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John Gunther

no roadkill

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I've noticed while my ai troops will happily drive over other soldiers in a base, they always seem to stop to let bunnies, chickens and other wildlife cross the road. Noticed this when I couldn't figure out why my guy wouldn't drive to where I pointed, because there was a chicken in the road

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Now we know why the chicken crossed the road. It was because a tank was hauling ass after it! ;)

Perhaps your guy was associated with PETA. He's like, to hell with the people, run them over with a tank without even thinking....BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T HARM THE ANIMALS!!!!


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LOL I bet that explains all the dodgy driving by AI!

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Nah now we know why the chicken crossed the road! to actually play chicken with the trafiv :D

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This is what I don't understand. Considering AI driving skills and AI "micro-walking" abilities, wouldn't it be better if drivers didn't try to avoid pedestrians but let the pedestrians avoid the vehicles?

I think it's the other way around now and the result is that when a car encouters someone in its path, it slows down then does some half circles around and runs over the guy anyway. The car is unnecessary delayed.

Edited by IronTrooper

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This is what I don't understand. Considering AI driving skills and AI "micro-walking" abilities, wouldn't it be better if drivers didn't try to avoid pedestrians but let the pedestrians avoid the vehicles?

I think it's the other way around now and the result is that when a car encouters someone in its path, it slows down then does some half circles around and runs over the guy anyway. The car is unnecessary delayed.

HAHa lol I love how the AI almost gives the pedestrians a chance, it slows down, moves about a bit, then thinks "well you've had your chance" and speeds into the poor bastard.

Saying that notice how with a player its a 50% chance the vehical will slow or not?? sometimes it doesn react at all leving a very annoyed player at the end of a 3 hour mission :mad: lol

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By definition, animals count as part of the local population -> civilians. Civilians are innocent, so you have to stop for them. Soldiers on the other hand are fair game. :cool:

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This is what I don't understand. Considering AI driving skills and AI "micro-walking" abilities, wouldn't it be better if drivers didn't try to avoid pedestrians but let the pedestrians avoid the vehicles?

I think it's the other way around now and the result is that when a car encouters someone in its path, it slows down then does some half circles around and runs over the guy anyway. The car is unnecessary delayed.

The AI doesn't have the reflexes for that.

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To illustrate OP's case, here is a demonstration. :D

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJyocJ_lSMc&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJyocJ_lSMc&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

No chickens were harmed.

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LOL! I've never seen that before. Yes it annoys me too that not much is done by AIs to avoid soldiers, but also not much is done by soldiers to stay clear of vehicles.

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I lol'd! Nothing wrong with sparing bunnies - anyway think about it, in a tough, battle hungry war, it's nice to save the rabbits and other animals to eat later no? A2's AI is going economical!

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"Sir! Our reinforcements are delayed. The chickens struck." "Damm it!"

Glad wildlife is optional.

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"Sir! Our reinforcements are delayed. The chickens struck." "Damm it!"

Glad wildlife is optional.

Could you imagine if that happened in saving private ryan???

Today Ramelle was lost to the germans due to reinforcements being delayed.

When the comander of the mechanised division was asked what the problem was, this is what he had to say "Well we left at the base with minimal casualties, only runing over 3 soldiers, then about halfway, the lead M4, encountered a rabbit. After some large confusion the main battle tank decided to turn around and travel a mile up the track, raming every vehical in the convoy, and took a three mile detour. Unfortunatly shortly after this the M4 struck an "aggresive rock" which fliped the Tank in the air. The crew managed to escape the wreak but were sadly run over by the remaining convoy. The final part of the journey involved crossing a bridge, which the lead truck unfortunatly could'nt navigate and drove into a pond, which sadly drowned all troops onboard."

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