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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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How can I make the colors on the FLIR be B&W? cant really see anything in the orange LGB FLIR :S

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If you have an orange FLIR (except in SCUD camera) it might happen that you are using an older version, make sure you update to latest one.

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Well, now it happens that Jackass wants to introduce a new automatic SeaSparrow launcher (which is starting to work pretty well already), so you might expect a delay of a week. Probably for next weekend.

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Mandoble - any chance you could modulize the nuke, to run in independently from the rest of the mod?

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I don't get it. Does this work with OA? I tried the official mission with MMA and I can't rearm.

I had 4 Hellfires which I could fire remotely, but the other 4 ones are ACE and I can't fire them through the UAV. Also I can't rearm. There is always a beep.

Edited by Kroky

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Kroky what part of it doesn't work?

Ensure you follow the readme to a T.

Park your aircraft next to an ammo truck

Turn your engine off

select MMA Rearm in your action menu

select the ammo source (click on the ammo truck so a circle appears around it)

Select your loadout

Click "Rearm"

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Kroky what part of it doesn't work?

Ensure you follow the readme to a T.

Park your aircraft next to an ammo truck

Turn your engine off

select MMA Rearm in your action menu

select the ammo source (click on the ammo truck so a circle appears around it)

Select your loadout

Click "Rearm"

click on the ammo truck? ok so I missed that, will try again. I get the menu screen when I select MMA Rearm, but I am unable to select any weapon on it.

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How do I use Carpet bombing for Russia what do I need to put in my sqf? any help is appreciated.

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Inside your console setup code:

if (side player == east) then
  mando_airsupport_type_cb = "Su25_Ins";
//   mando_airsupport_type_cb = "Su25_TK_EP1";

  // Carpet bombing custom code global variable for Su25
  mando_airsupport_carpetcode =
     private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];
     _plane = _this select 0;
     _targetpos = _this select 1;
     while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do
        Sleep 1;

     if (alive _plane) then
        _widx = [_plane, "AirBombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex;
        for [{_i=0}, {_i<4}, {_i=_i+1}] do
           _plane action ["useWeapon", _plane, driver _plane,  _widx];
           Sleep 0.4;

You may change the 2000 and Sleep 0.4 in case you want the plane to start dropping bombs closer to the target and/or change the delay between bomb and bomb.

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How can I let my AI gunner in the AH64D fire hellfires?

So far he only fires the machine gun. When I press Ctrl+F to change to missiles it changes back to machine gun.

Also when I would like my AI gunner to engage unmanned targets (like an empty tank) he doesn't engage it. Only when it manned.

What am I doing wrong?

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Inside your console setup code:

if (side player == east) then
  mando_airsupport_type_cb = "Su25_Ins";
//   mando_airsupport_type_cb = "Su25_TK_EP1";

  // Carpet bombing custom code global variable for Su25
  mando_airsupport_carpetcode =
     private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];
     _plane = _this select 0;
     _targetpos = _this select 1;
     while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do
        Sleep 1;

     if (alive _plane) then
        _widx = [_plane, "AirBombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex;
        for [{_i=0}, {_i<4}, {_i=_i+1}] do
           _plane action ["useWeapon", _plane, driver _plane,  _widx];
           Sleep 0.4;

You may change the 2000 and Sleep 0.4 in case you want the plane to start dropping bombs closer to the target and/or change the delay between bomb and bomb.

OK the Carpet bombing I tried to use the template you gave me. I inserted the new code this is what I did.

if (side player == resistance) then


mando_airsupport_type_cb = "IRAN_F4_CAS";

// mando_airsupport_type_cb = "IRAN_F4_CAS";

// Carpet bombing custom code global variable for F4

mando_airsupport_carpetcode =


private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];

_plane = _this select 0;

_targetpos = _this select 1;

while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do


Sleep 1;


if (alive _plane) then


_widx = [_plane, "AirBombLauncher"] call mando_weaponindex;

for [{_i=0}, {_i<4}, {_i=_i+1}] do


_plane action ["useWeapon", _plane, driver _plane, _widx];

Sleep 0.4;





But it did not work do you know what I did wrong?

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Quick question, in the UH-60 I get the "z" Camera display (looking straight down). I think this is MM, as it appeared right after installing the mod and if I remove the mod it goes away. This z key assignment is conflicting with my key bindings for aircraft control as in Z decrease thrust. I don't see a "z" key mapping in the docs or Custom controls, so perhaps this is not MM adding this. Any suggestions? Thanks

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esco7800, the problem in your code is that if you use IRAN_F4_CAS, then the weapon would not be "AirBombLauncher" (so change the weapon name in the code), and might be that weapon is controlled by the gunner, not the pilot (so change driver _plane by gunner _plane in the action).

dbeaty2, that is MMA special key, which is set by default to G, not to Z. You can follow the instructions in the online help to change permanetly the default MMA special key to anyother key.

Edited by Mandoble

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dbeaty2, that is MMA special key, which is set by default to G, not to Z. You can follow the instructions in the online help to change permanetly the default MMA special key to anyother key.

Thanks! That will help.

One other question, I am using ACE2 MMA and BAF, in some senarios with the F35, I am unable to lock on using MMA modes for AIM9 or Mavs. I can lock on with the special AGM-65 full screen mode using optical. But pressing tab does nothing.

I have ARMA2 controls set to the default TAB = Lock, but I am unclear on using MMA. There seems to be some interaction between MMA's Modes - pressing the L-CNTRL key, like AGM-65 and when the top right corner shows the traditionally selected GAU cannon or bombs when pressing the "F" key. Is there a guide that walks through the proper usage?

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dbeaty2, with L-CTRL you change MMA HUD modes, which also implies to change the MMA weapon or MMA weapon mode. The weapon and hud mode selected is displayed on screen, in the upper area of the HUD. Unless you have changed keys, default MMA lock is TAB, with this you can:

- Lock on MMA squares of potential targets.

- Lock on MMA white squares of remote targets (targets locked on and transmitted by friendly units) if your selected HUD mode is Remote

- Lock on ground if the selected HUD mode is ground.

There are some weapons that you can fire without lock on:

Helfires, and lock on after launch.

TOW and similars, that you will guide manually with the HUD's center (use A2 free look mode for these).

At the same time, you can freely use BIS non-guided weapons, that you can select with F (by default) and fire with LMB. For more info about MMA HUD check the online help or the included pdf readme (HUD section).

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Hi Mandoble,

OFPEC seems to be offline actually. Is there a way to download your addon? (I had to format my hd, back to the download industry again... :) )

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Just wait till OFPEC is back, its only a short time of downtime since they are doing some maintenance.

Or hope someone can sent you the latest version over PM, dont ask me, I dont have it ;)

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Just wondering if anyone has a way to make MMA compatible with ACE2's EASA module. Every time I exchange armaments the missile and bomb cams disappear.

Also a tutorial on how to utilize the GPS guided bombs. It says press "6" to use GPS guidance but it just gives me wing-man commands

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berbinator, use MMA Rearm for MMA to make sure loaded weapons are supported. And yes, it is G, or whatever key you configure as special MMA key.

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