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Will Right-Click targeting be brought back in a patch?

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I miss right-click on enemy unit to assign target for my men. Now we only have left-click on the enemy to let my AI 'engage' that target. Does it have an alternative that I dont know about?

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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Very much seconded!

It's pretty tough when facing multiple attackers in a given area say "12 o' clock", to give specific targeting orders to prepare for an attack.

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I miss right-click on enemy unit to assign target for my men. Now we only have left-click on the enemy to let my AI 'engage' that target. Does it have an alternative that I dont know about?

I thought it's still there as I normally target enemy via right clicking when flying on the A10. Don't quite like it though as it always zoom in whenever I target.

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Not that one, the one you refer to is locking target/acquiring target. I'm refering when I was an infantry squad leader, trying to tell my squadmates to 'target' a particular enemy by right clicking on them.

It's like assigning a target for a tank gunner when you're the commander. It's just wasnt there for infantry. It has been there since OFP and ARMA, yet in ARMA2 the feature is missing

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There's a function "Disclose or Reveal Target" (not sure of the name, french version) in command options. You got to map it to a key (lateral mouse button is perfect). I use it with binocular for designating ennemies. Works well, but ennemies must be close enough.

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RMB is assigned, along with backspace, to the "back" control which exits command menus. Delete RMB from the "back" entry in controls and targeting works as before, like in OFP.

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Thanks, never knew it was there... it is indeed not really missing feature, just misplaced?

Now I can really enjoy making ambushes :D

Thanks eric

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I have been waiting for this feature too. I really hope that it comes back. Also I would hope that you could order men near vehicles and bodies wihout game suggesting them all the time. And you cant currenctly give move orders from 3rd person view. Also I would like to give dowatch orders by pointing the sky (like in ArmA1. Now you need to point on ground).

Edit: I should have read #6 post first - I going to try that. Thanks

Edit2: I dosent work very good. If I remove sec.mouse button from "BACK" then the other things become tricky to do.

Edited by SaOk

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Not that one, the one you refer to is locking target/acquiring target. I'm refering when I was an infantry squad leader, trying to tell my squadmates to 'target' a particular enemy by right clicking on them.

It's like assigning a target for a tank gunner when you're the commander. It's just wasnt there for infantry. It has been there since OFP and ARMA, yet in ARMA2 the feature is missing

It is there, you just have to hold down space while right clicking.

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RMB is assigned, along with backspace, to the "back" control which exits command menus. Delete RMB from the "back" entry in controls and targeting works as before, like in OFP.

This one fixed it.

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Victory! YES. Will try once I get back home. I thought it was broke forever.

Does anyone honestly use the "left-click" to attack functionality? In my experience it just ends up with a dead AI.


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