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raptor 6 actual

9 Line Medical CASEVAC Script help

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So, here's an idea that I heard of and wanted to create and offer to Norrin for when his medical wounding system is implemented. But, then I thought, there are so many possiblities even in SP missions where this could be valuable. For example: You are a medic in a squad and your team accidently fires on unarmed civilians. You will lose points if you shot them in the first place, but even more if you don't get them some much needed medical support.

Why not call in for a mdical CASEVAC bird. Another example for MP is:

A combat casuality needs to be evacuated off the battlefield and taken to the appropriate medical facilities. Through the use of the 9 Line CASEVAC program, the Platoon, squad, or fireteam leader can gather the needed information to call for and relay the correct information to the people who need it most.

Script can be activated via the action menu from either a corpsman or TL slot.

(Action Menu) "Call for medical CASEVAC"

**Window pops up**

Line 1- Location

(Player can enter the 6 digit X/Y Map Coordinates for the desired Landing Zone or map click. Will also determine location distance for pickup to Battalion Aid Station. So it could be road vehicle or Aircraft)

Line 2- Call Sign

(Call Sign that will be used by the ground unit at the LZ. You should know this information before every operation.)

Line 3- Precedence

"Alpha" -- Urgent

"Bravo" -- Urgent Surgical

"Charlie" -- Priority

"Delta" -- Routine

"Echo" -- Convenience

Line 4- Special Equipment

(See below for examples of special equipment)

"Alpha" -- None

"Bravo" -- Hoist

"Charlie" -- Extraction Equipment ***may not be needed in ArmA 2 environment***

"Delta" -- Ventilator ***won't be needed in ArmA 2 environment, but can be modified for something else***

Line 5- Number of Patients by Type

**Multiple Drop Down Menus for multiple patients**

(Determines whether the patients are ambulatory or litter bound. CASEVAC bird will be configured or "spawned" according to response here)

"Lima" -- Litter Patients ****Will require CASEVAC bird with litters setup****

"Alpha" -- Ambulatory ****Patients can sit in normal seats****

Line 6- Security of Pickup Site

(Whether or not the enemy is near the LZ. If all of your casualties are routine and the LZ is not secured, then you may not get your requested CASEVAC approved)

"Novemeber" -- No enemy troops in area

"Papa" -- Possible enemy troops (approach with caution)

"Echo" -- Enemy troops in area (approach with caution)

"X-Ray" -- Enemy troops in area (armed escort required)

Line 7- Method of Marking Pickup Site

(Method that you will use to mark your LZ and ask the pilot to identify)

"Alpha"-- Chemlights

"Bravo" -- IR Strobes

"Charlie" -- Smoke Signal

"Delta" -- None

"Echo" -- Other

Line 8- Patient's Nationality and Status

"Alpha" -- US Military

"Bravo" -- US Citizen

"Charlie" -- Non US Military

"Delta" -- Non US civilan

"Echo" -- Enemy Prisoner of War

Line 9- NBC Contamination

(Whether the LZ has been contaminated with NBC agents)

"November" -- Nuclear

"Bravo" -- Biological

"Charlie" -- Chemical

Depending on the answers, the dialog will produce a response to be sent to either another player in MP or to automatically spawn a CASEVACE response. From that point, a helo or vehicle is spawned and comes to the desired location, and it can be unprotected or escorted with other assets.

Here is another example of the need for the 9 Line CASEVAC request dialog:

During a routine patrol, your platoon takes two casualities. One receives a gunshot wound to his right arm. The other receives a gunshot wouond to his abdomen and has signs and symptoms of shock associated with internal hemorrhage. While you perform inital treatment, members of your platoon determine that the closest potential landing zone for a helicopter is 300 meters to the West. It's grid location on the map is 125/096. Your call sign is Kilo Black Two Two. Your unit commander informs you that the site is secure and will be marked with green smoke. The following would be your nine line radio CASEVAC Request Transmission or response that would be generated:

Line 1- 125/096

Line 2- Kilo Black Two Two

Line 3- 1 Bravo, 1 Charlie

Line 4- Alpha

Line 5- 1 Lima, 1 Alpha

Line 6- November

Line 7- Charlie

Line 8- 2 Alpha

Line 9- None

Since the area is safe (Line 6- No enemies), then your CASEVAC response would be answered with a helo coming to pick up the wounded. A helo because of the severity of the second patient.

