOview it without proper permission from you. But, if you have a more simple way of doing it...?:confused: After all...this isn't ACE 2... I can use scripts to spawn the dogs but I wasn't sure if the script took into account the 144 group limit thing and deleting empty groups. As it would generally just be easier to have it included in the module it self. EDIT: I thought it was a little too convienant that you 'got busy' at 500 post count. What were you really doing?! Probably doing zombie research in Africa... And I'm in the springs ha. Whew! As long as it's not Boulder ;) Edited April 17, 2010 by Minizzzile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HateDread 13 Posted April 17, 2010 Charon, do you know if ArmAHolic ever fixed up their download to the current version of V0.84? Can't wait for V0.85! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charon productions 10 Posted April 17, 2010 @Minizzzile: If you just want the dog to be in the possible spawned array then just add somewhere: CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES=CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES+["CHN_UNDEAD_DOG"]; ---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ---------- Charon, do you know if ArmAHolic ever fixed up their download to the current version of V0.84? No i don´t. They make the impression to be reluctant to big updates, so i stay away from bothering them with that. After all they should make sure their downloads work and contain the correct files. Can't wait for V0.85! Soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HateDread 13 Posted April 17, 2010 Charon, what if I want to add the Infected Dog, but I'm using the Undead version of the module, not Infected? It seems you can't cross the types over. Is it possible in future to get a dog like the Infected one, but in the Undead category and maybe one that's slow/shambles, as well? In Resident Evil, for example, the zombies are slow, but the dogs are fast. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charon productions 10 Posted April 17, 2010 Charon, what if I want to add the Infected Dog, but I'm using the Undead version of the module, not Infected? It seems you can't cross the types over.Is it possible in future to get a dog like the Infected one, but in the Undead category and maybe one that's slow/shambles, as well? In Resident Evil, for example, the zombies are slow, but the dogs are fast. :) I`ll add that to the list. It´s basically just a simple config entry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 17, 2010 (edited) @Minizzzile:If you just want the dog to be in the possible spawned array then just add somewhere: CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES=CHN_UNDEAD_INFTYPES+["CHN_UNDEAD_DOG"]; ---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ---------- Soon. Alright, thanks Charon. Welcome back by the way. Edited April 17, 2010 by Minizzzile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted April 17, 2010 Does someone know what i´m doing wrong? Used 0.84 Version and had the infected & zombie game logics placed, aswell as one spawn module (kind of thing). The map is Podagorsk. Also, are the Stalker units going to be made compatible with this mod? It´s popping error messages whenever a stalker mod unit get´s infected, but i´ve seen messages about chn_zombiebla_policeman.p3d too. I know i know, it´s not supported with mods .. but meh :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Minizzzile 10 Posted April 17, 2010 Hm, I've seen that happen with spawned units before but I have never seen the zombies be spawned into the ground like that. How are those zombies placed? Are they spawned there with a trigger or just in the editor? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites