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Auto accept SecOp mission?

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I tried asking this in the SOM thread, but no answers. :(

So, does anyone know how to auto accept SecOp missions? So they wouldn't be voluntary, but mandatory.

Thanks! And sorry for the new thread, but I really am waiting for an answer! :confused:

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There is no easy official method of doing that (yet?), but if you're into scripting you might find the following information useful:

_mySOM getVariable "secOpScopes";

This will retrieve the list of currently active SecOps from the SOM in an Array. It returns the scopes, which are objects that contain all information / variables about a SecOp instance.

_mySecOpScope setVariable ["decision", _myDecision]

Once you have the SecOp scope you can set the decision to be accepted. Accepted values for decision are:

0 - accepted

1 - not accepted

2 - timeout

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Im trying to get this to work...

Do i insert this code into the init as it is? i tried that and it didnt work

_mySOM getVariable "secOpScopes";

_mySecOpScope setVariable ["0", _myDecision];

Or does it go somewhere else, or am i completely of track?

Edited by Katipo66

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Tried the following in init

s1 getVariable "secOpScopes";
_mySecOpScope setVariable ["decision", 0]

Also having trouble getting it to work.

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Putting this in the SOM init field might work.

Or if putting it in an init.sqf, replace "this spawn" with "mySom spawn" (mySom being the player's SOM).

Automatically accept all SecOps: 




if (isServer) then 
	autoSecOpsDecision = this spawn 
		waitUntil {Sleep 0.25; !isNil {_this getVariable "secOpScopes"}};
		Private ["_scopes"];
		while {true} do 
			sleep 0.25;
			_scopes = _this getVariable "secOpScopes";
			if (Count _scopes > 0) then 
					Private ["_code"];
					_x setVariable ["decision",0];
					if (Count (_this getVariable "activeTopics") > 0) then
						_code = 
							Private "_mainScope";
							_mainScope = _this select 0;
							_mainScope setVariable ["activeTopics",[],true];
							["secop",_mainScope] call BIS_SOM_updateCommsMenuFunc;
						[[_this getVariable "leader"],[_this],_code] call BIS_SOM_sendCodeFunc;
				} forEach _scopes;




Try this to automatically accept certain SecOps, but not others:
The _secOps list are those that will be automatically accepted.  Remove from the list any that should require a player decision.


Automatically accept certain SecOps:



if (isServer) then
	autoSecOpsDecision = this spawn
		waitUntil {Sleep 0.25; !isNil {_this getVariable "secOpScopes"}};
		Private ["_secOps","_scopes"];
		_secOps = 
		while {true} do
			sleep 0.25;
			_scopes = _this getVariable "secOpScopes";
			if (Count _scopes > 0) then
				Private ["_name"];
					_name = _x getVariable "name";
					while {isNil "_name"} do {sleep 0.01; _name = _x getVariable "name";};
					if (_name in _secOps) then
						Private ["_code"];
						_x setVariable ["decision",0];
						if (Count (_this getVariable "activeTopics") > 0) then
							[_name, _this] call BIS_SOM_unregisterTopicFunc;
				} forEach _scopes;



Edited by opusfmspol
updated code
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Thanks for help opusfmspol. 

But there's one issue.  It doesn't accept reinforce when squad gets killed and can't accept it manually anymore as it no longer shows up in the menu. 


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The code in the post above is updated.

It was hanging on a "while do", changed it to an "if then".


// --- edit

After more testing, finding it was clearing the option to accept those missions not auto-selected, the second code set was revised again; using BIS_SOM_unregisterTopicFunc removes only the selected topic instead of all.

Edited by opusfmspol
as stated
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