I know this all sounds confusing, but as a Paramedic in the civilian world, I love the ability to use ACE 2's and Norrin's Revive scripts, and THINK, that others may enjoy the realism part of this as well, which is practiced in today's military.

Tell me what you think.

Edited by Raptor 6 Actual

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hey man this sounds great..i finially got my new rig(yay!!!!) so maby once i get up an runing me and you can work on this...to make this a real addon\script! after all we made them tractor trailers from nothing lol! and hopefull if we can get this from "paper" to the drawing board, so to speak, then hopefuly others will soon follow(meaning help us)! good day bud, and cant wait till i get back up and runing we can them start making magic again!


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Yeah, that's a good idea. I felt inspired by VBS2 1.3 trailer too... With all my inspiration and imagination i'm still shitty coder and scripter... Tough, i can throw you a few ideas.

Hope to see this feature in A2 soon (or at least in OpA, maybe BIS can include this at time). Good luck on project...

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Yeah man, good to hear from you again. Will look forward to your collaboration.


Thanks for the support, and any ideas you have, pls IM me at docrptr@live.com for my MSN.


So far, I was just trying to get some ideas from people and to make sure that some of the other aspects have been lined up.

I am currently working on just the MP part of it. Which is, one player entering the information via dropboxes and then formulating a response that will be read out to a live commander controlling the HMLA or air wing.

But don't worry single players, I am still laying out the plans for both SP and MP capabilities so that, as explained above in my first post, when you finish entering in the needed information, a certain "hidden" score will be tallied and depending upon the total, will spawn one of a few options:

1) Unescorted Airborn CASEVAC

2) Escorted Airborn CASEVAC (maybe an AH-1Y)

3) Unescorted Land MEDEVAC (M997 Medical HMMWV)

4) Escorted Land MEDEVAC (Med. HMMWV w/ Light Armor)

It all factors in whether the distance from the wounded to the Battalion Aid Station (BAS) is near or far. Whether you have one or more casualities, what their precedence is, the fact of whether they are US or Enemy or Civilian, whether the LZ is safe or hot, and finally, whether there has been NBC usage.

This will all be figured "behind the scenes" via the script, then you will automatically receive the appropriate response...hopefully :P

Keep tuned in guys.

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Have you sorted out some sort of check for where the actual LZ will be? You may want to look at scanning the config for the openArea nearest to the grid/mapclick location. There's also a command (drawing a blank at the moment) findNearestSafePosition or something. (Will edit this when I remember/find it again.)

Your implementation sounds brilliant, though!


Ok - sorry if you already know this, but I think a combination of:


Search for the position nearest (up to maxDistance) to the center,with,the free area (vehicle of the given type can be placed anywhere) of the,given radius. When not found,empty array is returned.


_indivPos = _spawnPos findEmptyPosition [2, 50];

And actually this, too, the bis function BIS_fnc_findSafePos:


Function to retrieve and dynamic position in the world according to several parameters.


_this select 0: center position (Array)

Note: passing [] (empty Array), the world's safePositionAnchor entry will be used.

_this select 1: minimum distance from the center position (Number)

_this select 2: maximum distance from the center position (Number)

Note: passing -1, the world's safePositionRadius entry will be used.

_this select 3: minimum distance from the nearest object (Number)

_this select 4: water mode (Number)

0: cannot be in water

1: can either be in water or not

2: must be in water

_this select 5: maximum terrain gradient (average altitude difference in meters - Number)

_this select 6: shore mode (Number):

0: does not have to be at a shore

1: must be at a shore

_this select 7: (optional) blacklist (Array of Arrays):

(_this select 7) select X: Top-left and bottom-right coordinates of blacklisted area (Array)

_this select 8: (optional) default positions (Array of Arrays):

(_this select 8) select 0: default position on land (Array)

(_this select 8) select 1: default position on water (Array)


Coordinate array with a position solution.


