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The ArmA 2 tips 'n trick thread

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Here's a nice one - don't know if it's been mentioned in this thread.

- Assign a key to 'Evasive forward'

- Assign a key to 'Fast forward'

When you are prone and want to get up and run (presumably to close some distance to your opponent), hit EF then FF to do a super quick transition from laying down to a sprint. Much more fluid, and quicker than pressing 'c' (default to stand up) then 'Forward' or 'Fast forward'

Edited by Das Attorney
crap punctuation

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Here's a nice one - don't know if it's been mentioned in this thread.

- Assign a key to 'Evasive forward'

- Assign a key to 'Fast forward'

When you are prone and want to get up and run (presumably to close some distance to your opponent), hit EF then FF to do a super quick transition from laying down to a sprint. Much more fluid, and quicker than pressing 'c' (default to stand up) then 'Forward' or 'Fast forward'

You could also just double-tap 'W' then press 'C' whilst holding 'W' and it does the same thing.

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When attempting a bombing run with a jet, I always find it a good tactic to fly uber high in the air, and then nose dive the target releasing bombs and tabbing tanks. When you are so high up, it takes a rather long time for bullets and missiles to reach you, most of which will have died by the time they close in.

Also, by nose diving, your bomb runs can be super uber precise. I have actually captured an entire village objective by using this technique. First you drop lots of unguided bombs, than switch to rockets and start tab-shooting any enemies. Finish off by using tab to locate an enemy, and then unload some "gau" into them.

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I want to know the evasive left and right commands. When you do the big steps left and right. Those are great for avoiding fire.

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Some aircraft related tricks:

  • When getting out of a helicopter at the LZ, make sure you get at least 20m away from it before stopping to clear the LZ. Helicopters make easy targets for RPGs/ATGMs, so get well away from the thing. For the pilots, don't hang around. If someone doesn't get out, that's their own fault and they can wait until the next dropoff.
  • Whilst doing SEAD strikes in aircraft such as the A-10, avoid overflying the AA site. Generally it's better to do the strafing run/launch the missile and then break to either side, as opposed to flying over the target. You never know what else may be down there.
  • Use the right weapon for the job. To take out AA such as the Tunguska, Shilka or Avenger, use Air-To-Ground missiles at standoff range. For tanks or weaker, a cannon run will do the trick. Concentrated groups are what rockets are for, and buildings/compounds/static targets are best dealt with using bombs. Helicopters can also be destroyed by a quick burst of the cannon, best to save the AAMs for fast air.
  • In helicopters, going high up is good if there are no missiles in the area, because it keeps you out of the reach of AAA. From up high, you get a good view and can support infantry extremely well, as you can see what's going on around them.
  • NEVER type whilst flying a helicopter full of passengers, typing causes the controls to stop working (even joysticks for some stupid reason) and this often cause crashing (damn trees, why'd they have to be so tall? :p ).
  • If you run out of armament in PvP, a high-speed, low pass can often cause the enemy to be distracted/confused for long enough for friendly forces to gain the advantage, or for you to get out of there. Having a jet fly over you at 500+ is really quite loud and causes you to take cover, and also looks brilliant :D.

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Cheat and Tricks...

To me, spacebar scanning is cheating. Crosshair is cheating. Tactical view is cheating. Marking on map and permanent HUD is cheating. Turning grass off, well, arguable. ;-)

I also like to play the game on the higher difficulty too, with similar very choices, but some things do not work without using the HUD. It would be great on any difficulty if I could get a lock on noise for stinger and javeline, It would be great if a warning light/sound would tell me a missle is incoming to my aircraft. But the game does not allow it (have to use HUD). The list goes on too as this is not VBS2. Marking on the map I do though because my memory is bad and still getting used to calling out targets correctly (I do not play Pub though...I play with a clan).

Back on track though...

-Learn to use Overwatch while with Fireteams

-Learn Grid Coordinates

-Learn Effective ranges of weapons

-Learn that playing Pub is an entirely different game than Clan/Community Based...Played in the IC tourne for Arma 1, playing with Clan end Arma 1/Start of Arma 2.

-Learn how to be a good vehicle commander with human players

-Download training scenarios at Armaholic.com or armedassualtinfo.com .

-Hope that the Robotech Talented Addon designer would do one for Arma 2...


Theres more but those are some basic ones.

Edited by zolop0

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Allthough gamey, I think the shift + mapclick thing is a good feature.

considering pilots have HUD's that show waypoints, this actually works great. For foot soldiers its called GPS ;)

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-Learn Effective ranges of weapons

Would be cool to get some infos here about effective range, since real weapon datas are not simulated.

Would love to know also up to which range units are rendered...

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my view on the spacebar cheat is more along of of conversation in the game while I manually scan with it pressed

AI: Target Right

Me: where, I can't see shit

AI: by the tree

Me: what tree? The one there?

AI: no, there

Me: I still can't see anything


Me: oh, that tree......roger.

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That shift-click waypoint thing is fantastic, I've needed something like that for flying for a loong time!

