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Setting up Multiplaryer options using Class Params

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How to setup Multiplayer options using new class Params:


class Params {

class TimeofDay {
	title = "Time of Day";
	values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
	texts[] = {"Early Morning", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Evening", "Dusk", "Night", "Midnight"};
	default = 3;
	code = "TimeofDay = %1";

 	class Weather {
  		title = "Weather Conditions";
   		values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};
   		texts[] = {"Clear", "Overcast", "Light Fog", "Heavy Fog", "Storm"};
   		default = 0;
	code = "Weather = %1";

class Environment {
	title = "Enable Environment";
	values[] = {0, 1};
	texts[] = {"False", "True"};
	default = 1;
	code = "Environment = %1";

class Visibility {
	title = "Visibility Range";
	values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16};
	texts[] = {"2000m", "2500m", "3000m", "3500m", "4000m", "4500m", "5000m", "5500m", "6000m", "6500m", "7000m", "7500m", "8000m","8500m","9000m","9500m","10000m"};
	default = 2;
	code = "Visibility = %1";

class Grass {
	title = "Grass Resolution";
	values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4};
	texts[] = {"No Grass", "Small Grass", "Medium Grass", "Large Grass", "Max Grass"};
	default = 2;
	code = "Grass = %1";



// for MP server parameters.
processParamsArray = [] execVM "ParamsArray.sqf";
[] execVM "setMissionConditions.sqf";


for [ { _i = 0 }, { _i < count(paramsArray) }, { _i = _i + 1 } ] do
_paramName =(configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i));
_paramValue = (paramsArray select _i);
_paramCode = ( getText (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "code"));
_code = format[_paramCode, _paramValue];
call compile _code;


private ["_timeOfDay","_weather","_environment","_visibility","_grass","_MissionOvercast","_MissionFog","_MissionRain"];

waitUntil {scriptDone processParamsArray};

// Conditions are set in the parameters screen (during mission set-up).
_timeOfDay = TimeOfDay;
_weather = weather;
_environment = Environment;
_visibility = Visibility;
_grass = Grass;

switch (_timeOfDay) do {

case 0: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 4, 50]}; 	// Early Morning
case 1: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 5, 50]}; 	// Morning
case 2: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 9, 00]}; 	// Noon
case 3: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 12, 0]}; 	// Afternoon
case 4: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 15, 00]};	// Evening
case 5: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 17, 50]};	// Dusk
case 6: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 18, 50]};	// Night
case 7: {setDate [2014, 5, 11, 0, 0]};		// Midnight

switch (_weather) do {

case 0: {_MissionOvercast = 00.00; _MissionFog = 00.00; _MissionRain = 00.00}; 	 // Clear
case 1: {_MissionOvercast = 00.60; _MissionFog = 00.10; _MissionRain = 00.30}; 	 // Overcast
case 2: {_MissionOvercast = 00.60; _MissionFog = 00.8125; _MissionRain = 00.10}; // Light Fog
case 3: {_MissionOvercast = 00.60; _MissionFog = 00.96; _MissionRain = 00.20}; 	 // Heavy Fog
case 4: {_MissionOvercast = 01.00; _MissionFog = 00.50; _MissionRain = 01.00}; 	 // Storm

0 setOvercast _MissionOvercast;
0 setFog _MissionFog;
0 setRain _MissionRain;

switch (_environment) do {

case 0: {enableEnvironment false}; 	// ambient life and sounds off
case 1: {enableEnvironment true}; 	// ambient life and sounds on

switch (_visibility) do {

case 0: {setViewDistance 2000};
case 1: {setViewDistance 2500};
case 2: {setViewDistance 3000};
case 3: {setViewDistance 3500};
case 4: {setViewDistance 4000};
case 5: {setViewDistance 4500};
case 6: {setViewDistance 5000};
case 7: {setViewDistance 5500};
case 8: {setViewDistance 6000};
case 9: {setViewDistance 6500};
case 10: {setViewDistance 7000};
case 11: {setViewDistance 7500};
case 12: {setViewDistance 8000};
case 13: {setViewDistance 8500};
case 14: {setViewDistance 9000};
case 15: {setViewDistance 9500};
case 16: {setViewDistance 10000};

switch (_grass) do {

case 0: {setTerrainGrid 50}; // no grass
case 1: {setTerrainGrid 25}; // little grass
case 2: {setTerrainGrid 12.5}; // medium grass
case 3: {setTerrainGrid 6.25}; // large grass
case 4: {setTerrainGrid 3.125}; // maximum grass

