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Player looking for squad (not for squads to post looking for players!)

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Hello there grunt,

In responce to your request. I think most clans that have combined arms already have dedicated pilots. so you might not get many chances to be in the air from the moment you join a clan.

The clan i am involved with which is Guerillas of Liberation (GOL) Could offer a reservist spot in the aircorp on the moment of being a full member, and upon promotion to Private first class you could then apply to be a full time pilot.

However it would take a month to become a fully fledged member in which you would need to pass both Basic Infantry man training and Advanced Infantryman training.

Then once youve passed and been accepted into the clan it could take upto 5 months before promotion to Private First Class, And promotions arent handed out willy nilly.

We do also have divisions of the Amoured Logistical Corp and Recon.

All divisions are quite difficult to get into as they are only open to limited numbers, and are currently full.

If you like the sound of this then hop over to www.gol-clan.net have a look at us, Or even search for us on Youtube, we have a fair few videos on there.

Good luck in your search.

Jack -{GOL}- Member

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Hi Im looking for an active squad to join Ive had the game since it was released I like to play sniper or scout but can probably play in most places.

I like to play as a close team but also like to have a good laugh sometimes.

Im 43 based in Nottingham,UK got Mic, TS etc.

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Hey Jammy, theres going to be lots of competition for your time, There maybe other clans more suited to you.

But check us out at www.gol-clan.net

We are a UK based clan, but with many members from all over the world, And we vary in age from 15-53.. i think is our oldest.

Have a nosey on youtube when you get a few minutes as well, we got many videos on there.

Good luck in your search


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I'm located in Southern California, United States. I've been playing since the early days of Operation Flashpoint. I'm looking to join a group that plays ARMA 2 somewhat regularly and has some manner of structure and organization. I would prefer a group that acts mature (regardless of age) and takes the game somewhat seriously. I like playing vanilla ARMA 2 and also the ACE mod though it is still a little buggy right now. I am open to playing other mods though just haven't tried any other ones yet.

I consider myself a player with at least average skills and have a lot of experience. I'm ok with most weapons and can operate all available vehicles. I consider myself skilled as a helicopter pilot.

I do have Skype and Teamspeak and a headset and mic. I'm experienced with creating missions with the editor and also with scripting. I also has some skills with website design and PHP.

If anyone is interested please let me know. You can reach me faster by e-mail at [email protected]

Hope to hear from someone :)

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Hey there, I'm looking for a new squad once again, and well, I just want a good, solid squad that's active and can have a all around good time :)

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Fairly noob player looking for a mature tight squad. I run ACE 2 and have Vent/Mumble/TS3 and mic. Prefer easygoing play rather than super ridged 'you will do what I say'.

Also I'm an Aussie so UK/US TZ can be quite difficult for me to work into.

Edited by rogue trdr

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Mature player, new to ARMA 2, looking for a good-natured, mature squad. Have a mic, vent and teamspeak, and can download any mods required. I am located in California, USA, PST timezone.

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I have been playing Arma 2 since launch and am now looking to take the experience further. I am looking for a unit that promotes team play and the use of tactics. I am both fluent in English and French, have a mic and a joystick and have a good grasp of military tactics. I can fill in pretty much any role but find most fun being an infantry man or flying helicopter (Transport and light choppers mainly, not much of a gunship guy). If you are interested in getting a new member, please contact me. I am avalaible for play most nights from 6 to 11 EST. Thanks :)

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Hello folks.

I just got Arma a little over a week ago but I am a quick learner, especially when there are people willing to help and guide me. In any case, looking to join a clan. There are a lot out there but it's hard to pick the right one, so not to make this post any longer than needed, this is what I'm looking for in a clan:

-PVP oriented gameplay, this is a MUST for me. Occasional PVE training or w/e missions are fun, but the squad has to be mostly about PVP.

-No bias towards USMC forces. I don't mind playing either side, but I'd like to play on OPFOR side whenever possible. Why? Because I come from an x-Soviet country and am brainwashed into loving Soviet/Russian firepower.

