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GBU12 vs Mk82

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Yeah I've always felt that the MK82 while technically incorrect makes up for the lack of ability to lase your own targets from the air. Maybe if they'd rename it it would make more sense.

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Mando makes up for the lack of air operations realism in A2

EDIT : MMA is part of these "little" addons and mods that should be officially supported and integral of some community package inserted into official patches trains, if you ask me. Utopy, utopy :)

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I agree that the planes carrying the GBU12 should be able to lase their own target, and CCIP would be a good feature, provided the AI could use it. Pinpointing tanks with a Mk82, is just silly.

It seems like some (only some) aircraft should have the capability to use laser targeting and marking equipement such as the LANTRIN pods as pylon mounted loads. Just as it is realistic.

ACE, for example, has realized the laser marking from helicopter gunships in an easy to use, efficiently implemented (low CPU load) system. I don't know about the latest ACE2 1.6, but I could imagine those guys have already done a similar feat to simulate targeting pods on fixed-wing airframes. If not, this would be surely one good suggestion.

Post WW2 airplanes should definitely get CCIP and CCRP systems in ARMA2, ideally from vanilla rather than addons. Though CCIP and CCRP systems used until the introduction of phased-array radar both were still rather inaccurate even to dumb-bombing controls today (image the computer would not accurately measured the change in terrain altitude and catch according errors), and still be dependent on the pilot, I find those would be very crucial ingredients for the flight-sim part of ARMA2. Hopefully ARMA3 will make headway with the flight, armor and naval sim parts, but before some addon will cure this need.

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ACE adds CCIP. Unfortunately it always misses :( (or at least it did last time I tried it, maybe they fixed it by now)

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Unfortunately, ARMA 2 calls for near 90 degree AOA for accurate bomb drops when using the likes of the MK82 as the glide path is never correct (even with ace).

I'm not sure how accurate the MANDO ccip reticle is as I haven't tested it for many months, but the arma system at present is a shame and feels incredibly arcadey.

I personally would like to see a semi-accurate system to be implemented as follows:

- Disable ALL tab functionality

- All targetting done by an interface similar to the litening pod (which is used widely these days)

- For a target to be bombed it must be targetted by the pod and locked / tracked

-- From this point you can either turn on the laser for manual designation for GBUs or turn on LSS for finding ground lased targets.

-- Laser also acts as a range finder, as traditional TGP follow the terrain model so you're always looking at A POINT IN THE WORLD and locking onto the same point, never the object only the ground where it sits which can lead to bombs missing.

-- If the bombs are not laser guided, you can designate the target as an SPI and drop an inertially guided munition such as a jdam or utilise the CCRP mode for standard bombs like the MK82 for accuracy gain.

I'd love to see this done IN COCKPIT, but that will never happen if we get RTT implemented into the engine. Mandos solution is brilliant, but throws away the ability to control your aircraft in a hot zone leading you more likely to die.

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Mandos solution is brilliant, but throws away the ability to control your aircraft in a hot zone leading you more likely to die.

And that's precisely why it would be really nice to see a two-seater Tornado or F-18 addon. :p

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