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The Lost Brothers Mod

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hey lost brothers team i got to say nice to hear there is a good progress to the mod hope to see more pics huge fan since lobo mod in OFP and ARMA cant wait for the new mod :)

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I finally got around to cranking up fraps and taking a few WIP screenshots.






Edited by Miles Teg

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I loved LOBO for ArmA 1, Can't wait for the next evolution of it.

The huey looks a little off. I know it's a WIP and probably not a 100% representation of the final version but my curiosity is getting to me. Will the texture on the huey be upgraded in the future? It kinda looks... i don't know how to put it.

^I apologize if I seem rude, it's late here, I didn't get much sleep (up late fiddling with photoshop). Believe me when I say no rudeness was meant. I love your work.

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Very nice! A few comments though (which you may or may not have been intending to do anyway):

1. White stripe on the helmet should be either green or not be there at all.

2. Soldiers should tuck their shirts in!

3. Brown belts? Should be green.

4. Never seen any IDF with tactical glasses, only safety goggles which are issued to everyone (though not used too often).

5. I've never seen a green Ahzarit, I don't think any exist - There should only be ones with desert colors.

I really hope you get this fully ACE-compatible so the armored vehicles (especially the Ahzarit which provides something very different from the APCs/IFVs we currently have in the game) will provide the benefits they should have.

Can't wait to play with this!

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I loved LOBO for ArmA 1, Can't wait for the next evolution of it.

The huey looks a little off. I know it's a WIP and probably not a 100% representation of the final version but my curiosity is getting to me. Will the texture on the huey be upgraded in the future? It kinda looks... i don't know how to put it.

^I apologize if I seem rude, it's late here, I didn't get much sleep (up late fiddling with photoshop). Believe me when I say no rudeness was meant. I love your work.

Nah man, you're not being rude. In fact, the helicopter models are sadly only OFP models and textures. I fully expect people to say that they are horrible. Compared to most ArmA2 addons, yes they are horrible. The sad fact is that we don't have any replacement models for the UH-1N, the MD-500 Defender, and the SA-565 Atalef naval helicopters in our mod. (The UH-1N is actually the best of these models so don't get excited). So they are just there until we get something better. For me, it's not about "our mod is better then other mods". It's more about having something that's better then nothing until we can get something better to replace it. Some mods and addon makers disagree with me and say that I should not release ANYTHING until they are super high quality. If I was like them, there would have never been any LoBo mod released at all in Arma1 and there wouldn't be in ArmA2, or at least not much of one.

Namman2 is getting much better at modelling and texturing now and so he may be able to fix some of these, but I don't pressure him as I don't want him to get burnt out. I'm trying to find new model and texture artists who hopefully can help with these things. Right now Andrei (who was making those Iraqi addons) has joined us and he is learning very fast about addon making. But hopefully, we will gain some experienced addon makers who can take the mod to its next level.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

Very nice! A few comments though (which you may or may not have been intending to do anyway):

1. White stripe on the helmet should be either green or not be there at all.

Ya know we've had that one texture there forever and you are the first to point that out on that one particular helmet. lol. I'll change that.

2. Soldiers should tuck their shirts in!

Damn....I keep forgetting about that. I can't really tuck in the shirt without screwing up the model. We do have the historic IDF infantry models that I may be able to use as a base instead. But it would require re-working over 30 different infantry models x 8 for all their LOD's. I should do the right thing and do that, but I will probably just release a small pack that includes the infantry you see unless you guys feel like waiting about 6 months which would probably be how long it will take me to get around to entirely fixing all of the infantry models to get their all their shirts tucked in. (That's another issue that nobody brought up in ArmA1).

Oh crap...I just checked our historic IDF models....damn they don't have their shirts tucked in either. Ah well. Unless someone wants to make us a custom IDF infantry base model, everyone's going to have to live with shirts not tucked in. I think the IDF is one of the few armies in the world with standard uniforms and who tuck in the shirts of their standard combat uniforms. For that reason, nobody has made such infantry models in ArmA or ArmA2 to my knowledge. Before you say, "Well just make one then" I should say that I don't know how and that working infantry models are some of the hardest things to make in in ArmA/ArmA2.

3. Brown belts? Should be green.

That's easily fixable. Thanks for pointing that out.

4. Never seen any IDF with tactical glasses, only safety goggles which are issued to everyone (though not used too often).

I think I've seen a few pics of guys wearing those tactical glasses that they bought themselves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the IDF have regulations against wearing them. At any rate, I didn't add the glasses. They are just part of the BI random faces/head models that are proxy based so I have no idea how to make the random face script BI uses to only use certain heads. I knew how to do that in ArmA1, but they changed the face scripting totally in ArmA2. Basically the entire head is proxy based. By that I mean that it is invisible and is represented by a big triangle that calls up a random USMC head model. So basically, it's very complicated to fix.

