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Localized Sound

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Hmmm - I tested your mission - it doesn't work in mine...

Maybe I should add that I'm using custom sounds which are defined in my own mission description.ext...

I have 3 triggers that I want to "mute" and I delete all of them, but the sounds continue until their end...


Strange things are happening...:eek:

Sometimes it works, sometimes not!...

Edited by Undeceived

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Strange things are happening...:eek:

Sometimes it works, sometimes not!...

That pretty much sums it up quite nicely. I use cfgSFX and triggers a lot (despite all the problems), and I come to the same conclusion - what the fuck is going on?

Try Domino (not Domination), and notice how much goes on using cfgSFX. From multiple sounds on structures all over Takistan, via variable rain drumming inside vehicles, to sounds (and fires) hooked up to oil tanks when destroyed. To me, these things are mighty important for the ambient effect, but few cares I guess.

The funny part is, it used to be a lot worse :) Arma2 was notorious.

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Well, that's not good... :(

Is there another method to limit sounds to a defined range? I used the triggers because you could do that... But not being able to deactivate the sounds makes it useless for me.

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Yes, but it depends on what characteristics you want for the sound. Say/say3D commands for (22kHz mono) cfgSounds are also spatial, but they don't support perfect looping sounds (like a waterstream or electrical hum) or sounds consisting of multiple sounds (like bird tweets). You can use any object (i.e. HeliHEmpty) to say the sound. If it's a long sound and you want it to shut up, you just move the object away.

Also, if you want to use the builtin sounds (like the alarms), you can only use them with the method they are intended for. If the alarms are trigger sounds (cfgSFX), there is no way to play then using say/say3D, and vice versa. What's worse is that you cannot reference these sound files from description.ext to make your own classes, you have to copy them into the mission directory (not an issue for SP game, but impractical for MP games where you're desperate to keep the file size down).

And btw, deleting a trigger with a sound, is supposed to delete the sound as well. In Arma2, what happened was that the sound was left playing, and played at full volume whenever you were in the original intended influence radius, with no indication of where it was (spatially). In OA, deleting tends to work pretty good, but I have seen times when they do not (may be a bug in my mission though), and the sounds will disappear as expected. However, sometimes, respawning in an area with such a sound playing, may take away the sound even if the trigger playing it is still there. This sometimes thing makes it damned hard to make up a repro for in order to report a bug properly.

An old ticket I submitted on the issue long time ago.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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I was reading through this thread and not sure I got my answer so here goes (and sorry for digging up an old thread but it was the exact thread title I searched for):

I want to place a radio on the map (a village in MBG_Vietnam) playing an .ogg file of some old Vietnamese radio show. Just the announcer talking (but doesn't matter).

Will this sound/music be localized to that radio only so that if I'm 2000m away, I won't here it all over the map where ever I go?

I only need to put down the radio and use a trigger on the radio with the pull-down, correct?

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If played with trigger (cfgSFX entry in description.ext) or object itself plays sound non perfect loop (cfgSound entry), then yes, it will be localized.

If played as music (cfgMusic entry) or using playSound command (also cfgSound entry), then no, it won't be localized.

You may find that sounds needs to be played on clients, so you need to keep that in mind when setting it up.

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