_tempCampSafe = [_tempCamp, 0, 100, 10, 0, .3, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

Also, I'd be much interested in whatever solution you are going to use. :)

Edited by TRexian

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Actually TRexian, thx to you, I will now implement that. I hadn't even thought about the problem of AI not knowing where to land...especially if the enemy is nearby.

I will probably talk to Mandoble about implementing his Helo script. Thx again, I will definitely look into what you posted as possibilities.

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No prob. :)

When I posted that, I was thinking primarily of helos, but there could be some application for vehicles, too. Perhaps rather than sending a vehicle to the actual spot, find a location nearby.

"Dude - you gotta get your wounded to me."

Would be somewhat trickier, but for brainstorming using something like nearRoads:

Get vector from identified location to support station (HQ/medevac/friendly base). Get a position 50m from identified location on that vector, get the nearest roads within 50 of there. If there are none, move another 50 on the vector. If you find a road segment, confirm the vector from the identified location to the road is within... maybe 45 degrees of the vector to the base. You don't want to send the ambulance behind enemy lines.

I dunno... someone like Mando probably has a better way. :)

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Hope you guys come up with a way to apply this in ArmA2. I have always wanted to have a way to do an actual 9 line in game. Just dont have the know how to implement it. Good luck and I will be watching this thread closely

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Thx Meatball, and btw, have you actually ever heard the 9-Line request being called in? If so, talk to me on MSN pls. It'd be a lot of help to make sure the proper sequence is being scripted in. IM me at docrptr@live.com

As far as the scripting goes and the project, I'm away from ArmA 2 for the next week or so while doing Xmas stuff with the family. I have been doing some research and looking at other scripts that have already been made to help cut down on some of the work load, but I need to contact some of the authors.

Right now, I have in mind using USMC vehicles for the CASEVAC versions, but the script will be setup to allow for the changing of any aircraft a mission maker wants. For example, when OA comes out, I'm sure people that use Binkowski's ACU units would like the medical version of a CH-47 coming to their rescue.

I guess it's all to preference. So, anyways, it's all being planned out atm, I'm looking at adding stuff, and eventually will have to ask for some help from other more gifted scripters, but hope to not take too long on coming up with a playable beta ASAP. When I first started, it was just an idea to allow a person to get a dialog to formulate all of the correct answers needed for the nine line, but then Norrin mentioned the fact that he always thought of a plan like this, but for a single map click for medical help to arrive. My plan is a bit more involved, but will add to the realism aspect of the game.

Thanks for the interest guys, talk to you soon.

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Yeah I have and used a nine line before, I dont have msn though, and I still have a lot of my Infantry Rifleman literature so we can do one up. Just have to get the scripting down.

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Don't know if you've seen this mate:

at around 3:40 it shows an implementation of the 9 line medivac request form in VBS2 - might give you some ideas

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Don't know if you've seen this mate:
at around 3:40 it shows an implementation of the 9 line medivac request form in VBS2 - might give you some ideas

Yeah that is good

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Don't know if you've seen this mate:...at around 3:40 it shows an implementation of the 9 line medivac request form in VBS2 - might give you some ideas

Thanks alot Norrin,

Now, I would like to ask all of you...what version of dialog do you like better? Seeing as how I don't have ArmA with me to get a dialog ingame as of today, would you like having to type all information in as they do in VBS2? Or map click to pick the location for the lz, and drop down menus for the other options? Also, I would give like up to 6 patient slots for lines 3 & 5, if you don't have that many wounded, you'd just leave them blank or select "N/A".

With T-Rex's suggestions, I would use the find nearest road or lz to let the AI pick the closest, appropriate LZ to land at or drive up to.

The only thing I don't think I'll implement at this time, is the fast roping onto a building to secure the LZ, with our luck, the AI in ArmA 2 would just fall off creating the need for yet another CASEVAC.

Again, more suggestions and help is appreciated. And if anyone knows how to animate two soldiers carrying a litter, that'd be awesome, lol. j/k.

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As for dialog version I prefer VBS version, casue it's little bit cleaner and easier to maintain. And besides that, we'll get closer to VBS2 proffesionalism and "clean look". But that's my personal opinion...

Guys carrying a litter can have simple walk animation (that one with the weapon on back or holstered) and just litter attached to them by our sweet "attachTo" command...

