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(SP)ACE Cutting All Ties

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And yet another mission. I'm turning this one into a Campaign for sure. This is

only the first mission but more will be around the bend, know idea when though. Please

help me test this one in the mean time.


Here's the first beta:

Cutting All Ties

Version: Beta v2.5

We need you and your team to HALO drop into north Podagorsk and assault a Russian

FOB. The last team, Spector, hasn't been heard from since their CJ130 was shot out

of the sky. We briefly got radio communication from 2 members of Spector saying the

rest of the team is dead and they were surrounded by insurgents. There was radio

silence after that. Word is the Russians sent a Spetznaz detachment to set up a FOB

to prevent further US incursions and to pay the $500,000 reward they've announced

for each alive US soldier captured. You need to destroy that FOB and find our boys

before they are handed over.


HALO Insertion

Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Support Options(Supply Drop and Para Drop Support)

ACE2 Wound System

ACEX features(Pack with tons of goodies from as to use on the mission.)

Hybred HC System by Mr. Centipede


ArmA 2 v 1.05:


FDF Podagrosk:


BMD-1 Pack by OKB O915


Group Link 4 Special FX Edition:







Mr. Centipede for the Hybred HC System

Lucilk, (AEF)Wolffy.au [2CAV] and (AEF)Odin [2CAV] for the great scripts. I take credit for none!

ACE2 team for the awesome Mod(And all those who contributed)

SNKMAN for the superbad GL4

OKB 0915 for the beautiful BMD-1's

The FDF Team for Podagrosk


The Community

Known Issues:

Not sure but there's gotta be a ton.

No picture for overview.

Need to add more to the Intro and Outro.(Currently just temporary scene for effect.)

GL4 "null-group" doublee sync'd error(Not sure how though, yet.)



Fixed HC problem. It now works as should.


-Had to revert and "turn back on" the HC bug and reinforcements. Gotta contact lucilk to find out how to turn them off when using his script pack.

Do not use HC.



- Hybred HC System by Mr. Centipede

- ACE2 Medical items added to Medic and rucks.

- More enemy patrols


- BIS FA system

- Mapclick Teelport via radio.


- HC usable to control unneeded units.

- Missing ammo crate from Ammo Drop. Now there's 3.


- initial release


Armaholic mirror:

- Cutting All Ties (@) v2.5 Beta

GL4 .hhp settings:

Try this as your GL4_Global.hpp. Simply create a folder in your userconfig/GL4 folder called Disabled.(userconfig/GL4/Disabled)

Copy your existing/original GL4_Global.hpp file in that folder for safe keeping. Next create a new GL4_Global.hpp(in userconfig/GL4) and then copy and paste what I have below. I've also change some other things but I use JTD Smoke & Fire and Zeus AI so I leave them off. Feel free to play around but watch out for the AI Markers option.

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// GL4 v.1.1.37 Global Settings
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The GL4 Global settings are stored in the global array GL4_Global.
// You can change settings of GL4 by editing the GL4_Global array.
// For each custom setting uncomment remove the "//" in front of the respective line and modify the value.
// GL4_Global set [ Index, Value ];
// In multiplayer all GL4_Global settings are used by the server only.
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

 // ==============================================================
 // GL4 Enemy A.I. Enhancement:
 // ==============================================================

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request:
   // ==============================================================
   // Set this variable False to disable the Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [0, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Groups:
     // Choose how many enemy A.I. groups can be requested as reinforcement at the same time.
     // 0 - 30, default is 3
       // GL4_Global set [1, 3];

     // Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Knows About:
     // Choose how much enemy A.I. must know about the target to set alert and request reinforcement.
     // Note: The lower this value the faster enemy A.I. will request reinforcement.
     // 0 - 3, default is 0.10
       // GL4_Global set [2, 0.10];

     // Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Courage:
     // Choose the courage of the enemy A.I. groups.
     // The lower this value the faster enemy A.I. will request reinforcement.
     // Note: If this value is set to 0.1 then enemy A.I. will request reinforcement even if they are not overmatched by a target.
     //       If this value is set to 0.5 or 0.8 then enemy A.I. will only request reinforcement if they are really overmatched by a target.
     // 0.01 - 1, default is 0.10
       // GL4_Global set [3, 0.10];

     // Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Distance:
     // Choose the distance in which enemy A.I. should be able to request reinforcement.
     // Note: Enemy A.I. which had spotted a enemy will be able to request reinforcement which is within this range.
     // 0 - 50000, default is 50000 meters
       // GL4_Global set [4, 50000];

     // Enemy A.I. Reinforcement Request Delay:
     // Choose how fast enemy A.I. can request reinforcement.
     // Note: If this value is set too high and a enemy A.I. group was killed by the target within this time
     //       then may it can be that the enemy A.I. group has no chance to request reinforcement.
     // 0 - 30, default is 5 seconds
       // GL4_Global set [5, 5];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Artillery:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to request artillery after a target was spotted.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [6, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Artillery Chance:
     // Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should be able to request artillery.
     // 0 - 100, Default is 35%
       // GL4_Global set [7, 35];

     // Enemy A.I. Artillery Ammo:
     // Choose the type of ammo which artillery should use.
     // Available ammo classes: "Sh_105_HE", "Sh_120_HE", "Sh_120_SABOT", "Sh_122_HE", "Sh_125_HE", "Sh_125_SABOT", "Bomb", "Grenade"
     // Default is "Sh_125_HE"
       // GL4_Global set [8, "Sh_122_HE"];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Airstrike:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to request airstrike support after a target was spotted.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [9, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Airstrike Chance:
     // Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should be able to request airstrike.
     // 0 - 100, Default is 35%
       // GL4_Global set [10, 35];

     // Enemy A.I. Airstrike Ammo:
     // Choose type of ammo which airstrike should use.
     // Available ammo classes: "B_25mm_HE", "Bo_GBU12_LGB", "M_Sidewinder_AA", "M_R73_AA", "R_S8T_AT", "B_30mm_HE", "M_Ch29_AT", "B_30mmA10_AP", "M_Maverick_AT", "R_Hydra_HE" 
     // Default is "R_S8T_AT"
       // GL4_Global set [11, "R_S8T_AT"];

   // Enemy A.I. Smoke Man:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. without vehicle should use smoke for cover after a target was spotted.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [12, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Smoke Vehicle:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. with vehicle should use smoke for cover while unmounting the vehicle after a target was spotted.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [13, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Flare:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should use flares at night after a target was spotted.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [14, False];

   // Enemy A.I. House Search:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should search for a target in buildings after a target was spotted nearby a building.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [15, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Car Weapon:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should search and mount cars with empty weapon nearby their position after a target was spotted.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [16, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Helicopter Paradrop:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. which use a helicopter should be able to paradrop at the conflict point.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [17, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Helicopter Behaviour:
   // Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. should react after the crew of a helicopter was unmounted/ejected.
   // Note: High value means that the helicopter will retread to his original position after the crew was unmounted/ejected.
   //       Low value means that the helicopter will stay at the conflict point and randomly scout the area.
   // 0 - 100, default is 75%
      GL4_Global set [18, 15];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Advancing:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should "hear" and "react" to gunfire. ( Even if not under direct fire )
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [19, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Advancing Weapons:
     // Choose which weapons should be heared by enemy A.I. within wich range.
     // By default all Armed Assault 2 weapons are added in thouse array do only update thouse arrays if you like to use custom weapons.
     // Note: Weapons which are not listed in thouse arrays can heard by enemy A.I. from the maximum range distance.
     //       Some weapons can use suppressed and no suppressed ammo its possible to add the ammo classes in the arrays too
     //       to make weapons which do use suppressed ammo act like they are suppressed weapons.