Edited by cobra4v320

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I found that you can shorten some of the init.sqf lines to these:


setViewDistance (paramsArray select 0); [color="SeaGreen"]this works[/color]

setTerrainGrid (paramsArray select 1); [color="SeaGreen"]this works[/color]

enableEnvironment (paramsarray select 2); [color="Red"]this does not work[/color]

skiptime (paramsArray select 3); [color="Red"]this does not work[/color]


class Params	

class View	
title="View Distance";
default = 3000;

class Grass	
texts[]={"No Grass", "Default MP", "Default SP", "More", "Max"};
default = 12.25;

class Environment	
     	title="Enable Environment";
default = true;

class Missiontime	
     	title="Time Of Day";


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The first two elements of the paramsArray are param1 and param2, so in your init example you'd want to have:

setViewDistance (paramsArray select 2); //this works

setTerrainGrid (paramsArray select 3); //this works

enableEnvironment (paramsarray select 4); //this should work now

skiptime (paramsArray select 5); //this should work now

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That is correct however if you are using the new Class Params, param1 and param2 should be called by paramsArray 0 and paramsArray 1.

When I use your method none of them work anymore.

It looks like I will be using this for a while until I can figure it out.

viewparam = (paramsArray select 0);
if (viewparam == 0) then {setViewDistance 1000};
if (viewparam == 1) then {setViewDistance 2000};
if (viewparam == 2) then {setViewDistance 3000};
if (viewparam == 3) then {setViewDistance 4000};
if (viewparam == 4) then {setViewDistance 5000};
if (viewparam == 5) then {setViewDistance 6000};
if (viewparam == 6) then {setViewDistance 7000};
if (viewparam == 7) then {setViewDistance 8000};
if (viewparam == 8) then {setViewDistance 9000};
if (viewparam == 9) then {setViewDistance 10000};

grassparam = (paramsArray select 1);
if (grassparam == 0) then {setTerrainGrid 50};
if (grassparam == 1) then {setTerrainGrid 25};
if (grassparam == 2) then {setTerrainGrid 12.5};
if (grassparam == 3) then {setTerrainGrid 6.25};
if (grassparam == 4) then {setTerrainGrid 3.125};

environment = (paramsarray select 2);
if (environment == 0) then {enableEnvironment true};
if (environment == 1) then {enableEnvironment false};

timeparam = (paramsArray select 3);
if (timeparam == 0) then {skiptime 0};
if (timeparam == 1) then {skiptime 1};
if (timeparam == 2) then {skiptime 2};
if (timeparam == 3) then {skiptime 3};
if (timeparam == 4) then {skiptime 4};
if (timeparam == 5) then {skiptime 5};
if (timeparam == 6) then {skiptime 6};
if (timeparam == 7) then {skiptime 7};
if (timeparam == 8) then {skiptime 8};
if (timeparam == 9) then {skiptime 9};
if (timeparam == 10) then {skiptime 10};
if (timeparam == 11) then {skiptime 11};
if (timeparam == 12) then {skiptime 12};
if (timeparam == 13) then {skiptime 13};
if (timeparam == 14) then {skiptime 14};
if (timeparam == 15) then {skiptime 15};
if (timeparam == 16) then {skiptime 16};
if (timeparam == 17) then {skiptime 17};
if (timeparam == 18) then {skiptime 18};
if (timeparam == 19) then {skiptime 19};
if (timeparam == 20) then {skiptime 20};
if (timeparam == 21) then {skiptime 21};
if (timeparam == 22) then {skiptime 22};
if (timeparam == 23) then {skiptime 23};

Edited by cobra4v320

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There's already a perfect tutorial here. And if you look at the bottom you can see where the problems lie with this new system, which will probably be fixed by BIS in a future beta batch.

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Thanks Mike84 for the reply, I have already read that tutorial and tried the mission. The parameters in that mission do not work. The parameters I posted at the top and the init.sqf file I posted all work 100%. I was just looking for a way to consolidate the scripting down to something simpler.

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Thanks Mike84 for the reply, I have already read that tutorial and tried the mission. The parameters in that mission do not work. The parameters I posted at the top and the init.sqf file I posted all work 100%. I was just looking for a way to consolidate the scripting down to something simpler.

So you tested your script on a mphost and on a dedicated server? Reason I ask is because the example mission on ofpec only worked on a dedicated server because there is a bug in the new params system.

