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Medevac Module

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Hey bud, good looking out! The fix is much appreciated. This will make a great addition to my missions.

Thanks again!

Thank you too Manzilla! ;)

Test the module if you can and report in if the error (or any other error) appear again!

Thank you! :D

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Thanks for the update Goliath :)

Question - what's the expected activity for the helo upon the unexpected death of the new medic? Or the unexpected destruction of the helo and then you RTB the medic?

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If the medic dead then the chopper return to base and after few time the medevac action is available again; if the helo blow up and all crews dead (even the medic) then the medevac option is not available again..if the helo crash down and there are some unit still alive then the crash site is marked on your map and you have to decide if to go to the crash site or not..if you go to the crash site the remaining alive unit of the chopper join your squad..

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I get a CTD when loading missions. The error says it's dependent on Medevac.
I still get an error message when trying to load a mission that says it can't load cause it's dependable on Medevac. It doesn't matter if the module is being used in the mission or not. As long as it's in an active mod folder it gives me that message.

My apologies, I didn't mean I was getting CTD's in my last post. I was getting a dependable error, I misspoke.

I really can't be more clear than that. It happens whenever I try to load a saved game. Doesn't matter if it's a vanilla scenario or one of my own missions. If I hit save while playing then try to load, a fresh load or a load while playing(revert), after about 2 seconds an error pops up and says:

(From the .rpt file as well)

I've tried it with just vanilla A2 and then with ACE2 and it doesn't make a difference. Any time I hit load, whether I actually have the Medevac Module on the map or not, I get this message.

I'm playing SP missions but that's probably obvious.

I hope this helps.


I just played the basic A2 SP missions with just this loaded and the error shows. Try vanilla A2 with the Medevac module in a loaded mod folder, not actually on the map, and play the BIS mission Village Sweep. Hit save then load that save. The error will appear.

(BOLD emphasis mine.)

Yes, you could have been more clear. You just were. You never said it happens when you load a saved game, and not just starting a mission. I was spending time trying to duplicate the error loading missions, both in and out of the editor, and could not replicate it. goliath86 was doing the same. I did duplicate the error with saved games, and that is why I came back to ask. People are trying to help test and revise, and goliath86 is working his butt off. So, please, a problem needs to be described or documented more clearly. ... Thanks.


goliath86, I am looking for that PM.

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Haven't tried the module yet - but DM likes it, so that's all I need to know. :)

Have you considered another, similar, module that would airlift reinforcement troops to an area?

Can't wait to try your stuff!

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If the medic dead then the chopper return to base and after few time the medevac action is available again; if the helo blow up and all crews dead (even the medic) then the medevac option is not available again..if the helo crash down and there are some unit still alive then the crash site is marked on your map and you have to decide if to go to the crash site or not..if you go to the crash site the remaining alive unit of the chopper join your squad..

OK, sounds like you got all bases covered :) good job on that.

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Does this work with the ACE Wounding module in place?


I have a .ogg sound file that I would like to play when I call for med evac.

I know how to make a normal trigger to pay a sound when u go past it on the ground, but not sure how to play a sound if calling via action or radio menu?

If you could please help that would be great!

Cheers :p

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New version available on the first post

Changelog (v0.25):

- Added: now you can abort the Medevac Mission, when the chopper is flying, via action menu (thanks DMarwick for suggestions!). When the medic dismount, you can send the RTB order via the usual Radio Bravo trigger (0-0-2)

- Fixed: bug that prevent the main script to terminate correctly

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Thanks for the update Goliath :)

I might have a small bug report, twice this has happened now under the same circumstances, once with v 018 and once with v 025. When the medic has been given RTB and the helo starts to leave, sometimes it hits a tree and is destroyed, or is destroyed by enemy. When this happened, both times my ArmA2 CTD.

If it happens more, I'l try & figure out a reproducable scenario.

