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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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I have OA Standalone on steam, its patch 1.55 (the latest patch)

When i launch a nuke it says that sound nuke is missing, and it seems that maybe FX effects are missing since the smoke rises and disappears in a strange way

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NMDANNY, MMA works with A2 or A2 + OA. OA alone comes with too few content and most of MMA features would not work. I have not any plan to support OA alone in future versions. It might happen also that A2 alone will be unsupported in future versions unless the new commands for OA are added also in A2 updates.

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Mando, I deleted the Portables addon because it had dependencies on OA and. The readme says it shouldn't be used with Arma 2 alone.

Now I can't lock on to vehicles with the javelin. Ground attack works fine, but I get no targeting sequence or lock of any kind when following the directions on a moving tank. Given that the javelin is a portable launcher changed by OA, it seems that the removal of Portables is probably the cause.

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maturin, MMA Jav locks on perfectly on engine on vehicles with or without Portables. Tested on A2 1.07 and A2 + OA 1.54.

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maturin, MMA Jav locks on perfectly on engine on vehicles with or without Portables. Tested on A2 1.07 and A2 + OA 1.54.
What about 1.08?

I'll go back and look at it again.

Edit: False alarm, I only have the problem when playing an edited version of your Utes_Mando_portables mission from an old build. Must have messed something up. I thought it happened twice but that must have been the vehicles turning off their engines too soon.

Edited by maturin

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ArmaholicBR, it cant. MMA will send a query to the server to confirm that it is initialized server side too, if not, it will not initialize client side. And if the server initializes it, all the clients should have MMA too, in that case, if a client is missing MMA it will receive a hint every 5 mins.

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Hello! There is/was a problem the the F-14 gbu cam.

The mando_missiles\setups\mando_eble_f14_setup.sqf use an inexisting file. I switched mando_tv_eble_gbu12.sqs for mando_tv_generic_gbu12.sqs.

Edit: I wish there was an OPFOR plane with Mando support that could match the F-16... just saying...! (TeamVSTeam needs to be balanced a little!)

Edited by noorm

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I just noticed when killing tanks and vehicles with the missiles I dont get credit for the tank kills in the MP score. I only get the total score. Im not sure if this is the way mando missiles has always been and is there a way to fix it?

We seem to be having the same problem on our server. I'm not sure if this is how Mando works either. We're running Chernarus Domination (version 2.11) and installed Mando version 2.4b92. Things are working quite well with the exception of the score count. In our case no scores are showing up when we get confirmed kills with missiles. If we shoot something with Hydras, we get a kill count. Would anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance! (:

Edited by ZeeSquared

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noorm, you can ask for modifications, you can ask for fixes, you can collaborate if you wish, but what you cannot do is to release any independent version of MMA without previous permission as clearly stated in the readme of MMA as well as in the official download page. Please, remove the links ASAP. I will have a look on the F14 issue for next beta.

ZeeSquared, MMA adds score points corresponding with the kills but not score kill numbers as there is not any A2/OA scripting command to do that (that I know). On the other hand, MMA allows you to override the way MMA computes the score so you can use your own scoring function based on the needs of your mission. If you need details on how to do that tell me and I'll try to create some kind of guide.

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ZeeSquared, MMA adds score points corresponding with the kills but not score kill numbers as there is not any A2/OA scripting command to do that (that I know). On the other hand, MMA allows you to override the way MMA computes the score so you can use your own scoring function based on the needs of your mission. If you need details on how to do that tell me and I'll try to create some kind of guide.

Thanks so much for replying, Mandoble, and thank you for your time!

Ah, that makes sense then. So with MMA if a missile is used and a target is destroyed with said missile, it won't show a kill on the score chart? For instance right now on our server if we use the BAF AH1 and shoot an AGM Hellfire at a tank, the pilot / gunner can confirm the kill visually, but on the score chart nothing shows up at all. Not even a tally. The only thing that does show up are kills confirmed without using the missiles such as the cannon or rockets on the BAF AH1. Without MMA installed the missile kills register and show up on the score chart. If this is how it's supposed to be, then please ignore my ignorance. Still kind of new to all this.


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ZeeSquared, MMA will not register the number of kills, but will add the corresponding score (the points) to every member of the crew of the firing vehicle. For example, if you destroy a tank firing from an Apache, you and your gunner should get 3 score points plus one extra point per each member of the tank's crew killed.

Inside mando_missiles folder you will find mando_score.sqf which is the default MMA scoring system. To override this method, you can copy/paste/rename this file, change the contents at will and then from your mission's init.sqf and after MMA initialization add:

mando_scorefunc = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "your_own_mma_scoring.sqf");

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Thanks so much, Mandoble. You rock!