     // Weapons listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 15 meters.
       // GL4_Global set [20, (GL4_Global select 20) + ["M4A1SD","MP5SD","M9SD","MakarovSD","B_556x45_SD","B_556x45_SD"] ];

     // Muzzles and Ammo listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 50 meters.
       // GL4_Global set [21, (GL4_Global select 21) + ["M203Muzzle","GP25Muzzle","G_40mm_HE","G_30mm_HE"] ];

     // Weapons listed in this array can heared by enemy A.I. within a range of 300 meters.
       // GL4_Global set [22, (GL4_Global select 22) + ["M136","JAVELIN","STINGER","RPG7V","STRELA","M9","Makarov","B_9x19_Ball","R_M136_AT"] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Advancing Suppressed Weapons Distance:
     // Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to suppressed "M9SD/MP5SD/M4A1SD/MakarovSD" weapons.
     // 0 - 100, default is 15 meters
       // GL4_Global set [23, 15];

     // Enemy A.I. Advancing Grenade Launcher Distance:
     // Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to Grenade Launcher "M16A2GL/M4GLAK74GL" weapons.
     // 0 - 300, default is 50 meters
       // GL4_Global set [24, 50];

     // Enemy A.I. Advancing Pistoles and Rocket Launcher Distance:
     // Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to Pistoles/Rocket Launcher "M9/Makarov/M136/JAVELIN/RPG7V" weapons.
     // 0 - 500, default is 300 meters
       // GL4_Global set [25, 300];

     // Enemy A.I. Advancing Rifle Distance:
     // Choose in which range enemy A.I. can hear/react to Rifles/Assault Rifles "M16A2/M16A4/M4AIM/M4A1/AK74" weapons.
     // 0 - 1500, default is 600 meters
       // GL4_Global set [26, 600];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Suppressive Fire:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should react to suppressive fire.
   // If a enemy A.I. unit/group is under direct fire ( with high frequence ) then they may will hit the ground and get to cover for a specific amount of time.
   // Note: Enemy A.I. which is suppressed may try to suppress the target also.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [27, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Suppressive Fire Rate:
     // Choose how fast ( in which rate of time ) the bullets must be fired to suppress enemy A.I. group.
     // 0 - 0.50, default is 0.20 seconds
       // GL4_Global set [28, 0.20];

     // Enemy A.I. Suppressive Fire Bullets Requied:
     // Choose how many bullets must be fired within the given fire rate to suppress enemy A.I. group.
     // 0 - 15, default is 6 bullets
       // GL4_Global set [29, 6];

   // Enemy A.I. Combat Tactics:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should split up the group into several smaller groups to advance from several directions.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [30, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Body Detect:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to detected dead body of their own side.
   // Description: If enemy A.I. detects a dead body of their own side and do not know something about a target
   //              then they may randomly will start searching the area for possible targets.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [31, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Detection:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should hear/react if a vehicle explodes nearby their position.
   // Choose False to disable this feature completly.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [32, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Rearm:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to rearm if they are out of ammo/magazines and/or do only have a specific amount of ammo/magazines available.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [33, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Extraction:
   // Choose if enemy A.I. in helicopters ( which have already unmounted/ejected their original crew ) should be able to fly a extraction.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [34, False];

   // Enemy A.I. Body Remove:
   // Choose if dead enemy A.I. bodys should be removed after a specific count of dead bodys was reached
   // or if a player is in a specific range to the dead body.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [35, False];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Difficult Level:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose False to disable this feature completly.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [36, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult Level Fix:
     // Choose the difficult level of the enemy A.I.
     // Note: The higher this value the more aggressive the enemy A.I. will be.
     // 0 - 1, default is 0.10
       // GL4_Global set [37, 0.10];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult Level Random:
     // Choose the random difficult level of the enemy A.I.
     // Note: This value will randomly increase the value given above.
     // 0 - 1, default is 0.20
       // GL4_Global set [38, 0.20];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult Types:
     // Choose the difficult type of the enemy A.I.
     // The difficult types set many enemy A.I. abilitys to the given level.
     // Note: The first value in the array is the fix value and the second value will randomly increase the fix value.
     // Example: [Fix Value, Random Value]
     // Novice < 0.25
     // Rookie >= 0.25 and <= 0.45
     // Recruit > 0.45 and <= 0.65
     // Veteran > 0.65 and <= 0.85
     // Expert > 0.85