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Thanks DMarwick! I've experienced the CTD when the helo explode. I've corrected it.

I've uploaded the new corrected version on the first post :D

Changelog (v0.28):

- Fixed: CTD when the helo explode during its mission (thanks DMarwick!)

Edited by goliath86

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Outstanding :)

---------- Post added at 02:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 AM ----------

Hi again Goliath :)

I noticed tonight after team-switching, that the medevac command did not follow me into the new unit. Is this by design or something to be worked in?

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New update (you can download it in the first post):

Changelog (v0.30):

- Added: when player dies and teamswitch is enabled, all the Medevac actions are passed at

the new player's unit (thanks DMarwick) :D

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

Does this work with the ACE Wounding module in place?


I have a .ogg sound file that I would like to play when I call for med evac.

I know how to make a normal trigger to pay a sound when u go past it on the ground, but not sure how to play a sound if calling via action or radio menu?

If you could please help that would be great!

Cheers :p

Hi Solarghost!

To play a sound when the medevac is called you have to modify the script to add that sound to be played. Otherwise I don't know how to play a sound when an action is called (without modify the script of the action)

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tried this last night and it is a very good little module. Thanks, the only problem i encoutered was that the med evac chopper will not land when there is a heavy firefight going on. Which i understand is a limitation (or rather sensible thinking) on behalf on the ai but it does suck when you're pinned down and you would like to see a friendly face. I wish there was some way to have them swoop in do a quick drop off then take a holding pattern, that would enable them to come in under heavier fire. Either way great work!

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New update (you can download it in the first post):

Changelog (v0.30):

- Added: when player dies and teamswitch is enabled, all the Medevac actions are passed at

the new player's unit (thanks DMarwick) :D

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 PM ----------

Hi Solarghost!

To play a sound when the medevac is called you have to modify the script to add that sound to be played. Otherwise I don't know how to play a sound when an action is called (without modify the script of the action)

ive tried this, i added a description file and a sound folder to the module itself and also to the mission, in 2 seperate attempts, they wouldnt play. ive asked this question as before as well. still couldnt figure it out?! :( this is rly important for my mission, any chance for some help on that goliath ;)

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New update (you can download it in the first post):

Changelog (v0.30):

- Added: when player dies and teamswitch is enabled, all the Medevac actions are passed at

the new player's unit (thanks DMarwick) :D

Great stuff Goliath, really nice work. Can I be cheeky and ask if respawn is also catered for? ;)

Also, if you wish, I could go through your addon and correct for English. I know that's a little rude of me :) but I thought I'd make the offer.

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Thanks for this man! I wish I had spent an hour finding this code instead of 4 hours trying to make something similar.

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tried this last night and it is a very good little module. Thanks, the only problem i encoutered was that the med evac chopper will not land when there is a heavy firefight going on. Which i understand is a limitation (or rather sensible thinking) on behalf on the ai but it does suck when you're pinned down and you would like to see a friendly face. I wish there was some way to have them swoop in do a quick drop off then take a holding pattern, that would enable them to come in under heavier fire. Either way great work!

Thank you Aeneas! The issue of chopper still flying instead landing when under fire is non dependant to me but I can think to find a solution (I hope ;))

---------- Post added at 12:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

ive tried this, i added a description file and a sound folder to the module itself and also to the mission, in 2 seperate attempts, they wouldnt play. ive asked this question as before as well. still couldnt figure it out?! :( this is rly important for my mission, any chance for some help on that goliath ;)

Hi Thedog! Yes, for sure, I can help you..send me the sound that you want to play and when and I create a 'special' module for you ;)

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Great stuff Goliath, really nice work. Can I be cheeky and ask if respawn is also catered for? ;)

Also, if you wish, I could go through your addon and correct for English. I know that's a little rude of me :) but I thought I'd make the offer.

Hi DMarwick!