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;1522239']As for dialog version I prefer VBS version' date=' casue it's little bit cleaner and easier to maintain. And besides that, we'll get closer to VBS2 proffesionalism and "clean look". But that's my personal opinion...[/quote']

Thx Max255, I WILL keep the professionalism at the upmost of my concerns with the appearance to the 9-line. With that said, with BI producing VBS2, they have a lot more know how than I on all possible answers that can be typed into those different Line fields. Therefore, I would think that being able to map click somewhere, and the corresponding spot would be "automatically" filled into the line on my version. Everything else, would hopefully be drop down menus to allow the user to quickly pick what they want, without having to have prior military experience to understand what the "Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Echo" answers mean for each line.

I promise I'm working on an example to post ASAP when I get back home next week, and let you all have an idea of how this thing will look ingame, on screen. Hopefully, it will not disappoint you all.

Again, professionalism and realism is what I'm wanting to bring to the table, and also, the more I think about it, maybe using a dismount script that some author made for A1 (can't remember who did it) would be nice for another bird to come in and set up a defense perimeter if it's a possible hot LZ, but that's step 500 and I'm only on step 1 or 2 atm..

Merry X-mas guys.

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9 Line W.I.P.


Alright guys,

THIS IS A W.I.P. and it's my first one, so you'll have to bear with me. I've made this basic dialog just to let you see what it will look like as it stands for now. It's close to VBS2, but I will probably make it look like an actual 9 Line pocket/flip card I found from an Army training site.

The "Mark LZ" will be a button that the user can click on, it will open the map, user clicks on desired LZ, and the coordinates are put into the Line 1 field.

Lines 3, 5, & 8 will have about six drop down list boxes that let you pick the precedence level for each wounded player. (So, another words, this script will only handle 6 wounded soldiers at a time)

Things to be done:

WHEW!!! Where to start? lol.

1. Need to finish the dialog box.

2. Need to figure out whether anyone can call the scripts, or a select few (IE-Medics, Team Leaders, Radio operators) You tell me what you think.

2. Need to link "Mark LZ" with onMapClick function

3. Implement Mando's Heliroute

4. Implement Norrin's MP Compatible Rappel Script for LZ security bird/force

5. Implement the attachTo command ability for the carrying of stretchered patients.

6. Various other aspects, that I can't think of because of what time it is currently.

Eventually, I think that a player should be able to call for a CASEVAC for his wounded battle buddy whether it's an AI or an actual human player. The player will be taken back to a BAS (Battalion Aid Station) or whatever the mission maker wants, and then the player will be revived there. Norrin's medical script will tell if the patient can be treated on the field or back at the BAS. I was told that ACE2 already had that first part working, but not sure. I will hand this over to Norrin or ACE2 if they desire it when it nears completion to see if a patient that is receiving an IV bag, and morphine can make it back to an aid station or if they have decided to have "God" healers out on the field.

I have a lot of motivation to work on this script. Thanks alot to Mando, SFCItzhak, Norrin, and everyone else that is being patient with me while I'm learning all of this. If you're interested in helping, pls feel free to jump in. I think this will be a great addition to the battlefield environment, with multiple possiblities of being tweaked for different ideas. More to come as soon as I make more progress.

Edited by Raptor 6 Actual

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Just an idea... You could make the drop down boxes activated by button next to the line and not interfering with the text in line, so you can enter all manually also (for few maniacs around here - including me). I have hope it's not too hard to make...

Edited by Max255[PL]

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;1529431']Just an idea... You could make the drop down boxes activated by button next to the line and not interfering with the text in line' date=' so you can enter all manually also (for few maniacs around here - including me). I have hope it's not too hard to make...[/quote']

Not quite sure which way you're talking about, but the Text boxes that are currently set on lines 3, 5, & 8 are just for show. I was going to make these little boxes, 6 of them, on line 3 for example, it'd say Pt. 1, Pt. 2, Pt. 3, etc, etc, and under each Pt number, you click a drop down that lets you pick Alpha- Urgent, Bravo- Urgent Surgical, etc, etc. If you don't have that many patients, then you'll just leave it blank and it will be considered nil.

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I mean , you can:

1. Choose the option from drop down box.


2. Write it manually in the text box

All in the same time...