5. I've never seen a green Ahzarit, I don't think any exist - There should only be ones with desert colors.

This has been an ongoing debate in our mod with different IDF people telling us different things. What's crazy about IDF armor is that it's EXTREMELY hard to tell the actual color as they are generally covered in dust and tend to look very tan. Also, different era vehicles often have slight variations of paint jobs that have changed over time. To make things more confusing, the Northern armor battalions sometimes have greener paint jobs then the Southern batallions. (I've seen pics of dark green Merkava Mk4's when they were washed for example). I can try to lighten the color to a more tan-green, but for right now it's not a high priority.

The last time we made our vehicles tan, we got a HUGE amount of emails and posts from Israelies and IDF veterans who insisted that Israeli vehicles are NEVER tan except on a few very old historic vehicles where some were painted straight desert tan.

Also the Achzarit picture was taken in early morning with a bit of photoshop enhancement to brighten the color. As the sun goes higher, it looks lighter in color and a little more tan in-game.

So long story short, we will never make everyone happy no matter what shade of tan/green we make them.

I really hope you get this fully ACE-compatible so the armored vehicles (especially the Ahzarit which provides something very different from the APCs/IFVs we currently have in the game) will provide the benefits they should have.

I don't think there's anything special I need to do to them to make them work with ACE unless there are any special ACE features required. I can't think of any as it's just an APC with an MG. I tried adding smoke grenades by the way...that didn't work while for some reason they worked on other armored vehicles...can't figure that out. The Achzarit however does have a nice animated ramp and you can see the little corridor going into the main cargo area inside.

Can't wait to play with this!

Well...don't get too excited. I'll try to fix what I can, but I'll be honest.... The first pack is going to suck compared to other mods. I'm only releasing some stuff soon so that at least people have some stuff to play with.

I'll be even more honest however. I honestly don't care what others think too much (I'm expecting a huge amoung of "THIS SUCKS" posts when this pack is released). I do this mod for myself. LoBo never has and probably never will be a top mod unless we get some amazingly talented individuals to join us and who don't flake out on us and leave after one or two addons. Namman2 is the only such individual in our mod who is a REAL addon maker. He is very talented but I don't want to burn him out trying to get him to fix everything. I let him work on whatever he feels like working on and appreciate everything he has done for our mod. The ironic thing is that he is Palestinian and I am an American who was born in Tehran, Iran. So I'm rather disappointed that more Israeli model and texture models have not joined the Lost Brothers out of a sense of pride in representing Israel in the ArmA community. If you know any of such people (even if they make models/textures for other games like BF2), let them know that we need help.

At any rate, the Lost Brothers mod has always been fairly low quality but still "good enough". It's not out of choice, but, as mentioned earlier, just out of lack of help from people. Some may call this lazy and unprofessional, but unless they step forward to help, I don't care as we don't get paid to do this and we have other interests such as Namman2's MRAP side project, my interest in making missions for other mods, not to mention our real life jobs (in my case trying to find a job), school work, social life, issues, and interests.

So basically I only do this because I think it's fun and I like to play around with cool Israeli armor and weapons in the game.

Oh one last thing. Please don't ask to join to "learn" how to make addons and stuff. I'm not a teacher and don't even know how to fully make addons myself (I just edit them). We need help from guys who are expert model makers and texture artists. The configurations we can handle.

We also fully appreciate any and all donations of models/textures from other mods who wish to donate any such things.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Edited by Miles Teg

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I'll see what I can do about getting you a new UH-1N Model my friend. No promises of course, but there is always hope...

*There will be one in Operation Arrowhead if ya want to wait*

Edited by Darkhorse 1-6

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great job looking forward to this I know there's some things to be fixed but they can be done at a later time with a patch or what not keep up the good work

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I'll see what I can do about getting you a new UH-1N Model my friend. No promises of course, but there is always hope...

*There will be one in Operation Arrowhead if ya want to wait*

Yeah, I was going to ask wld427 about that, but I think he got it from another mod no? If so, just let me know which mod and I'll ask them directly. It's better that way. if they say yes, then Eddie has access to my FTP and can upload the MLOD and stuff up there.

Thanks for the offer of help, I appreciate it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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omg loooooooooooks great good guys job.... wnat to see more of the mitsnefet units and i love the way u guys made the vests CANT WAIT !!! AHHHHH lol XD

---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 PM ----------

btw tips for idf soldiers i think u should put those knee pads... the stripe on the helmet should be brown or green not white and about the colors should motly olive kinda color and just look in google for idf soldiers u will see how they look and the equipment dont think its really such abig deal making changes in the colors hehe dont wnat ot be rude ya just tips ;)

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The main reason you're not getting any help from Israelis is that there are only 7 million Israelis total, out of which something like 30 play Arma 2, out of which probably none have any clue how to create models or addons.