I haven't tried this module in MP so I don't know if this works with respawn but I think it probably works well (still testing it) ans Yes, you can correct mine English if you want, it's a great help for me!


Thank you all guys! :notworthy:

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OK Goliath, anything I can do to make this addon better :)

BTW, I found another small problem that I hope you can overcome. When the medevac is local, and the medic is part of my team, sometimes I send some of my unneeded units into the helo to RTB with the medic. But, when I RTB the medic himself, he leaves the squad but doesn't get into the helo he just sits. This of course means the two security gunners also sit, and there's no more action or radio options left to use so it sort of stops. Even when I make all my squad leave the helo they all just sit.

So maybe the medic is "expecting" to get the front seat? ;) :D

(BTW, it might be nice to have something happen to these guys when the helo RTBs. I don't know what, I'll leave that to you ;) maybe remove them from the squad & just disembark them, maybe even just nothing.)

Also, when the helo is destroyed the "cancel medevac" action remains forever. Small one that ;)

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OK, goliath86, I am still waiting for you to send the files to me. It's been days. :p Granted, I have limited time right now, but I can still do some testing for you. (I need a break from real life, anyway.)

I will go ahead and post the heli.sqf files that I have, and nothing else, but there is not too much sense in me messing with it any more without the newer versions.

Well, for some reason the newest version does not even load for me, but, from the last version, some obvious things I still see...

- when starting a mission, the Call Medevac text appears, that seems unnecessary to me, IMHO

- the third man out is still always dying

there's some more, but again, without the newest files... .

heli.sqf (with the MH-60S)

//Original script by goliath86.  Thank you very much!

//  call helo  ...  create groups

if (start == 1) then { //check if this script is already active

created = 0;
start = 0; //do not permit that another activation of this script can be launched before its end
ready = 0; //permit the 'Return to base' action of the mh60s
action1 = 0; //initialize action1 variable

//initial radio messages
sleep 1;
player sideChat "H.Q., medical support needed at my location, OVER";
sleep 4;
PAPABEAR SideChat "WILCO, Medevac enroute, ETA 3 minutes, OVER";
sleep 4;
player sideChat "Roger, OUT";

//creating western groups
alpha = createGroup west;
beta = createGroup west;
charlie = createGroup west;

//  create helo and units

uh60 = createVehicle ["MH60S", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "FLY"];  //create an empty mh60s
//uh60 addEventHandler ["Engine", {scrip = _this execVM "rescue.sqf"}];//eventHandler that check if helo touches ground (destroyed or heavily damaged)
uh60 addEventHandler ["killed", "terminate scrip; hint 'Medevac is DOWN'; terminate null0; start = 1"]; //add a killed event handler to the chopper

pilot1 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a pilot for mh60s
pilot1 moveInDriver uh60;  //embark pilot1 in the mh60s
pilot1 setCombatMode "RED";

pilot2 = charlie createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a co-pilot for mh60s
pilot2 moveInCargo uh60;  //embark pilot2 in the mh60s
pilot2 setCombatMode "RED";
//pilot2 is actually in a cargo position

crew1 = charlie createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Crew", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create #1 gunner for mh60s
crew1 moveInTurret [uh60,[0]];  //embark crew1 in the mh60s
crew1 setCombatMode "RED";

crew2 = charlie createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Crew", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create #2 gunner for mh60s
crew2 moveInTurret [uh60,[1]];  //embark crew2 in the mh60s
crew2 setCombatMode "RED";

soldier2 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a unit
soldier2 moveInCargo  [uh60,9];  //embark soldier2 in the mh60s
soldier2 setCombatMode "RED";

soldier1 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create the corpsman
soldier1 moveInCargo [uh60,8];  //embark soldier1 in the mh60s
soldier1 setCombatMode "RED";
soldier1 addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "aborted.sqf"}];

soldier3 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a unit
soldier3 moveInCargo [uh60,10];  //embark soldier3 in the mh60s
soldier3 setCombatMode "RED";