And still looking like on the picture. Just with little button next to the text box.

After clicking button the drop down menu appears. Or only the info box about the line what it is for and what you should enter there - without any automatic options. So you must type all but with the reference on side...

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9 Line W.I.P.


Alright guys,

THIS IS A W.I.P. and it's my first one, so you'll have to bear with me. I've made this basic dialog just to let you see what it will look like as it stands for now. It's close to VBS2, but I will probably make it look like an actual 9 Line pocket/flip card I found from an Army training site.

The "Mark LZ" will be a button that the user can click on, it will open the map, user clicks on desired LZ, and the coordinates are put into the Line 1 field.

Lines 3, 5, & 8 will have about six drop down list boxes that let you pick the precedence level for each wounded player. (So, another words, this script will only handle 6 wounded soldiers at a time)

Things to be done:

WHEW!!! Where to start? lol.

1. Need to finish the dialog box.

2. Need to figure out whether anyone can call the scripts, or a select few (IE-Medics, Team Leaders, Radio operators) You tell me what you think.

2. Need to link "Mark LZ" with onMapClick function

3. Implement Mando's Heliroute

4. Implement Norrin's MP Compatible Rappel Script for LZ security bird/force

5. Implement the attachTo command ability for the carrying of stretchered patients.

6. Various other aspects, that I can't think of because of what time it is currently.

Eventually, I think that a player should be able to call for a CASEVAC for his wounded battle buddy whether it's an AI or an actual human player. The player will be taken back to a BAS (Battalion Aid Station) or whatever the mission maker wants, and then the player will be revived there. Norrin's medical script will tell if the patient can be treated on the field or back at the BAS. I was told that ACE2 already had that first part working, but not sure. I will hand this over to Norrin or ACE2 if they desire it when it nears completion to see if a patient that is receiving an IV bag, and morphine can make it back to an aid station or if they have decided to have "God" healers out on the field.

I have a lot of motivation to work on this script. Thanks alot to Mando, SFCItzhak, Norrin, and everyone else that is being patient with me while I'm learning all of this. If you're interested in helping, pls feel free to jump in. I think this will be a great addition to the battlefield environment, with multiple possiblities of being tweaked for different ideas. More to come as soon as I make more progress.

I'm in.. dont have much to offer on the technical part, but do have combat experience and I kept most of my 'knowledge' from the Marines. Actually I do have some ideas on other projects that I am sure you would be interested in, just looking to for a few other motivated individuals. Shoot me a pm

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;1529452']I mean ' date=' you can:

1. Choose the option from drop down box.


2. Write it manually in the text box

All in the same time...

And still looking like on the picture. Just with little button next to the text box.

After clicking button the drop down menu appears. Or only the info box about the line what it is for and what you should enter there - without any automatic options. So you must type all but with the reference on side...[/quote']

Max, while I do agree, that like the version in VBS2, typing in the answers would be much faster when entering the data, you have to remember that I'm still very much a Noob in scripting.

Wouldn't I have to define basically every answer that a user might put in for the script to recognize and be able to respond to?

Thanks for keeping a track on this thread for me though.

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Hey guys and gals, long time no talk. I wanted to see if I could grab some scripting help with ideas on this concept once more. With Goliath's Medevac module out, I think it is a perfect starting point to making this into something even greater.

I'd like to know again, since I've forgotten and some minds may have changed, but would a concept such as this be better suited for SP or MP?

Sorry Mods if this is a bump, but I wanted to get some help, and I didn't start a new thread :P

Hope to have some interested people comment or help out.

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Hey fellas,

Just wanted to drop in and update anyone interested. I am trying to find some modelling help for making a litter setup for the UH-60Q. I've seen a few threads of people "saying" they're working on one or two, but then I guess RL intercedes.

I have data sheets and a few diagrams of the way it looks. If nothing else, I'll tackle that when I come to that obstacle.

Until then, my dialog for the 9 Line is done, I'm still working on the Life-Pak 15 monitor. Take a look newimage0.jpg

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

With ACE's new wounding system almost requiring more than just a medic out in the field to "heal" the player, then hopefully, more people will become interested and see the value of the whole MEDEVAC and teamplay role/aspect.

Let me know your thoughts and suggestions.


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