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Medevac Module

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Hi guys!!

I've developed a Medevac module that works in this way:

- Put the 'Medevac Module' in the editor and synchronize it with the player;

- The player will receive a 'Call in Medevac' action in its menu ("Call in Medevac");

- After a while a chopper (or another in-array specified vehicle) will arrive next to the player's position and ask him to throw a smoke to identify it; the player can even abort the mission by simply selecting the "Abort medevac" action appeared after calling in the chopper;

- The player must throws a red smoke to permits the chopper (or vehicle) to identify the player's position and land (red smoke added via scripts so you don't need to add the smoke to the player's unit in the editor);

- Two units dismount and secure the landing zone and stay near the chopper's position;

- A third unit (corpsman) runs near the player's position and joins the player's group;

- The player can heal himself and all his units;

- When the player decides he can sends (via the action entry "Medevac RTB") the order at the corpsman to Return To Base (RTB);

- Otherwise the player can use the option "Reinsert" to be reinserted anywhere in the map by simply click on it (the "Reinsert" option is available from the mission's beginning so the player can use it even if he's near the Medevac's vehicle and if he hasn't already called the Medevac);

- After selected the "Medevac RTB" menu action, corpsman remounts the waiting chopper;

- Only after the corpsman mounts in chopper, the other two units will mount (this is a correct military procedure);

- Chopper returns to base and after a while you will re-receive the action to call another medevac chopper ("Call in Medevac");


Video by Thirdup (Thanks!)

You don't need to put choppers or units in the editor but only the Medevac Module and synchronize it to the player.

I've managed all the eventually accidents that may occurs during the medevac operation (chopper heavily damaged/destroyed, corpsman's dead before/after dismounted etc.) and if the chopper is hit during its manouver and lands (it don't crash/blow up), a little optional rescue mission will start.


1. Extract the Medevac zip folder;

2. Put the folder @Medevac in your ArmA2's directory;

3. Put the folder 'userconfig', that you can find inside the @Medevac folder, in your ArmA2's main directory

4. Modify the desktop's shortcut with this line: -mod=@Medevac

5. Enjoy


You can modify the units that spawn (ie the vehicle of the Medevac) by changing the unit_array.hpp file

inside the userconfig\MM folder (!!!that it must be put inside the main directory of ArmA 2!!!).

You can even activate or deactivate some sounds present in the Module by modify the MM_SOUNDS global

variable inside the unit_array.hpp file.


- Now if you put in editor a Game Logic and synchronize it with the Medevac Module the chopper will spawn

at the Game Logic's location. If you call in the chopper it will take off from the Game Logic's position, come to you, make all the things above and when you send it the order to RTB it will return to the Game Logic's position and land so you can use the Medevac call not only to healing you and your teammates but even to return to base via the Medevac chopper. The Game Logic can be putted, for example, in a base camp.

- Now you can use the Medevac vehicle to be reinserted, by simply click on the map, from the beginning of the mission. You can even abort the reinsertion whenever you want.

- To add your own units to be spawned instead vanilla's one you need to modify the corrispondent array in the ArmA 2\userconfig\MM\unit_array.hpp

- Now you can activate/deactivate sounds (thanks Thedog88!) of the Medevac module by changing the corrispondent global variable in the unit_array.hpp

- If you use the Medevac Module without the Game Logic synchronized to it, you can put, in the mission editor, a marker named MM_MKR1 so the chopper (or vehicle) will spawn (and disappear when it return after the Medevac action) in that position instead the default position (at the bottom left of the map). In this way you can make a faster Medevac arrival.




(FILE OUTDATED v0.995 beta 2):

Assault Mission Studio:


MEDEVAC Module [0.995 beta2] by goliath86



Changelog (v1.0):

- Fixed: MP issues. Now the Medevac Module is fully MP compatible;

- Fixed: bug at player's death (you receive multiple "Call in medevac" entry menu action);

- Fixed: invisible actions present at the beginning of the mission;

- Changed: removed the RTB Radio trigger and changed with an entry action menu ("Medevac RTB");

- Added: server's key and signed addon;

Changelog (v0.995 beta 3):

- Fixed some little bugs

- Added: ability to use the "Reinsert" option form the beginning of the mission when near the chopper.