When it comes to time VS effort, there's always the option for releasing what you can do now and patch it later.

As for ACE compatibility, there is the armor system, you may want to check if you need to do stuff in order to make it work properly with ACE's armor (damage) system, as you most likely need to if you want realistic behavior.

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Hi Miles Teg,

I'm expecting a huge amoung of "THIS SUCKS" posts when this pack is released

You shouldn't allow anyone to say this.

Just like you said you guys are doing this for free and you even pay for it (time is money ^^).

The first wanker who say such a thing should be hanged by his feet with his balls covered of honey so the hidden bear in the room can have fun too. No matter he's just a redneck player like me or the best addon maker of the ArmA community.

When you release a new addon you're offering more then a bunch of textures,LOD's,...you're offering endless possibilities of new scenarios and this, my friend, is priceless (and for everything else there's master card) :D

Keep up the good work and my hidden bear's room will always be open for you guys

ps : excuse my local english

Edited by Macadam Cow

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dude if someone doesnt like it they should'nt download it and keep thier complaint's to themself's

you got great deal of good work more impoverment to you

keep on keepin on

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Nice work mate

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The main reason you're not getting any help from Israelis is that there are only 7 million Israelis total, out of which something like 30 play Arma 2, out of which probably none have any clue how to create models or addons.

You have been proven wrong. :yay:

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Unfortunately, Project IDF is just re-skinning, and doesn't actually add anything, especially not models.

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Not that im complaining about the quality of your work but the 7 million arguement doesn't ring true...there are only 6 million Dutch people and 5.5 Million Finnish and they seem to produce quite a lot of mods and have v large communities.

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I tried to PM you but it says that you've exceeded your PM quota, so I'm writing here.

I stumbled upon Jewish-Freak's post from a while ago regarding the release of the updated IDF Infantry Pack (v. 4) for OFP :


Tried to download the Weapons 1.4 file but the link is broken and the LoboWeapons.rar within your download dir at IDFSquad is corrupt (1 KB instead of 80+ MB).

Any idea where I can find a good one?

Thanks in advance!

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We don't any longer support the OFP stuff, however our last major pack was Addon Pack #3 for OFP and that particular pack was a very old one that you posted a link to. You can download Addon Pack #3 for OFP here:


Also the sandbags on some of the humvees will show up white unless you have the Sinai map I think....I might be wrong... this is the link. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8795

If that didn't work try our other Lost Brothers maps by searching under Lost Brothers on that site (the last major OFP website).

Just to avoid confusion THIS POST CONCERNS OFP SO NOT TRY THOSE LINKS TO USE WITH ARMAII. Really this post should have been put on the OFP section, but since I don't frequent the OFP section of the forums anymore and my PM box was full I guess it's fair to post it here. But its better probably to email me (should be on my profile on this forum).

For those of you wondering about the ArmAII stuff, it's being held up due to problems with the Hezbollah infantry models. I really wanted to get some good OPFOR into the first pack but I'm having problems getting the damn arms to work on the model (they're all deformed when they move). I'm trying various solutions and hopefully one of them will work out.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Lost brothers FTW :)

thx for keeping us posted miles cant wait for the first release :D

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sry for the almost dead progress updates :( but real life and the mraps project got into the way

anyway some more progress on the namer MK1




next update (if it comes) will be the merkava mk2 and mk2 and maybe the namer mk2 and the achzirt

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sry for the almost dead progress updates :( but real life and the mraps project got into the way

anyway some more progress on the namer MK1




next update (if it comes) will be the merkava mk2 and mk2 and maybe the namer mk2 and the achzirt

I hope you understand that there is no real namer mk1 as you call it,this was only a prototype.also merkava 2 is in use only with generation 4 armor,even in reserve

Edited by idfhayal

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Very nice! A few comments though (which you may or may not have been intending to do anyway):

1. White stripe on the helmet should be either green or not be there at all.

2. Soldiers should tuck their shirts in!

3. Brown belts? Should be green.

4. Never seen any IDF with tactical glasses, only safety goggles which are issued to everyone (though not used too often).

5. I've never seen a green Ahzarit, I don't think any exist - There should only be ones with desert colors.

I really hope you get this fully ACE-compatible so the armored vehicles (especially the Ahzarit which provides something very different from the APCs/IFVs we currently have in the game) will provide the benefits they should have.

Can't wait to play with this!

I'm israeli SF member and i want to tell you:

*a belt is green or black in some SF

*i have tactical glasses as every other SF soldier. they are not always used because they don't give dust protection. belive me,every SF gear US SF have,we also have, you don't see it because the only photos you see are from training drills


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