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Accuracy" Type:
     // Choose the "Aiming Accuracy" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose how good enemy A.I. can aim with their weapons.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [0, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Shake" Type:
     // Choose the "Aiming Shake" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose how much enemy A.I. should shake while aiming.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [1, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Speed" Type:
     // Choose the "Aiming Speed" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose how fast enemy A.I. can aim.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [2, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Endurance" Type:
     // Choose the "Endurance" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose Endurance of enemy A.I.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [3, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Spot Distance" Type:
     // Choose the "Spot Distance" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose how good enemy A.I. can spot enemys.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [4, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Spot Time" Type:
     // Choose the "Spot Time" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose how fast enemy A.I. can spot enemys.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [5, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Courage" Type:
     // Choose the "Courage" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose Courage of enemy A.I.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [6, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Reload Speed" Type:
     // Choose the "Reload Speed" of the enemy A.I.
     // Info: Choose how fast enemy A.I. can reload their weapons.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [7, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Commanding" Type:
     // Info: Unknown.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [8, [0.15, 0.15] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Difficult "General" Type:
     // Info: Unknown.
     // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.15, 0.15]
       // (GL4_Global select 39) set [9, [0.15, 0.15] ];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Idle:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should use the Human A.I. feature.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [40, False];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Garrison:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I should be able to garrison buildings nearby their position.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [41, False];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Static Weapons:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should be able to mount empty static weapons.
   // Note: By default all Armed Assault 2 static weapons are supported.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [42, False];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Surrender:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if enemy A.I. should have the chance to surrender if they are fleeing.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [43, False];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Courage Fix:
     // Choose the courage which the enemy A.I. should use.
     // Note: The higher this value the higher the chance that enemy A.I. will surrender.
     // 0 - 1, default is 0.1
       // GL4_Global set [44, 0.1];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Courage Random:
     // Choose the random courage which the enemy A.I. should use.
     // Note: This value will randomly increase the value given above.
     // 0 - 1, default is 0.5
       // GL4_Global set [45, 0.5];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Rank:
     // Choose the chance of how fast enemy A.I. with a specific rank should be able to surrender.
     // 0 - 100, default is PRIVATE: 70 | CORPORAL: 60 | SERGEANT: 50 | LIEUTENANT: 40 | CAPTAIN: 30 | MAJOR: 20 | Colonel: 10
       // GL4_Global set [46, [70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10] ];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Group Size:
     // Choose how much units of a enemy A.I. group must be alive till a unit of the enemy A.I. group will think about surrendering.
     // 1 - 10, default is 3
       // GL4_Global set [47, 3];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Friendly:
     // Choose how much friendly A.I. units have to be nearby the surrendering A.I. unit.
     // Note: If there are more A.I. units friendly to the surrendering A.I. unit like set here nearby the surrendering A.I. unit then the unit will not surrender.
     // 0 - 100, default is 3
       // GL4_Global set [48, 3];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Captive Player:
     // Choose how many captives each player can capture at the same time.
     // 0 - 10, default is 3
       // GL4_Global set [49, 3];

     // Enemy A.I. Surrender Fleeing:
     // Choose the chance of how enemy A.I. which already was captured by a player will try fleeing.
     // 0 - 100, default is 5%
       // GL4_Global set [50, 5];

   // GL4 Enemy A.I. Array Debug:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if the "Array Debug" should be used.
   // Note: This debug shows the most important enemy A.I. arrays. This debug also is available in multiplayer by set the multiplayer debug in "GL4_Local" to True.
   // True / False, default is False
     // GL4_Global set [51, True];

     // GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug:
     // Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used.
     // Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction.
     // True / False, default is True
        GL4_Global set [52, False];

 // ==============================================================
 // GL4 Friendly A.I. Enhancement:
 // ==============================================================

   // GL4 Friendly A.I. Recruit:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if friendly A.I.can be recruited by a player.
   // Note: This feature gives a player the ability to recruit A.I. friendly to the player.
   // True / False, default is True
     // GL4_Global set [53, False];

     // Friendly A.I. Recruit Rank:
     // Choose which ranks are allowed to recruit friendly A.I. beside the group leader.