- Added: ability to abort the Reinsertion and RTB

- Changed: now the chopper don't RTB if the corpsman die. In this way you can already use the "Reinsert" option.

Changelog (v0.995 beta 2):

- Solved: Strange behaviour when chopper is under attack when it is landed near the player

- Solved: Problems if you mount the MM chopper and then call the RTB radio

- Added: Try to 'force' landing on Medevac choppers

- Added: Make a unit_array.hpp file instead the currently unit_array.sqf file to be in line like all the other ArmA2's MODs

- Added: sounds by Thedog88 that can be ativated or not via the unit_array.hpp file

- Changed: if you use the Medevac Module without the Game Logic synchronized to it, you can put, in the mission

editor, a marker named MM_MKR1 so the chopper (or vehicle) will spawn (and disappear when it return after the

Medevac action) in that position instead the default position (at the bottom left of the map). In this way you

can make a faster Medevac arrival.

- Changed: new module's icon

- Changed: now if you return at FOB via Medevac with your

squad you don't lost it and you can make a reinsertion via

the Medevac. In this way you can return via Medevac at the base to heal or rearm and then be reinserted via Medevac with your mates.

Changelog (v0.99 beta):

- Added: unit array to permit players to spawn their units instead vanilla's ones

- Added: Reinsert action to permit the player, if returned on FOB via medevac, to be reinserted via medevac

vehicle by clicking on the map

- Fixed: many little bugs in the medevac vehicle waypoints

- Changed: new module's icon

- Changed: all global variables now will start with MM_ prefix

Changelog (v0.48):

- Fixed: when player's units mount the Medevac chopper then the corpsman and the gunners won't remount the chopper (thanks DMarwick!)

- Fixed: problem with synchronization without the Game Logic (thanks CyOp!)

- Improved: now helo, even under fire, will land correctly (thanks CyOp!)

Changelog (v0.30):

- Added: when player dies and teamswitch is enabled, all the Medevac actions are passed at

the new player's unit (thanks DMarwick)

Changelog (v0.28):

- Fixed: CTD when the helo explode during its mission (thanks DMarwick!)

Changelog (v0.25):

- Added: now you can abort the Medevac Mission, when the chopper is flying, via action menu (thanks DMarwick for suggestions!). When the medic dismount, you can send the RTB order via the usual Radio Bravo trigger (0-0-2)

- Fixed: bug that prevent the main script to terminate correctly

Changelog (v0.20):

- Fixed: error message 'cannot load the mission, missing addon medevac' when loading a saved mission (thanks Manzilla for report!)

ChangeLog (v0.18):

- Module now supports all the ArmA2's sides (USMC, russians, civilians and resistances)

- The module can now be synchronized with a game logic to make it permanentely present in game

ChangeLog (v0.13):

- Changed: now you have a red smoke instead purple smoke (thanks CyOp!)

- Changed: now you don't have the action menu to throw the smoke; instead you have to normally throw the red smoke (thanks CyOp!)

- Added: when rescue mission is active and player go near the crash site, the alive soldiers/pilots join the player's group

- General optimization at the code

ChangeLog (v0.11):

- Added: corpsman, when dismount, join player's group for more control over it's capabilities (the corpsman will return in the helo, for RTB, when called Radio Bravo)

- General optimization at the code

Test it and if you encounter any bugs or if it can need some modify just post it and I will modify the module. I need your help to improve it to the max! :cool:

Hope you enjoy!


Thanks BANDIT2338 for the support

Thanks CyOp for the idea and support

Thanks DMarwick for the supprt and tranlsation in sidechat text

Thanks Thedog88 for his incredibly sounds

Thanks Thirdup for the fantastic video "Medevac Test"

Thanks all the ArmA 2 community

Thanks BIS for ArmA series

Edited by goliath86

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sounds realy cool, i wanted to start doing something similar, but if u managed all you just said its very good, can wait to test it... release date?

oh... and sugestions... no its all ok, perfect for what it supposed to do, just make sure its bug free and it will be perfect

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I can release it immediatly if anyone want it to test and bug report to me ;)

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hi Goliath,

I think you made a really great work!