I was wondering if it's possible to set the BAF Wildcat as a laser designator? I tried putting in the code below in the init.sqf file, but it didn't work.

mando_lasers = ["Laserdesignator","AW159_Lynx_BAF"];

I thought it'd be neat if you could transmit laser targets via MMA with the Wildcat.

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AH! Good finding, its a bug. Dont worry, fixed for next beta. But the laser designator is "Laserdesignator_mounted". AW159_Lynx_BAF is the class name of the chopper.

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I'm glad to help! Even if it was accidental. :D

I feel like a pest, but is it a feature for the MMA flares to not rearm at the chopper and jet service stations? I also notice that when rearming, the original flares / chaffs are removed (at least on the A-10). For some reason the MMA chaffs don't rearm still. The only way we can get them to do so is by using the MMA rearm feature via the ammo truck.

Speaking of the ammo truck ...

Once it gets down to 0% where do we execute this code in order for it to go back up to 100%?

ammo_truck setVariable ["mando_source_level", 100];

On a hunch I put it in the ammo truck's init line, but it didn't work. (Then again I'm a complete noob at scripting hehe).

Thx again for your time.


I figured it out. The rearming of the MMA flares issue was with Domination. We use the 2.11 version that has Chernarus and it doesn't include MMA in it, thus some variables were missing. What I did to "fix" it was open up the \x_common\x_reload.sqf file on an already compiled version of Domination that includes Mando Missiles in it. In there look for the code ...

if (local _object) then {
_samsleft = _object getVariable "mando_flaresleft";
_maxsams  = _object getVariable "mando_maxflares";
if (!isNil "_samsleft" && !isNil "_maxsams") then {
	_object setVariable ["mando_flaresleft", _maxsams, true];
	if (!isDedicated) then {[_object, "Reloading countermeasures..."] call XfVehicleChat};

... then put that in your \x_common\x_reload.sqf file right after the code:

_object setVehicleAmmo 1;

I'm not sure if this is a sure-fire way to do it, but it works on our server and the MMA flares now rearm at the vehicle service station.

In regards to the ammo truck ...

It never occurred to me to just drive it to a vehicle service station. LOL. That fills her up back to 100%.

Edited by ZeeSquared

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Hey mando. Love the mod but to be honest not a big fan of the effects for some missles so I am at odds. Is there any PBO i can disable or any config to disable missle trails so I can use WARFX? THank you

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Mando, I went to the official site to download the latest version and can't seem to be able to get it.

Did you move hosts or something?

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Hi Mandoble,

I can't express how much your mod became a must have for me.

Those features are a little revolution in the gameplay.

I'm sorry as I'm sure it was asked before (but I can't browse the 192pages of this thread) is there any plan to add/combine the FLIR from A2:OA ?

Thanks a lot for your hard work.

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Macadam Cow, might be Im missunderstanding the question because the OA FLIR is already incorporated to the MMA TV systems (click FLIR MFD button and what you have there is OA FLIR as long as you have OA installed).

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Weird, Firefox and Chrome for me just time out when trying to access anything of yours.

EDIT: I accessed it through Tor and it is fine now. Weird. My ISP's DNS must not like your host.

Edited by skooma

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oh...ok, maybe my version is not up to date or I should buy some new eyes :/

Thanks for the answer and keep up the good work !

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Hey Mando,

I tried to use the Su-25 with CH-29s and when I fire the CH-29 it blows my plane up. I think the missile is spawning inside of the wings. Where could I change this?

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GossamerS, I've tried the Su25 (39) and the Ch29s are spawning in the correct positions BUT the Ch29 is launched powerless, after one second it ignites its engine and go for the target, that means that if you go too fast with the Ch29 and diving you will outrun your missile and a second later the missile will outrun you and probably will hit your plane.

In the Su25 setup file you will find this for its hud:

... 10, 10, 0, [4,3,-4], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_su25.sqf", ...

[4,3,-4] <- That last -4 is artificial vertical separation from plane of the missile if when it is fired the original missile object is found too close to the airframe.

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Dev update for next release:

  • Systems added for Mig15s
  • ANZAC mod support (thanks to Andrew)
  • Dragon and NLAW systems (thanks to Xeno426)
  • Nuclear AGM86 and AGM84 systems for Gnat's B52
  • BAF Lynx full setup
  • Battle Star Galactica systems for fighters and transports
  • Laser transmission fixed for units using laser designators different than the default BIS one (Kiowas, Lynx, ...)
  • BIS Flares removed automatically

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