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Arrowhead needs a Czech troops campaign!

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From the features of OA we know that Czech troops are going to be included.

Now, what I'd really like to see is an additional full-sized SP/Co-op campaign for our Bohemian Protagonists :) Preferably in the release version, but DLC would also do in a pinch.

Nothing wrong with a US Army grunt campaign as the main attraction, but it would really be a big plus to see some additional content from another viewpoint. Can't let the yanks zap all the bad guys in games, eh? :p

BTW, I'm not sure if the Czech military allows female combatants, but BI really should hire some pretty Czech ladies to model for Arma 2... That, and the Vysehrad Castle/Old Praha map, a six pack of Velko Popovicke and it would be possible to take virtual holidays :D

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'twould be nice to have a non-American campaign for once, it seems every game now-a-days has you playing through the eyes of Joe Americana.

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but what about play as terrorist would be cool too :p

Modern Warfare 2.

It would be nice, but I doubt BIS will have one. However, we might see the Czech forces involved in the main story somehow. We'll have to wait and see.

Though I'm sure someone will make something like this. Perhaps the CSLA team.

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Yeah im pretty sure we will meet up with the Czech's in the campaign. Maybe even play with them as in OA BIS said we will take on the role of many instead of being 1 guy. :)

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ONE ! Secure that truck of beer, czech beer !

YES, Sir !

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It would be hilarious if the OA campaign had a hidden side mission where you and a bunch of Czech troops must recover a stolen shipment of beer. :D

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Yes, beer surtenly but wich one?:)

There are women in czech army and i think that several are in Afghan and Iraq.

There you can see one photo probably very old or from traning, because you can see old Vz.85 Y straps and backpack and very old steel Vz.52 helmet.


There are pictures from loghar wich will maybe represent the gear the units wil have OA



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Hell Yeah czech is the best beer on the world , baby :cool:

and yes nice side missions - bring the beer to our commander :drinking2: :cheers:

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