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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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GossamerS, the way you describe is the way it works. The missile is created way up where the scud launcher's scud disappears and then it flies from there to the destination.

Ok I drew up a quick picture. You are saying it works like this?


I thought it only created the mando missile at the point that the camera was created.

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Almost, missile camera and missile creation point are the same (where you have the missile creation point mark), but some times the camera doesnt catch the missile and you will not have any camera. And beware with the inclination of the launcher vehicle, just imagine your drawing with the launcher inclined 30 degs nosedown, in that case the missile would be created way up and ahead of the launcher.

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Almost, missile camera and missile creation point are the same (where you have the missile creation point mark), but some times the camera doesnt catch the missile and you will not have any camera. And beware with the inclination of the launcher vehicle, just imagine your drawing with the launcher inclined 30 degs nosedown, in that case the missile would be created way up and ahead of the launcher.

I've never had my camera create above my scud launcher that's why. Whenever I get the camera it's already over the target.

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Have a look into mando_missiles\mcc\mcc_types\mando_oa_scud.sqf

                       [_scud, "Bo_GBU12_LGB", [0,0,2000], _dir, 

Missile is created 2000m over the launcher (model coords [0,0,2000]).

But for A2 map ranges the missile is quite fast, if you want to intercept it try to modify the Patriot MCC with the following parameters:

;Launcher parameters
;Launcher radar scan range
_radarrange       = 18000
;Launcher radar scan frequency
_scanfreq         = 1
;Able to detect incomming missiles?
_antimissile      = true

;Missile parameters
_launcher         = vehicle player
_missilebody      = "Bo_GBU12_LGB"
_dir              = 0
_vangle           = 45
?(_params select 7) != -100: _vangle = _params select 7
_speedini         = 10
_speedmax         = 900
_acceleration     = 300
_target           = objNull
_boomrange        = 25
_activerange      = 6000
_modeinit         = 0
_cruisealt        = 200
_boomscript       = mando_missile_path+"warheads\mando_missilehead1a.sqf"
_smokescript      = mando_missile_path+"exhausts\mando_missilesmoke1a.sqf"
_soundrsc         = "mando_missile1"
_sounddur         = 29
_endurance        = 15
_terrainavoidance = false
_updatefreq       = 1
_delayinit        = 0
_controltime      = 0
_detectable       = false
_debug            = true
_launchscript     = ""
_hagility         = 85
_vagility         = 85
_accuracy         = 1
_intercept        = true
_scanarch         = 65
_scanarcv         = 120

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Hi. Great mod. Top of the list. one question on the HUD, i don't see how i can assign the functions to joystick buttons. Is it possible? would enjoy being able to...

thanks very much for a top mod.

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Just map key strokes to joy buttons. If your joy doesnt come with a program to do this, there are several freeware ones that work for any DX compatible joys.

ah, didn't know that. thanks!

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Hey Mando.

Still no go mate. I disabled every MOD and had JUST @MMA and the other one ( forgot what it was @MMA_EX or something ) and it is still doing it, even in the editor aswell

Only thing left is my game, but im not re-isntalling it again.

Nice MOD when it wants to work for me though :)

Thanks for trying to help

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AussieSausage, try a last test. Create a new mission and add there the MMA init and MMA full gamelogics, place an empty AH64, get in as pilot and wait there until all the systems are up, make sure you have menu actions to activate hellfire camera. Get out as pilot and get in as gunner and do the same, and then back as pilot. If it happens that the HUD doesnt show up for you in one of these attempts, verify whether the corresponding menu action for hellfire camera is present or not.

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SCAJolly, good news. So far no negative interference between the systems at all. MMA setups for "rksl_efa_fgr4_1", "rksl_efa_fgr4_2", "rksl_efa_fgr4_11", "rksl_efa_fgr4_17", "rksl_efa_fgr4_18", "rksl_efa_fgr4_19" and "rksl_efa_fgr4_20" added, including systems for Meteor, AIM132, AIM120, Brimstone, Maverick, Pave4500 and Pave1000 + HMD for the pilot. Everything working fine.

You may want to wait for the new release in 3-5 weeks Mando. The new update change quite a lot of class names and loadouts. The Weapons remains the same but are expanded. National varients are now in separate "Plugin" PBOs so it might just be easier for you to make your own "config plugin" pbo.

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Hey Mando,

I just slowed down the SCUD Missile from 700m/s to 500m/s to make it easier to intercept.

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Rock, do you mean that weapon class names will remain the same but air plane class names will change and increase? If so, no problem as I already finished with the configuration of all the launchers. Do you already know the final list of plane class names? Are you including new weapons?

I'm planning a release well before 3~5 weeks and if weapons remain the same I only would need to add the future vehicle class names. Even if new weapons will be added I would need only the weapon class name to configure them. MMA doesnt work with configs, so I cannot create any config plugging pbo, all I can/need to do is to add the vehicle class names and weapon class names to current setup scripts.

GossamerS, IMO this is cheating the SCUD quite a lot, did you try the new Patriot settings? I've got many interceptions with these, as long as the SCUD is fired well away of the Patriot battery, so do not expect to be able to intercept these missiles if they are detected just 5Km away of the SAM. On the other hand, mando guns are quite effective against the SCUD warheads when they dive on the target.

Edited by Mandoble

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GossamerS, IMO this is cheating the SCUD quite a lot, did you try the new Patriot settings? I've got many interceptions with these, as long as the SCUD is fired well away of the Patriot battery, so do not expect to be able to intercept these missiles if they are detected just 5Km away of the SAM. On the other hand, mando guns are quite effective against the SCUD warheads when they dive on the target.

