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Faster way of downloading satellite images from Google?

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I want to start making islands for ArmA but the only thing that’s standing in my way now is obtaining satellite images from Google to create the satellite map.

At the moment I know 1 technique which is to save each picture individually and then to join them up by hand to create the big .bmp file. But this takes a very long time to do.

I also tried programs that let you select an area of the map and then download the satellite images for you at a required zoom level and then join them up to create a big .bmp file which is what I need, the only problem is that most of these tools don't work anymore.

So is there any other way to make a satellite mask quickly or a working tool like the one above? :j:

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I had the full version or Universal Sat Downloader but for some reason my IP is blocked on the google server and the rest of the servers like Yahoo and Microsoft don't provide enough zoom for use with the game :(

I'll try that USDA Datagateway :)

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Get yourself google earth pro, and you can screen capture up to 4800x4800 px images at once. You still need to stitch some stuff together but you're looking at 9 screen dumps to make a 10240x10240 sat map which, isn't that bad. Took me about 2 hours this morning to make my high res sat map. Course, I had to spend a few hours in preparation work to line the DEMs up with the sat mask, but once I got that done the high res imagery was the least of my problems.

Edited by Pathy

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You can try a program called "Google Map Buddy". It downloads images from a selected map area and joins them in a single picture. It works quite good but it´s difficult to find as author had to remove it from download upon request from Google... :-(


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