 // ==============================================================
 // GL4 System A.I. Enhancement:
 // ==============================================================

   // GL4 "GET IN" System:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if A.I. nearby ( within 10 meters ) to a empty vehicle should mount the vehicle at mission start.
   // Note: This feature was made to overcome the assignment with the "moveInDriver", "moveInGunner" and "moveInCarog" command.
   // True / False, default is True
      GL4_Global set [55, False];

Edited by Manzilla

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Sweet! Gonna download this. Always a fan of your missions Manzilla. Keep up the good work! :rthumb:

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Yeah go go go manzilla!!! And CONGRATS on being the FIRST EVER to create a MFGL4 mission!!!! :) You're aiming to be the first in everything here, aren't you buddy? hehehehe

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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Thanks for the support guys.

I just found a bug that's really stumping me. If I hit ctrl+space it brings up an HC-esque type deal where I can move the friendly AI units I have placed on the map. I have no HC Mod in the Editor or anything else to that effect.(No other HC-type scripts). These guys aren't connected to me or anyone or any HC type deal at all. Never seen this before.

Can someone else try this? I need to get it fixed but I'm clueless. I think it maybe GL4 but it's not possible to test with out it.

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Yep I get that too when I press ctl+Space


Damn. Only thing I can say is don't use it. For now..... ;)

If anyone has a suggestion/solution I'm all ears.

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Started the mission. :) just 2 issues that I stumbled upon...

1. If I give the "Disembark" command before parachuting, the C130 goes to an airfield south of the island and lands there instead

2. Click map to teleport only teleports the player and not the team which means that it is only probably good for cheat fighting where I teleport right in the middle of the objective shoot some baddies, teleport away and repeat... meaning, not so useful in this mission at all. Might as well remove it.

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problem with ace_sys wounds and ruck cant start

ace build 218

acex build 172

They don't work at all? Hmmmm. I haven't had any troubles there. What exactly is going on?

Anyone else getting this.


1.) Not sure what's going on, for just wait for the HALO to start.

2.) It's been noted already. It wasn't supposed to be left in.

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Yup, HALO works just fine if we don't issue the disembark command. :) Go try it, its pretty cool... the C130 actually lands nicely in a nicely litted airport if you issue the disembark command before HALO starts. In fact, we could have started the mission from that airport without HALO just as well but it is gonna be one hell of a hike! hahahah... strangely, the debug markers are on my map even though I turned them off too... oh well, doesn't hurt to have a bit of an advantage....hahahaha... treating it as some high tech satellite support. :)

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no its the "play/edit deleted content" story

What exactly does the message say?

I just got an ace_map_sys deleted error when trying to load my game. I think an update to the newest ACE2 hotfix will fix that. Don't forget to start the mission over.


The new hotfix fixed the ACE2 problem but now I lose teammates during the HALO. Never had that happen before, especially from 800ft! I wonder if it's ACE2 related. Anyone else?

Edited by Manzilla

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i updated yesterday and afterwards i downloaded your mission so never played this one bevore...

cant play edit deleted content "ace_sys_wounds" and something with "ruck"

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i updated yesterday and afterwards i downloaded your mission so never played this one bevore...

I'm a bit confused as to what you are saying. You haven't played this mission yet?

Also, there's and new ACE2 update(hotfix) released this morning.


That fixed my deleted/dependent loading error I mentioned above. I suggest you update to this hotfix if you play this mission.

I'm still losing guys during the HALO with the newest ACE2 hotfix. Hmmmmm....

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:redface:allready did, the hotfix is applied

altough afterwards i ran the sixupdater again, said no updates found but im not shure if it has overwritten the file....

ill re hotfix ACE and check again and let u know right away

it updated ACE to 219

ACEX to 173

ok lets see if the mission starts normal now.. brb


it was me forgetting something (again) it loads now,

the shortcut missed a line saying ;@ACE pfffff.....

im sorry,.. it was me all allong

ive got maybe 8 different shortcuts one for each mission im playing

i copy and paste them alter the startup parameters and thats where i missed the ;@ACE one :redface:

Edited by =KCT=BlackMamba

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allready did, the hotfix is applied

altough afterwards i ran the sixupdater again, said no updates found but im not shure if it has overwritten the file....

ill re hotfix ACE and check again and let u know right away

it updated ACE to 219

ACEX to 173

ok lets see if the mission starts normal now.. brb

I'm also working on the next update right now. I noticed I still has the BIS FAS system as well as the ACE2 Wound System. I removed the BIS version. That may be causing some troubles.