I'll try the patriot settings first then. I don't use the addon based version so I don't have any mando guns set up

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You dont need the addon to have mando guns. The addon just includes a mando turret object that you can use a gun "shape", but mando guns can be assigned to normal vehicles, structures, buildings, things, etc. It is just an script which is included in the script suite.

mando_missiles\mando_gun\mando_gunattacker.sqf (execute server side)


mando_missiles\mando_gun\mando_guninit.sqf executed in the init.sqf if you want tracers and sounds to be broadcasted between players.

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Rock, do you mean that weapon class names will remain the same but air plane class names will change and increase? If so, no problem as I already finished with the configuration of all the launchers. Do you already know the final list of plane class names? Are you including new weapons?

No i dont have the final layout atm. I'm waiting on some contributers to submit their work before finalising it.

Plane class name vs loadout has changed. We've been forced to do this because of the number of unauthorised "personal edits" breaking our addons. Changing the class names means we don't have to deal with the torrent of issues mixing the Beta with the release standard.


Bases class remains the same but specific national versions are split out into new classes. eg:

rksl_efa_fgr4_1 now equals rksl_efa_fgr4_raf_1

rksl_efa_fgr4_2 now equals rksl_efa_fgr4_raf_2

And the loadouts of the RAF versions are slightly different now. With some new totally new ones. We have a core PBO and each nation now also has its own PBO.

Royal Air Force - class format = rksl_efa_fgr4_raf_1

German Luftwaffe - class format = rksl_efa_fgr4_de_1 etc

Spanish Airforce - class format = rksl_efa_fgr4_es_1 etc

Italian Airforce - class format = rksl_efa_fgr4_it_1 etc

Saudi Airforce - class format = rksl_efa_fgr4_rsaf_1 etc

Austrian Airforce - class format = rksl_efa_fgr4_at_1 etc

The total number of each nations load outs will vary. Its not going to be a straight copy and paste with national skins.

Some of the weapons and magazine classes have also been changed/corrected. Its about 5-10% difference.

Some new weapons are being added. With some new place holders for testing and for future expansions.

I'm planning a release well before 3~5 weeks and if weapons remain the same I only would need to add the future vehicle class names. Even if new weapons will be added I would need only the weapon class name to configure them. MMA doesnt work with configs, so I cannot create any config plugging pbo, all I can/need to do is to add the vehicle class names and weapon class names to current setup scripts.

Well the suggestion of a config plugin was to get around the new changes. You could retain the older format if you choose by inheriting and just making your own changes. But its up to you.

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Thanks Rock, if base class remains the same I can make the systems setups depending just only on the base class and the presence of loaded weapons. Which means that current and future version will keep working independently of the final class name of each plane or weapon combinations, as long as weapon names remain the same. The only things that would be missing are totally new included weapons.

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Thanks Rock, if base class remains the same I can make the systems setups depending just only on the base class and the presence of loaded weapons. Which means that current and future version will keep working independently of the final class name of each plane or weapon combinations, as long as weapon names remain the same. The only things that would be missing are totally new included weapons.

I'll try and get you an updated list of weapons class names before i go away on Friday if not it will be Monday or Tuesday next week.

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AussieSausage, try a last test. Create a new mission and add there the MMA init and MMA full gamelogics, place an empty AH64, get in as pilot and wait there until all the systems are up, make sure you have menu actions to activate hellfire camera. Get out as pilot and get in as gunner and do the same, and then back as pilot. If it happens that the HUD doesnt show up for you in one of these attempts, verify whether the corresponding menu action for hellfire camera is present or not.

Ok, will do that soon.

Thanks for reply Mando:)

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Hey Mando.

I joined a server that had @MMA and @MMA_XEH in the mod line.

When i joined it said "Missing MMA client side"

then it said "Mando Missile is running server side"

Does that mean anything?

However, it is working in the server, its called SOCOM ACE or something along those lines.

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Of course, that means that the server has MMA but that MMA was missing in your client. Anyway, the procedure I sent you was for you to test directly from your mission editor.

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I'm having trouble getting the console to work if anyone can help?

I have the console running however when I choose a support it says - Msg: Ammo drop on the way - but it never comes.

I'm only running the standalone OA, could this be the problem?..

P.s, also, do you need to include 'myconsole.sqf'..

P.p.s Awsome work Mando, thumbs up.

Edited by Whiteraven

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As dicussed, OA alone is not quite well supported by MMA. And the inclusion of myconsole.sqf is not needed, myconsole.sqf is just a "clean" way to have concetrated there all the setup of the console for a particular mission.

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Fallout areas will not be visible any more from the normal map. A player needs to be allowed to use the fallout cosole in order to detect fallout areas and their radioactive levels:


ATM the console will be able to display radioactive levels in Gray or in % of lethal dosage per every 10 minutes of exposure.

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Addendum on the posting about fallout console (nice pic btw :D).

Fallout will now decay away over time. It takes a while, the half-life of I-131 is about 8 days. So there will be a global variable to artificially speed up just the decay rate. BigMorgan and GossamerS should likely add something like this to their mission init scripts.

echo_fallout_decay_rate = 1440;

A value of 1440 will make the decay scale to minutes instead of days, meaning the fallout zone will be safe about 1 hour after it forms.

The new console will show you the value for a 10 minute exposure. The initial zone intensity will give you a dose of 8 Gray in that interval, high enough to kill you long-term and generate enough health issues that you're combat-ineffective in game. Correspondingly higher values will shorten the time to 'death', low values will lengthen the time. In Mando's example, anyone entering the area marked would have a life expectancy of about 2 minutes - best avoid that region until it cools down.

Edited by Evil_Echo

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