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Noticeably steppy in Build 58968

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Noticeably steppy when you turn around in Elektro. or any other dense city. It pauses for 2-3 seconds then goes normal pretty much everytime you turn more than 90*.

Also when you zoom in with the DMR on a Mgun nest it turns to a low LOD so you can't see the guy inside. Anyone else notice?

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Also when you zoom in with the DMR on a Mgun nest it turns to a low LOD so you can't see the guy inside. Anyone else notice?

Yes, I can confirm that - happened to me just yesterday when assaulting the main rebel base camp in Manhattan. (beta 972)

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Yes, I can confirm that - happened to me just yesterday when assaulting the main rebel base camp in Manhattan. (beta 972)

Happens in the original 1.03 as well.

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I had a great performance increase untill patch xxx68 and xxx72. With those two last patches i have noticed more pauses/lags and lower fps again.

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Just tested the latest drivers from Nvidia with my Win7 and i definatelly got better performance. Running the latest arma2 beta build.

Remember to remove the old drivers properly before installing new ones.


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using the xxx 72 build here and noticed an outstanding performance increase.

(Win 7 32 - ATI 4890 - Core2Duo E8400 - 4GB) + SLX MOD 1.3



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Still happening on build 59025. I think its just the mass amounts of different textures at the docks (south-center) of Elektro. Seems if you are walking on the docks and look to the pipes it will pause to swap blits which takes long enough to notice badly. I'll try a lower texture setting to see if it could pre-load more textures, but it didn't seem to be this long of a pause before.

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i went into the editor, and set myself up on the docks. As usual, with my settings(VH)/VD(2600) no PP, i get the "steppy" At the start when i turn around, And as i always do i do a 360 turn(it seems to fill up the vram ect?) and then its gone till i encounter a new area in town that wasn't in my view it will "hitch" then its gone. I can completely remove the "steppy/hitch" if i lower my VD under 2500, or have it happen allot,with VD 5000~. No settings other than VD seems to make a difference, though i didnt go ugly lowsettings.






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Im experiencing a way better performance since the beta xxx72, mostly in big cities like chernogorsk.

I used to set VD to 2500kms, now im using 4500kms and a lot less "steppys", I meam A LOT LESS!

Ive´also installed the new release of directX August 2009 and updated my nvidia drivers to 186.91(from 190.38), so Im not sure if the better performance is from the drivers and DX or from the betas, but most likely from the betas!

Edited by neokika

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I just did some tests in SinglePlayer>Editor and it is different than MP (smooth). I usually play MP warfare and that has a setting default of 2000 VD and the test I just did was at 3300 something VD. Maybe a player in that area is causing it to pause that much longer? For sure it seems to be a MP thing. I remember setting VD to 800 in warefare because I was fighting a guy in Elektro. and every time I look towards the center of town it paused a bit. 800 didn't do a thing.

I'll try to put some AI around Elektro. to see if I can recreate the MP situation.

Update: Nah AI doesn't do a thing. It has to be something to do with MP and a player somewhere in the direction of where you are looking. I can't recreate it in SP Editor.

Edited by Rexxenexx

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0:00-1:24 [single Player with AI]shows how smooth it is.
1:24-End [Multiplayer]shows the pausing.
I'm thinking it has something to do with loading server-side locations of objects when they come into view. AI, Players, etc.
The sound lag is just a byproduct of texture changes/introductions related to the weapon maybe?

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Wow rexxenexx... When i go to that city - even just in the editor - my computer has meltdowns lol. Nice hardware. Me wants.


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