The HALO death problem I had doesn't happen any more. The one thing I can't figure out is why HC is activated with no HC modules on the map, same goes for the auto reinforcements although I like that. It's still asking for reinforcements even with no SecOps module on the map. Weird stuff.

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Zilla any chance you could post your GL4 userconfig files for me please. Or send them over to me at




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Its weird, my team mates end up over 500m away from me after HALO...hahahha

One more issue to report, whenever a team mate dies, HQ says they will bring in a replacement but then a few seconds later, it will tell me the plane needs to RTB for fuel. This happens whenever a teammate dies... do we ever really get replacements?

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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Its weird, my team mates end up over 500m away from me after HALO...hahahha

One more issue to report, whenever a team mate dies, HQ says they will bring in a replacement but then a few seconds later, it will tell me the plane needs to RTB for fuel. This happens whenever a teammate dies... do we ever really get replacements?

I've mentioned this above. Not sure why it even asks for replacements.

New version coming so stop playing the old one everyone! GImme a few minutes and have at it.

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I've mentioned this above. Not sure why it even asks for replacements.

New version coming so stop playing the old one everyone! GImme a few minutes and have at it.

Hhahaha, ok buddy, take your time! :)

p/s this is really weird, I have played GL4 on many missions where my team mates die but this is the only one that offered replacements... sure isn't something you did? was kinda thinking its pretty innovative...hahahaha

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Hhahaha, ok buddy, take your time! :)

p/s this is really weird, I have played GL4 on many missions where my team mates die but this is the only one that offered replacements... sure isn't something you did? was kinda thinking its pretty innovative...hahahaha

I'm positive. For some reason the SecOps module is loading. I fixed it now. I liked it too. I plan on adding back in a future version.


Check the first post!




- Hybred HC System by Mr. Centipede

- ACE2 Medical items added to Medic and rucks.

- More enemy patrols


- BIS FA system

- Mapclick Teelport via radio.

- Reinforcements for now(Will be back when I figure out how the hell that was happening)


- HC usable to control unneeded units.

- Missing ammo crate from Ammo Drop. Now there's 3.


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one thing, and i see that allot in sp missions when u are on the plane and get to the drop zone,

why is the squadleader in the cockpit instead of in the load area of the plane, ?

and the parachute is shaking allot.

do u know whats causing this, are u able to fix that. ??

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one thing, and i see that allot in sp missions when u are on the plane and get to the drop zone,

why is the squadleader in the cockpit instead of in the load area of the plane, ?

and the parachute is shaking allot.

do u know whats causing this, are u able to fix that. ??

The first Cargo spot is that seat and the squad leader fills it, I believe. It's a BIS thing. It may be possible to script another pilot to occupy that slot before the squad is placed in but that's way past my knowledge level. I'm a novice at scripting. Not even a novice to be frank. ;)

The parachute thing can't be fixed as far as I know. I'm pretty sure that's intentional by the ACE2 devs. I like it but it needs further tweaking on a few things, I'm sure that will come with time. I'm not sure if you've ever parachuted before but it's pretty damn shaky most of the time. When slowing down and approaching earth it should dampen a bit but the devs probably realize that. They way I do it is make sure I'm in first person view and then use free look(with steering) to look around. It's makes it easier. The 3rd person shake is nasty and tough to get a feel for where you are going some times. The 1st person view with free look is pretty damn cool.

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I get that shaky chute syndrome as well. i think it is ACE doing it as I just did the boot camp mission with both ACE and vanilla. With no mods loaded HALO worked fine and I landed 1m from target, with only the ACE mod loaded I got the shaky chute and ended up heading out to sea in an uncontrollable chute.

Can you guys try this and let me know the results please.


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