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AAS(Advance and Secure)

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I just found this game mode last night and had a blast, reminded me of Joint Operations. I killed a few people on an urban type map, not sure of the name of the map. Then the server went to the next map which was a wide open map and all the flags together looked like a check mark. Now this is where my fun ended. If it wasn't for the teamkilling and getting spawn raped and being on a sucky team then it might have been fun again. Is there any way to deal with the teamkilling and the spawn raping? Also any tips would come in handy for this type of game mode.

Edited by Stilla-Killa

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If you're euro time, there's few AAS server up left. The only one lately up is CEAL (and tbh, yesterday gameplay wasn't quite good).

About spawn raping, there's one way to avoid it, and it's to spawn somewhere else ;)

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If you're euro time, there's few AAS server up left. The only one lately up is CEAL (and tbh, yesterday gameplay wasn't quite good).

About spawn raping, there's one way to avoid it, and it's to spawn somewhere else ;)

I hear ya on spawning somewhere else but when you only have one spawn point to spawn at then it isn't much fun lol

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Spawning somewhere else doesn't help either, because if you do that you guarantee that the point is lost by the time you get there, and if your team secures it beforehand, then you could've just waited for that and spawned there earlier than the time you would've gotten there on foot.

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Which means you shouldn't permit the ennemy to get in a position for spawn-raping.

I know you have a grief against spawn-camping being central to capturing zones in AAS, but that's the way it is now, so players shall adapt.

And that means defending the zone well enough

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Yes, with the current AAS you need to defend the zone from spawn campers, but that means that you should still spawn there if you're getting spawn camped - that way you're at least keeping the spawn campers busy with something while someone might kill them (and maybe even kill them yourself), rather than respawning far away and not help your team hold it (because by the time you get there it'll be all over - either zone captured or campers repelled).

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I feel bad being one of those spawn campers earlier today. I was sneaking up on the Bravo flag on the particular mission at night, looking around for the flag, found it inside a barn, along with 2 guys standing there, killed them, another appeared, freaked the fuck out, shot him, ran up to the flag, turned around, another guy, freaked out some more, went rambo on the whole interior of that barn. It was my 2nd time playing AAS lol. I didn't realise it'd let them spawn in on that flag with me being so close to it since I had yet to ever get near enough to one captured by the enemy. Apparently I also learned you can access loadouts from the ammo crates even if you haven't captured the area.

While I don't condone spawn camping, it seems to be the only way to hold an objective when you have no support at the time. I finally decided to leave it and support the other one that the teammates were working on, which I should of done to begin with, but I was determined to sneak up on Bravo.

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Actually, if you already reached a position from which you can spawn camp from, going anywhere is probably the worst idea ever. Instead you should call that you have that zone spawn camped so the rest of your team can move in and capture it before someone who was alive before you got there finds and kills you (anyone else that dies will get stuck in your spawn camping or spawn very far away giving your team plenty of time to capture either way).

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I think he was not in the currently contested ennemy flag, but one further away, thus why they were spawning non stop

@Steakslim : The flags in AAS must be taken in order, you can only take the ennemy flag linked to your own flag (see in the map to see the links)

You were in a non-takable flag for your team, so your presence didn't stop the ennemy from spawning

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I think he was not in the currently contested ennemy flag, but one further away, thus why they were spawning non stop

@Steakslim : The flags in AAS must be taken in order, you can only take the ennemy flag linked to your own flag (see in the map to see the links)

You were in a non-takable flag for your team, so your presence didn't stop the ennemy from spawning

Yeah I learned that an hour after that post playing another AAS match. I had completely overlooked that fact before :(

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It's a game type, not a map really. Only a couple of servers run the missions so check out the MP server list for anything running an AAS mission.

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