//  fly height

uh60 flyInHeight 85;

//  send helo

_wp1 = beta addWaypoint [position player,0]; //add a waypoint at the pilot which moves nearby the player position
[beta, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 1] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 1] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
[beta, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";

//  smoke LZ

waitUntil{uh60 in ((getPos player) nearObjects ["MH60S",1000])}; //when the helo is nearby the player
pilot1 sideChat "SQUAD LEADER, this is Medevac, orders require smoke on LZ, COMPLY, OVER";
action1 = player addAction ["Throw Smoke", "throwing.sqf"];
waitUntil{created == 1};
sleep 4;
pilot1 sideChat "SQUAD LEADER, this is Medevac, I have eyes on smoke, INBOUND, OUT";

//  disembark corpsman and soldiers

_wp2 = beta addWaypoint [position player,0]; //add a waypoint at the mh60s to get near the player position
[beta, 2] setWaypointType "UNLOAD";[beta, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 2] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
[beta, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";

waitUntil{(getPosATL soldier1) select 2 < 0.5}; //wait the helo flying in height below 2m before moving the corpsman

pilot1 sideChat "Medevac STANDING BY, OUT";

// corpsman joins

soldier1 moveTo (position player); //move the corpsman nearby the player
[soldier1] join player;
[pilot1] join alpha; //pilot1 joins a dummy group to prevent the mh60s from going into formation

//  dismiss corpsman...  load units... regroup beta

_trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[0,0,0]]; //create a radio trigger to abort the medevac mission
_trg setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false];
_trg setTriggerActivation["Juliet","PRESENT",false];
_trg setTriggerStatements["this", "ready = 1", ""];
_trg setTriggerText "Return to base";
waitUntil{ready == 1}; //wait for orders from player to get in the mh60s
_wp3 = beta addWaypoint [position uh60,0]; //add a waypoint at the corpsman to get in the mh60s after doing his job
[beta, 3] setWaypointType "GETIN";
[beta, 3] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 3] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 3] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[beta, 3] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
[soldier1] join beta;
waitUntil{soldier1 in (crew uh60)}; //wait soldier1 to get in the mh60s
[pilot1] join beta;

//  rtb

sleep 1.4;
uh60 flyInHeight 85; //restore the flying height of the mh60s

_wp4 = beta addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "marker1",0]; //add a waypoint at the pilot to return to base
[beta, 4] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 4] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 4] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 4] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[beta, 4] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
[beta, 4] setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle uh60; deleteVehicle pilot1; deleteVehicle pilot2; deleteVehicle soldier1; deleteVehicle soldier2; deleteVehicle soldier3; deleteVehicle crew1; deleteVehicle crew2; start = 1 hint; 'Medevac ON CALL'"]; //set the helo to hovering instead landing

else {
sleep 1;
pilot1 sideChat "I say again, Medevac DISPATCHED, OUT";


heli.sqf (with UH-1Y)

//Original script by goliath86.  Thank you very much!

//  call helo  ...  create groups

if (start == 1) then { //check if this script is already active

created = 0;
start = 0; //do not permit that another activation of this script can be launched before its end
ready = 0; //permit the 'Return to base' action of the UH1Y
action1 = 0; //initialize action1 variable

//initial radio messages
sleep 1;
player sideChat "H.Q., medical support needed at my location, OVER";
sleep 4;
PAPABEAR SideChat "WILCO, Medevac enroute, ETA 3 minutes, OVER";
sleep 4;
player sideChat "Roger, OUT";

//creating western groups
alpha = createGroup west;
beta = createGroup west;
charlie = createGroup west;