I'm impressed !

All the procedure you planned is simply perfect, nothing to say :)

Hope to see it soon.



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Download link in first post..

Post here if you encounter any bugs or if you think it need some mod ;)

Thank you guys!! :D

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looks good and testing now! btw i got a very realistic uh-60q medevac in WIP! and once i get that done would love to implament this as a part of it?

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Updated version of Medevac module available on the first post..


- Added: corpsman, when dismount, join player's group for more control over it's capabilities (the corpsman will return in the helo, for RTB, when called Radio Bravo)

- General optimization at the code

Edited by goliath86

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looks good and testing now! btw i got a very realistic uh-60q medevac in WIP! and once i get that done would love to implament this as a part of it?

Good news soldier! When you have finished your work I will be very happy to implement it :D

Edited by goliath86

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I have been occupied with something the last couple of days, so I have not done as much testin as I wanted. However, I did PM what I have so far. Take a look.

---------- Post added at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

OK, just loaded up both missions. I remember now that I did the most testing with the UH-1Y. So that is more refined. For instance, on the UH-M60S mission, I still need to move the 'co-pilot' to charlie, then back to beta.

I will try to do more testing later.

Oh, and since I was playing with custom infantry load outs, too, on that little map acenario I sent you, I need to take 1 white SmokeShell out of the Squad Leaders inventory.

Edited by CyOp

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I get a CTD when loading missions. The error says it's dependent on Medevac.

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I do not know goliath86's hours, and I have not looked at his new script. I will see if I see anything different that could cause that. Although, no one else has reported a CTD issue.

OK, since I mentioned this earlier, and it was easy to check, I tested the smoke.

NOTE: I am using the throwing.sqf with this line commented out:

//player fire "SmokeShellMuzzle";

That's just the way I liked it. It is more immersive for me. The player has to initiate the act of throwing, instead of playing the animation.

OK... If you have any load-out what so ever that has no SmokeShell, the throwing.sqf will generate whatever color is in the script, and it can be thrown. It will take nothing out of the existing inventory.

IF, there is a SmokeShell of any color in the player inventory, say a white and a purple, the script will force the throw of the SmokeShell listed first in the inventory. In the mentioned example of color, the white one would be thrown. THEN, whichever color of smoke is in the script, that will be put into the inventory.

(BTW, although I knew the outcome, I tested the throwing.sqf in its default form. Same results.

The simple work around for now would be to take out any mention of color in the script sideChat. Of course, the player with smoke will still always lose his first listed SmokeShell.

NOTE: I also tested with empty slots in the inventory. Same results.


I don't know why I cannot get the Arma Tools to extract pbo files? Can you PM me the scripts, please? (Or, put them here if you want.)

Edited by CyOp

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I get a CTD when loading missions. The error says it's dependent on Medevac.

It's very strange. I have no CTD in all mine testing. I use both vanilla ArmA 2 and ArmA 2 with ACE2 and GL4 and I haven't experienced any CTD.

I'll test it more and more to verify it. ;)

Thanks Manzilla

---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------

I do not know goliath86's hours, and I have not looked at his new script. I will see if I see anything different that could cause that. Although, no one else has reported a CTD issue.

OK, since I mentioned this earlier, and it was easy to check, I tested the smoke.

NOTE: I am using the throwing.sqf with this line commented out:

//player fire "SmokeShellMuzzle";

That's just the way I liked it. It is more immersive for me. The player has to initiate the act of throwing, instead of playing the animation.

OK... If you have any load-out what so ever that has no SmokeShell, the throwing.sqf will generate whatever color is in the script, and it can be thrown. It will take nothing out of the existing inventory.

IF, there is a SmokeShell of any color in the player inventory, say a white and a purple, the script will force the throw of the SmokeShell listed first in the inventory. In the mentioned example of color, the white one would be thrown. THEN, whichever color of smoke is in the script, that will be put into the inventory.

(BTW, although I knew the outcome, I tested the throwing.sqf in its default form. Same results.

The simple work around for now would be to take out any mention of color in the script sideChat. Of course, the player with smoke will still always lose his first listed SmokeShell.