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First off im terribly sorry to dig up such an old treath!!

I was working on multiplayer parameters for my mission and experienced the same problems as described above. The problem of non working MPparameters still exists.

Has a solution been found by now for this little problem? I'm very new to mission scripting and really need your help on this one!


viewparam = (paramsArray select 0);

if (viewparam == 0) then {setViewDistance 1000};

if (viewparam == 1) then {setViewDistance 2000};

if (viewparam == 2) then {setViewDistance 3000};

if (viewparam == 3) then {setViewDistance 4000};

if (viewparam == 4) then {setViewDistance 5000};

if (viewparam == 5) then {setViewDistance 6000};

if (viewparam == 6) then {setViewDistance 7000};

if (viewparam == 7) then {setViewDistance 8000};

if (viewparam == 8) then {setViewDistance 9000};

if (viewparam == 9) then {setViewDistance 10000};

grassparam = (paramsArray select 1);

if (grassparam == 0) then {setTerrainGrid 50};

if (grassparam == 1) then {setTerrainGrid 25};

if (grassparam == 2) then {setTerrainGrid 12.5};

if (grassparam == 3) then {setTerrainGrid 6.25};

if (grassparam == 4) then {setTerrainGrid 3.125};

environment = (paramsarray select 2);

if (environment == 0) then {enableEnvironment true};

if (environment == 1) then {enableEnvironment false};

timeparam = (paramsArray select 3);

if (timeparam == 0) then {skiptime 0};

if (timeparam == 1) then {skiptime 1};

if (timeparam == 2) then {skiptime 2};

if (timeparam == 3) then {skiptime 3};

if (timeparam == 4) then {skiptime 4};

if (timeparam == 5) then {skiptime 5};

if (timeparam == 6) then {skiptime 6};

if (timeparam == 7) then {skiptime 7};

if (timeparam == 8) then {skiptime 8};

if (timeparam == 9) then {skiptime 9};

if (timeparam == 10) then {skiptime 10};

if (timeparam == 11) then {skiptime 11};

if (timeparam == 12) then {skiptime 12};

if (timeparam == 13) then {skiptime 13};

if (timeparam == 14) then {skiptime 14};

if (timeparam == 15) then {skiptime 15};

if (timeparam == 16) then {skiptime 16};

if (timeparam == 17) then {skiptime 17};

if (timeparam == 18) then {skiptime 18};

if (timeparam == 19) then {skiptime 19};

if (timeparam == 20) then {skiptime 20};

if (timeparam == 21) then {skiptime 21};

if (timeparam == 22) then {skiptime 22};

if (timeparam == 23) then {skiptime 23};



// Description file for Armed Assault 2

// Created by: Lars


class Header


gameType = TEAM;

minPlayers = 1;

maxPlayers = 62;

playerCountMultipleOf = 1;


// === Respawn ===============================================>




titleParam1 = "Time limit:";

valuesParam1[] = {0, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 5400, 7200};

defValueParam1 = 3600;

textsParam1[] = {"Unlimited", "15 min", "30 min", "45 min", "60 min", "90 min", "120 min"};

titleParam2 = "Score to win:";

valuesParam2[] = {10000, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300};

defValueParam2 = 100;

textsParam2[] = {"Unlimited", 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300};

class Params


class View



title="View Distance";



default = 3000;


class Grass





texts[]={"No Grass","Default MP","Default SP","More","Max"};

default = 12.5;


class Environment



title="Enable Environment";



default = true;


class Missiontime



title="Time Of Day";






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You shouldn't just copy paste stuff without knowing how it works. I'm not going to fix the whole thing since it will be better if you figure out how to do it yourself.

Here's an example:

class View {
 title="View Distance";
 values[]={1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,8000,9000,100 00};
 default = 3000;

You have tons of useless IF lines like viewparam == 1 etc, which actually do nothing. None of them will ever be true as the values given in desc.ext are from 1000 to 10000.

So, we can replace those 11 lines with just:

setViewDistance (paramsArray select 0);

It sets viewdistance to the value selected in parameters, no IF stuff required.

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Can anyone tell me why this does not work?


enableEnvironment (paramsarray select 0);


class Params 
 	class Environment 
   		title = "Enable Environment";
   		values[] = {0, 1};
   		texts[] = {"False","True"};
   		default = 0;

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Because the command takes a boolean (true/false) and you are giving it a number (0/1).