-I REALLY REALLY Prefer Ventrilo to Teamspeak which I hate, but if everything else fits I'm willing to suffer.

-Casual squad. I don't mind roleplaying for fun sometimes, or ranks for the purpose of strategy and organization, but sometimes you just want to forget all that and just play without the extra milsim.

About MEEE:

-I can play and fill pretty much any role, from Commander to driving supply/repair trucks, as long as it's part of a wider strategy.

-Can speak English or Russian or both at the same time.

-Maturity... I am 24 years old, and I tend to curse now and then when I get owned. I do NOT however curse AT people. I am pretty good with handling and resolving conflicts so that will never be a problem with me.

-When it comes to games I tend to start, then drop and then pick them up again, so I like to pop in and out.

*Forgot timezone, US Eastern (NY)

Thats all I think, and thanks for your time. Feel free to email or pm me on the forums.


Edited by TovarishGruzin

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Old ArmA player looking for a new ArmA 2 squad. I've been playing since ArmA was first released back in '07, and fancy myself a decent helo pilot :eek:(cliche' much?), fixed wing, not so much. I've dabbled in tanks and armored vehicles, recon, and FAC. I'm passable as a line soldier. Some of you may remember me from the 88th Blue Devils server. I'm also a US Marine combat vet so I know a good deal about small unit tactics and such. I can download whatever is required, not a big deal. Looking for primarily a US based group, but can work with UK as well.

Edited by Purgatory

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Hi, I'm looking for a Arma 2 clan. I'm a new Arma player having played Novalogic's Joint Operations FPS for a number of years. I like to play coop or head to head with a mature group of players. I use Team speak for coms. Talk to you soon .

Black Kat...

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I'm looking for a squad/group to join as well. fairly new to this game and im loving it but i feel im missing out on the full potential it has.

My interests lie in basically everything in this game, i like COOP and warfare, i like alot of diffirent roles except attack helo's. Kindof hard to now say i want this and not that, i just want alot. But i think what im looking for in a squad is:




-COOP missions

-Warfare would be a + but it can't be Just warfare

-EU TZ active (US is fine, i like late nights, but not Just US)

-Ability to grow into suitable roles, not be stuck as rifleman for a year.

I'm fairly demanding i suppose...what i offer:

-Being on comms

-Willing to take on many roles

-Able to lead a squad

-Fair amount of playtime (2-8hrs a day if im having alot of fun:p)

-Very fluent in english

-Quick learner (and eager)

-21 years of age

About me: I come from EVE Online, a game i've played since '06 and i don't intend to stop but i grow tired of it and don't want to put in the time i did in

the past.

I live in Amsterdam, the netherlands and learned most of my english from EVE, being on comms when im behind my computer has almost become second nature, or atleast i always have my headphones on (my computer is loud).

I have also played Project Reality and loved it.

My computer is pretty old, yet Arma runs fine on it with the right settings, it does limit me to a view distance of around 3/4k, but that seems enough to me, just FYI.

Please contact me trough a PM if you think ill fit in with you.

I can also be found in the SOCOM server/ts alot, my ingame name atm is David (RL name, havent gotten around to changing it).

Hope to hear from you,

David aka Moizo

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Hey just a player looking for somewhere and somepeople to play with.

Looking for a US based server/squad

I like coop and PvP

I am willing to use teamwork or anything someone wants me to do.

I am good at just the basic rifleman. and corpsman/medic. mainly infantry stuff.

I can play on mostly every weekend and sometimes during the week.

I dont have a mic. i do have the programs vent and ts.

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Ghost, You may have a problem getting with a cl... or squad without a mic,

Im from GOL which is a UK based cla.. umm nearly

We have members from all over the world, Mostly europeans but we have Americans, Canadians, Argentinians, Malaysians, Austrailians.

Perhaps i should of left out a few of the S's we do mainly play coop but begining to wander into user made PVP style, We like to be as tacitcal as possible. But having a mic is a must to become a member of the cla...