NOTE: I also tested with empty slots in the inventory. Same results.


I don't know why I cannot get the Arma Tools to extract pbo files? Can you PM me the scripts, please? (Or, put them here if you want.)

Thank you CyOp for your report! I'll check it out the throwing action to fine tuning it. I have look at yours PM, good work CyOp!

It's strange that you couldn't extract the pbo file. But not worry, I'll send you the code so you can help me in bug finding and tuning ;)

Thank you CyOp!! :D

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Just tried, works very well. nice addition thanks

Thank you very much!! ;)

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

Hi guys! I've changed some little things to the module:

ChangeLog (v0.13):

- Changed: now you have a red smoke instead purple smoke (thanks CyOp!)

- Changed: now you don't have the action menu to throw the smoke; instead you have to normally throw the red smoke (thanks CyOp)

- Added: when rescue mission is active and player go near the crash site, the alive soldiers/pilots join the player's group

- General optimization at the code

File in the first post updated to version 0.13 :D

Thank you guys for your support! ;)

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I just tested the module, and it works fine.

I had one problem though, i couldnt get the chopper to RTB, the AI just kept standing in the field. Must have been a freak occurance though, gonna try the new version.

I do have some suggestions though, or at least questions:

Does it work for Opfor as well? Would be cool if the module worked for whatever side your on, not just Blufor. Havent tested that yet though.

And is there a way to use custom units in the vehicle? Right now they are US soldiers for Blufor, but what if say i wanted to use the Dutch soldiers instead of the US ones?

And the second suggestion, perhaps you could make 4 back-up soldiers instead of 2, 2 on each side of the chopper with each watching a direction, to get 360 degrees security?

Dont know if that's possible, but that would look even more amazing.

Thanks for your great work!

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I just tested the module, and it works fine.

I had one problem though, i couldnt get the chopper to RTB, the AI just kept standing in the field. Must have been a freak occurance though, gonna try the new version.

I do have some suggestions though, or at least questions:

Does it work for Opfor as well? Would be cool if the module worked for whatever side your on, not just Blufor. Havent tested that yet though.

And is there a way to use custom units in the vehicle? Right now they are US soldiers for Blufor, but what if say i wanted to use the Dutch soldiers instead of the US ones?

And the second suggestion, perhaps you could make 4 back-up soldiers instead of 2, 2 on each side of the chopper with each watching a direction, to get 360 degrees security?

Dont know if that's possible, but that would look even more amazing.

Thanks for your great work!

Hi SIC! yes, I think all of your requests may be implemented in this module. I'll start working to add more and more features :rolleyes:

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Hi guys! I've updated the Medevac module:

You can find the file in the first post :)

New Feature:

- Now if you put in editor a Game Logic and synchronize it with the Medevac Module the chopper will spawn

at the Game Logic's location. If you call in the chopper it will take off from the Game Logic's position, come to you, make all the things above and when you send it the order to RTB it will return to the Game Logic's position and land so you can use the Medevac call not only to healing you and your teammates but even to

return to base via the Medevac chopper. The Game Logic can be putted, for example, in a base camp.

ChangeLog (v0.18):

- Module now supports all the ArmA 2 sides (USMC, russians, civilians and resistances)

- The module can now be synchronized with a game logic to make it permanentely present in game

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hey goliath, ive been messing around with your script, first off, really cool stuff. i took the freedom of going into the file a bit checking it out. i cant figure out how to make the game logic a fixed location for the chopper, what do i need to set the gamelogic to, do i have to name it? let me know please, would love your script on my missions!

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hey goliath, ive been messing around with your script, first off, really cool stuff. i took the freedom of going into the file a bit checking it out. i cant figure out how to make the game logic a fixed location for the chopper, what do i need to set the gamelogic to, do i have to name it? let me know please, would love your script on my missions!

Hi Theodg! To make the module working with the fixed Game Logic you only need to put a simple Game Logic (wthout any name and of any type) in the map, synchronize it with the Medevac Module and that's it..at the start of the mission the Medevac chopper will spawn exactly at the Game Logic position marked in your map with a green marker :)

Edited by goliath86

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