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So I have also tried below but that does not work either.

class Params 
 	class Environment 
   		title = "Enable Environment";
   		values[] = {false, true};
   		texts[] = {"False","True"};
   		default = false;

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That's because BIS don't want to fix/change the feature where you can use 1/0 as true/false for the desc.ext options.

So, just do:

class Params 
 	class Environment 
   		title = "Enable Environment";
   		values[] = {0, 1};
   		texts[] = {"False","True"};
   		default = 0;

if ((paramsarray select 0) == 1) then {
 enableEnvironment true;

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Check out top of i_common.sqf in Domination how params array is dealt with. Not sure if relevant to question, but worth a look anyways.

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Thanks Shk and carlGustaffa for the assistance and I have looked at the f2 framework and the domination folders.

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This is what works with enableEnvironment

if ((paramsarray select 0) == 1) then {enableEnvironment true} else {enableEnvironment False}

---------- Post added at 09:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 AM ----------

Here is a working multiplayer parameters


class Params 
 	class TimeOfDay 
   		title = "Time of Day";
               values[] = {1337,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23};
	texts[] = {"Random","00.00","01.00","02.00","03.00","04.00","05.00","06.00","07.00","08.00","09.00","10.00","11.00","12.00","13.00","14.00","15.00","16.00","17.00","1800","19.00","20.00","21.00","22.00","23.00"};
               default = 12;

 	class Weather 
   		title = "Weather Conditions";
   		values[] = {0,1,2,3};
   		texts[] = {"Clear","Stormy","Cloudy","Foggy"};
   		default = 0;

 	class Terrain 
   		title = "Enable Grass";
   		values[] = {50,25,12.5,6.25,3.125};
   		texts[]={"No Grass", "Default MP", "Default SP", "More", "Max"};
   		default = 25;

 	class Environment 
   		title = "Enable Environment";
   		values[] = {0, 1};
   		texts[] = {"False","True"};
   		default = 0;

class ViewDistance
	title = "View Distance:";
	values[] = { 1200, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000};
	texts[] = { "1.2 km", "1.5 km", "2 km", "2.5 km", "3 km", "3.5km", "4 km", "4.5 km", "5 km"};
	default = 2000;


skiptime (((paramsarray select 0) - daytime + 24) % 24);

switch (paramsarray select 1) do {
 case 1: { 0 setOvercast 0; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0 };
 case 2: { 0 setOvercast 1; 0 setRain 1; 0 setFog 0.2 };
 case 3: { 0 setOvercast 0.7; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0 };
 case 4: { 0 setOvercast 0.7; 0 setRain 1; 0 setFog 0.7 };

setTerrainGrid (paramsarray select 2);

if ((paramsarray select 3) == 1) then {enableEnvironment true} else {enableEnvironment false};

setViewDistance (paramsarray select 4);

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Thanks a lot for the info, guys.

How does one establish a parameter setting the time the mission will run for?

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Another technique I saw while poking through AAS (I think) is dynamically assigning the parameters to the values itself:

if (isNil "paramsArray") then {
if (isClass (missionConfigFile/"Params")) then {
	for "_i" from 0 to (count (missionConfigFile/"Params") - 1) do {
		_paramName = configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i);
           _paramValue = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "Params" >> _paramName >> "default");
           call compile format ["%1 = %2", _paramName, _paramValue];
} else {
for "_i" from 0 to (count paramsArray - 1) do {
       _paramName = configName ((missionConfigFile >> "Params") select _i);
       _paramValue = paramsArray select _i;
       call compile format ["%1 = %2", _paramName, _paramValue];

Lets say you have:

class P_TimeOfDay 
   		title = "Time of Day";
               values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23};
	texts[] = {,"00.00","01.00","02.00","03.00","04.00","05.00","06.00","07.00","08.00","09.00","10.00","11.00","12.00","13.00","14.00","15.00","16.00","17.00","1800","19.00","20.00","21.00","22.00","23.00"};
               default = 12;

Then in your script you can just do for example:

skipTime P_TimeOfDay;

If you run using the editor the parameters default to the default values. I like this method better than the index selecting, and think it is more readable.

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How to setup Multiplayer options using new class Params:

Sorry to dig up this thread, I want to ask how to add other parameters in the same place. I saw some mission seems have additional parameter, isn't it?

If so, how can I add, especially what is the "code" variable for new parameter? If not, please tell me how to let player set something before mission start, thx.

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