Take a look at our website @ www.gol-clan.net or take a look at our Youtube Channel @


IF you like what you see, GEt hold of a mic and join up!

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Hello im 14 im looking for a good clan/unit whit ranks

Im european

i like to play whit nice and serieus guys who also can make fun

I like to be infantry AT most of the time

I like COOP the most

can talk good english

I have a mic and ts 3 and ventrilo

regards joep

Edited by joep221

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Hey, all...long-time fan of the original OFP, and I just recently got my hands on ARMA II -- and a PC that can run it nicely! I'm having a blast learning the game, but I know I'd have more fun if I had a group I could join up with, not only to accomplish objectives as a unit, but also so I could rely on the group's knowledge to help mold me into a more seasoned player that'd truly be an asset to the group.

I'm looking for a realism unit. Due to medical issues, I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to serve in the military, but I relish the idea of being able to play this sim in a structured way that emulates the military. Along with that realism, I'm seeking a group of mature individuals with with to enjoy the game. I'm in my 30s and play this game to relax and have fun...I don't need a bunch of immature people constantly berating me or calling me "n00b". The game's rating is "Mature" -- it'd be nice if the players could be, too!

I'm looking for something a bit out of the ordinary, in that I'd love to be part of a unit that embraces artillery as part of their structure. I'll be the first to admit I'm not the world's greatest infantryman, but I sure would enjoy raining some hot death upon a few enemies and help clear the way for my squadmates! :) I'd also be open to the idea of combat engineer or armor as well. I'm a support type of guy...not the one who charges in, guns blazing.

I've got a headset, mic, and Ventrilo. I could also download TeamSpeak, but I've gotta admit I don't know much about how it works. I'm in the U.S. Eastern time zone (currently GMT -4), and am available in the late afternoon and evenings (until about 10:30 or so).

Just thought I'd put myself out there. Looking forward to hearing from y'all! :)

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Looking for a tactical gaming clan that plays mostly coop and is preferably U.S. based for time purposes. I AM 16, not 18 as many clans require. My dad is in the military so i may have a few ideas to bring to the table.

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Hey im a mature player looking for a Canadian or Western US squad. I would like some good team play. I am moving from crap server jumping looking for a good game and single player. Thanks

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Names waldo and im looking foe a mature squad that will let me fly helos drive and be a gunner.

Im new at ARMA 2 but i practice flying religously.

Im 17.

Im not good at the infantry stuff so dont bother me with it!!

I can take orders and give them without complaint.

Dont care if its a realism squad or not.

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I was wondering if there are any british/UK units out there that fulfil a special forces role, mechanized infantry or air assault role. I have experience in the upper echelons of units and also reallife experience as well. I dont mind starting off as a grunt but that is not where my heart sits its at the fore of the fighting leading from the front.

If any one can help me i would appreciate it im 25 and have been in American units a fair while now and i have enjoyed it but obviously i want a change.

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Hey all, im looking for a fun squad for mission/coop play.

i'm 23 and from the uk.


- UK/Euro based

- English speaking

- must be willing to help me adapt to online play

- must be fun :)

- i have teamspeak 2/3 ventrilo and mumble so let me know which if used.

thank you all for your time

pm me or send email through the website


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I just picked up the game from steam the other day; now I need a team to play with online. I'm still learning everything so don't expect an amazing shot or pilot, etc. I tried playing random matches online but there was no teamwork involved :/ Message me or reply if your squad has an opening!

Steam= JayRiot_

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Mature older gamer and long time OFP and ARMA player looking to join a tactical squad. I’m in EST timezone. English speaking.

What I’m looking for:

-I play quite a bit. Looking for a squad that plays most nights, not just on weekends. Preferably between 6PM EST and 12PM EST (later on weekends).

-Quality leadership

-Organized Teamwork

-ACE and ZuesAi preferred

-Most importantly Fun!

I like most game modes – coop and TvT its all good. Been playing a lot of Domination lately.

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