//  create helo and units

uh60 = createVehicle ["UH1Y", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "FLY"];  //create an empty UH1Y
//uh60 addEventHandler ["Engine", {scrip = _this execVM "rescue.sqf"}];//eventHandler that check if helo touches ground (destroyed or heavily damaged)
uh60 addEventHandler ["killed", "terminate scrip; hint 'Medevac is DOWN'; terminate null0; start = 1"]; //add a killed event handler to the chopper

pilot1 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a pilot for UH1Y
pilot1 moveInDriver uh60;  //embark pilot1 in the UH1Y
pilot1 setCombatMode "RED";

pilot2 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a co-pilot for UH1Y
pilot2 moveInTurret [uh60,[2]];  //embark pilot2 in the UH1Y
pilot2 setCombatMode "RED";

crew1 = charlie createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Crew", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create #1 gunner for UH1Y
crew1 moveInTurret [uh60,[0]];  //embark crew1 in the UH1Y
crew1 setCombatMode "RED";

crew2 = charlie createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Crew", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create #2 gunner for UH1Y
crew2 moveInTurret [uh60,[1]];  //embark crew2 in the UH1Y
crew2 setCombatMode "RED";

soldier2 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a unit
soldier2 moveInCargo uh60;  //embark soldier2 in the UH1Y
soldier2 setCombatMode "RED";

soldier3 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create a unit
soldier3 moveInCargo uh60;  //embark soldier3 in the UH1Y
soldier3 setCombatMode "RED";

soldier1 = beta createUnit ["USMC_Soldier_Medic", getMarkerPos "marker1", [], 0, "NONE"]; //create the corpsman
soldier1 moveInCargo uh60;  //embark soldier1 in the UH1Y
soldier1 setCombatMode "RED";
soldier1 addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execVM "aborted.sqf"}];

//  fly height

uh60 flyInHeight 85;

//  send helo

_wp1 = beta addWaypoint [position player,0]; //add a waypoint at the pilot which moves nearby the player position
[beta, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 1] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 1] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 1] setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
[beta, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";

//  smoke LZ

waitUntil{uh60 in ((getPos player) nearObjects ["UH1Y",1000])}; //when the helo is nearby the player
pilot1 sideChat "SQUAD LEADER, this is Medevac, orders require smoke on LZ, COMPLY, OVER";
action1 = player addAction ["Throw Smoke", "throwing.sqf"];
waitUntil{created == 1};
sleep 6;
pilot1 sideChat "SQUAD LEADER, this is Medevac, I have eyes on smoke, INBOUND, OUT";

//  disembark corpsman and soldiers

_wp2 = beta addWaypoint [position player,0]; //add a waypoint at the UH1Y to get near the player position
[beta, 2] setWaypointType "UNLOAD";[beta, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 2] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
[beta, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";

waitUntil{(getPosATL soldier1) select 2 < 0.5}; //wait the helo flying in height below 2m before moving the corpsman

pilot1 sideChat "Medevac STANDING BY, OUT";

// corpsman joins

soldier1 moveTo (position player); //move the corpsman nearby the player
[soldier1] join player;
[pilot1] join alpha; //pilot1 joins a dummy group to prevent the UH1Y from going into formation
[pilot2] join charlie;

//  dismiss corpsman...  load units... regroup beta

_trg = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",[0,0,0]]; //create a radio trigger to abort the medevac mission
_trg setTriggerArea[5,5,0,false];
_trg setTriggerActivation["Juliet","PRESENT",false];
_trg setTriggerStatements["this", "ready = 1", ""];
_trg setTriggerText "Return to base";
waitUntil{ready == 1}; //wait for orders from player to get in the UH1Y
_wp3 = beta addWaypoint [position uh60,0]; //add a waypoint at the corpsman to get in the UH1Y after doing his job
[beta, 3] setWaypointType "GETIN";
[beta, 3] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 3] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 3] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[beta, 3] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
[soldier1] join beta;
waitUntil{soldier1 in (crew uh60)}; //wait soldier1 to get in the UH1Y
[pilot1, pilot2] join beta;

