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What happened to that guy called "devil"

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What has happened to him? I remember reading his posts in this forum nearly everyday while other people blamed and insulted him a lot.

Did moderators ban him out?

I´ve also gone to his page..."Devil´s workshop" and doesn´t seem to be alive.....

Well i just wanted to know because sometimes it was funny.....reading his posts....

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He probably gave up on OFP before getting far enough to use his knowledge to make something that could actually be used in OFP and not just vehicles with furniture on top of them. I believe if he still is toying around with the code, he will eventually get somewhere, no doubt. One must learn to crawl before one can walk and run after all.

Devil, if you are there, I hope you are still having a tiny bit of faith in OFP smile.gif


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Devil's leaving was before our time so we know nothing about his absence, but yes there certainly did seem to be a lot of illwill towards him from some people confused.gif

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on the other hand, a couple of weeks ago, some person who used ID 'M@STER H@CKER' was spamming the forums. he said that OFP sucks and starts to rant about it's flaws and ppl who were around that time started spamming him back.

during the course of time, there were ppl who were calling for banning him, and he replied something like this:

"ha! I can't be banned! i'm on a 64 PC network with dynamic address!'

well, he was never to be heard again.... tounge.gif  biggrin.gif

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avon for some reason gunslinger's was causing that problem for me in one mission i believe. haven't heard from devil for awhile. haven't seen him on icq since early november

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ Mar. 23 2002,21:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">avon for some reason gunslinger's was causing that problem for me in one mission i believe.  haven't heard from devil for awhile.  haven't seen him on icq since early november<span id='postcolor'>

Was that GS EU 1.00 or 1.02? Yes, it's possible but as The FAQ says, many flying BMP reports came in as a result of Devil's addons.

Devildid pop in here at the forums not that long ago, on an OFFTOPIC thread.

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i'm not sure. this was way back in october and i have 1.02 now so it could be either sad.gif

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Devil is probably on a "special case for the FBI" yep that was one of his more famous claims.

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Well..i remember when devil posted here and definitely it was very funny to see people blaming him while he did some funny fakes and colourful addons.... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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You can't blame people for making free stuff for others to use.

It's not like he demanded anything in return.

Maybe it was not the kind of stuff everyone would find useful, but it's awfully lot easier to just make addons for oneself and not let anyone have them. confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Mar. 23 2002,23:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Devil is probably on a "special case for the FBI" yep that was one of his more famous claims.<span id='postcolor'>

Maybe he got shot in the line of duty wink.giftounge.gif

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Ok, now I am curious. Who was this "Devil" guy? And why didn't anyone like him?

What did he make mods of that everyone is talking about, I don't understand, I am new here.

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I liked him...he was funny... biggrin.gif

His best addon is the hummer with the sofa ontop....LOL...wherethehell did he get that from?!? ROFLMFAO!!!

He could be alittle rude sometimes tho...not a big thing in this forum anyway... smile.gif

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he also claimed that he lost a relative in the WTC, then a week later he said the WTC is meaningless to him and he does not care

things like that is why ppl didnt like him.

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Yeah he was a compulsive liar, i didnt really care about his addons because they were such poor quality. Just the amount of bull he was spouting out all of the time was enough to brand him as an arsehole.

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I think L24A mafe him a nice fake FBI crad thingy which said special agent Devil on it now that was funny.

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I remember him.

I hated em too, he was ok to start with but his lies got annoying and also he flamed me once over somethin, cant remember now it was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago.

Did you know some peeps over at the editing center made an add on A bomb?

They have disappeared too, that really really pi$$e$ me off.

An A bomb would be one of my main reasons for playing ofp again.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ChickenHawk @ Mar. 25 2002,00:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I only play mplayer games now. OFP isnt great on the mplayer thing.<span id='postcolor'>

Uhm...this doesn't quite make sense to me...

You don't like the "mplayer" part of OFP, but you only play that part?

I play it almost every day, but with people I know well, good players. We play ctf and co-op, and it's A BLAST!!

This game rocks I tell you.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 25 2002,02:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I play it almost every day, but with people I know well, good players. We play ctf and co-op, and it's A BLAST!!

This game rocks I tell you.

potato.gif<span id='postcolor'>

True wow.gifwow.gifwow.gif

You must play this game over the net.

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