In other news, my other great problem - how do you get the AI to lose you after they've spotted you once? For example, lets say I'm on top of the big concrete building in Chernogorsk, and I've just picked off a guy inside the container-parking lot with a silenced weapon. His entire squad is now aware of my position, of course, but now I'm completely pinned until they decide to forget about me, which is never - if I crawl over to another part of the building and pop out, they'll instantly see me in a second or two and take me out, regardless of whether its 5m away from my original position or if I've ran all the way around them and am on the complete other flank.

So, tips on engaging the AI when you're on foot, anyone?

As for giving some back, I spend most of my time in Warfare mode, so:

- The probability of your new helicopter you just bought being completely disabled by a single MG shot is directly proportional to how much it cost you

- Roofs and towers seem like great sniping points until you fire once, then remember how good the AI is at spotting you

- Always bring support vehicles; a tank column needs repair and re-arm, and setting up forward R&R spots cuts down on gunship trip times

- The bicycle will always be the fastest, most reliable, best value vehicle you can buy

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So, tips on engaging the AI when you're on foot, anyone?

As a sniper range and silence is your advantage..if you are only 200-300m away from the enemy they will spot you easy and take you under fire. If you have more distance with a sniper rifle + a silenced one you can clear a village almost. Roofs and towers are maybe interesting spots but they are probably way too close so ai will get you fast. If you have the .50 cal sniper rifle you can shoot from almost 1000m+ range into town ..well not the center unfortunately since buildings are blocking the view, there are some nice spots just look around on map =).

Edited by oxmox

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Good tips! It just so happens I discovered a love of the DMR tonight. Like you said, being over 300m is the key - I was on a tower which I really doubted would be safe, to the west of Komarovo, but the distance actually kept me from any fire except from the odd angry pickup truck.

I also noted that if you have multiple attackers like allied AI or squad members, the AI totally forgets about you and targets them, and then they'll totally forget that AI and target someone else, and so on. So the moral is, being a lone wolf is asking for trouble in close quarters.

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when facing against wheeled apc´s and you dont have an AT launcher with you then shoot down 1 or 2 wheel´s and the crewmembers will leave the vehicle.

Check it out it works

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Cheat and Tricks...

To me, spacebar scanning is cheating. Crosshair is cheating. Tactical view is cheating. Marking on map and permanent HUD is cheating. Turning grass off, well, arguable. ;-)

i disagree. These methods of locating enemy are fair because of the limitations of squad communications. Usually all you get from your squadmates is "enemy soldier 100 meters to the front" or some such generic description. This is very problematic considering "front" may not be the direction you are currently facing but rather the direction that the spotting soldier is facing. In reality you'd get much more description enemy locations from your squad mates to help you: i.e. "prone enemy spotted at 1 o'clock about 100 meters near that small group of trees." Also in reality you would be able to ask for clarifications and continuous updates on spotted enemy. Since all of this detail is just not possible in the current game engine then any of these methods to obtain enemy locations is fair game.

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Yeah but you can spacebar scanning without any notification and you dont need even one AI for it.....thats the problem with this function.

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Some aircraft related tricks:

  • Use the right weapon for the job. To take out AA such as the Tunguska, Shilka or Avenger, use Air-To-Ground missiles at standoff range. For tanks or weaker, a cannon run will do the trick. Concentrated groups are what rockets are for, and buildings/compounds/static targets are best dealt with using bombs. Helicopters can also be destroyed by a quick burst of the cannon, best to save the AAMs for fast air.

How do you use the A10 bombs without a laser designator? There's never a friendly unit who just happens to have a designator on them and taking a stroll through the enemy base.

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How do you use the A10 bombs without a laser designator? There's never a friendly unit who just happens to have a designator on them and taking a stroll through the enemy base.

Generally dive-bombing works pretty well. If you have Mando Missiles, you can self designate them. However, dive-bombing is generally the best idea if you need to drop the bombs in a hurry. :)

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Updating the OP, I will add your feedback to it and keep it updated with whatever you type, this way all the info stays on the main post.

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The LAV-25 has 240 HE rounds and 240 AT rounds. It only takes 10 AT rounds to destroy a T72 (Crew disembarks, 3 seconds later it blows). This means, if you know your math, that you can take out 24 T72s with one LAV-25.

The LAV-25 has only a 25mm M242 Bushmaster main gun.....?? At what range did you attack, i guess lower than 400m ?

Edited by oxmox

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Hey i just wanted to say,

I really appreciate this page, a scrub like me who's been playing since release is still trying to get over the learning curve.

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The LAV-25 has only a 25mm M242 Bushmaster main gun.....?? At what range did you attack, i guess lower than 400m ?

Not true. It has the M242 which can fire either HE or AP rounds, and it also has an M240 coax.

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Updating the OP, I will add your feedback to it and keep it updated with whatever you type, this way all the info stays on the main post.


-Ziggy-;1542295']when viewing the map' date=' hold shift, then left mouse click on any location. a small black circle will appear. now exit the map, you will have a waypoint in the form of a green V !

especially helpful for pilots to identify LZ or targets! ;)[/quote']


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Why the rolling eyes?

Lets try and get this a sticky, I think this forum needs a tips n tricks thread like every other game forum.

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