//  rtb

sleep 1.4;
uh60 flyInHeight 85; //restore the flying height of the UH1Y

_wp4 = beta addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "marker1",0]; //add a waypoint at the pilot to return to base
[beta, 4] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 4] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 4] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 4] setWaypointSpeed "FULL";
[beta, 4] setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";
[beta, 4] setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle uh60; deleteVehicle pilot1; deleteVehicle pilot2; deleteVehicle soldier1; deleteVehicle soldier2; deleteVehicle soldier3; deleteVehicle crew1; deleteVehicle crew2; start = 1; hint 'Medevac ON CALL'"]; //set the helo to hovering instead landing

else {
sleep 1;
pilot1 sideChat "I say again, Medevac DISPATCHED, OUT";

If I remember correctly, I did not test the UH-1Y as much as the MH-60S, in regards to the soldiers getting injured or dying when they disembarked. I do believe with the MH-60S, they would rarely die, and not get injured often.

The last thing I was doing is trying to pin the chopper to the ground right before they disembark, then have it hover. But again, since I do not have the newest files, I have not done too much. The above is from a few days ago.

PM me the files if you get the chance.

CYA :)

Oh, yeah, in the above, I commented out the rescue.sqf because I had too many bugs. But again, I did not have the newer versions to work with the other stuff.

Oops, another edit. ... 'You' can 'force' the helo to land by changing the waypoint behaviour. One of the last things I was doing, also, was getting the gunners to engage at will, but making the pilot land/hover.

EDIT: For instance change this:

//  disembark corpsman and soldiers

_wp2 = beta addWaypoint [position player,0]; //add a waypoint at the UH1Y to get near the player position
[beta, 2] setWaypointType "UNLOAD";[beta, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 2] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
[beta, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "[b]AWARE[/b]";

to this:

//  disembark corpsman and soldiers

_wp2 = beta addWaypoint [position player,0]; //add a waypoint at the UH1Y to get near the player position
[beta, 2] setWaypointType "UNLOAD";[beta, 1] setWaypointType "MOVE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
//[beta, 2] setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
[beta, 2] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
[beta, 2] setWaypointBehaviour "[b]SAFE[/b]";

but you have to set the gunner behaviour.

Edited by CyOp

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OK Goliath, anything I can do to make this addon better :)

BTW, I found another small problem that I hope you can overcome. When the medevac is local, and the medic is part of my team, sometimes I send some of my unneeded units into the helo to RTB with the medic. But, when I RTB the medic himself, he leaves the squad but doesn't get into the helo he just sits. This of course means the two security gunners also sit, and there's no more action or radio options left to use so it sort of stops. Even when I make all my squad leave the helo they all just sit.

So maybe the medic is "expecting" to get the front seat? ;) :D

(BTW, it might be nice to have something happen to these guys when the helo RTBs. I don't know what, I'll leave that to you ;) maybe remove them from the squad & just disembark them, maybe even just nothing.)

Also, when the helo is destroyed the "cancel medevac" action remains forever. Small one that

Thanks DMarwick!

I've resolved these problems! Now I'm still testing more and more the module before release the new update!

@CyOp: thanks for your works mate! I've readed all your code..Now I PM you ;)

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Hi, Im a bit confused after the last couple of updates. Is it not possible to place your medevac at a base anymore? I have tried and it is nowhere to be seen

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Hi, Im a bit confused after the last couple of updates. Is it not possible to place your medevac at a base anymore? I have tried and it is nowhere to be seen

Yes, it is possible to place the medevac at the base. :)

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Yes, it is possible to place the medevac at the base. :)

Hi, Yes I just looked at the readme and I see that you can still do that so I dont know why its not at the game logic location? :o

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Hi, Yes I just looked at the readme and I see that you can still do that so I dont know why its not at the game logic location? :o

I use the module that is present in this thread. I stil have not problem to spawn the heli at the base. Doo you synchronize the Game Logic with the player instead the module?

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