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Script gibirish

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ive just purchesed arma2 three days ago and ive seen alot of script stuff to me it looks like people are just typing in some gibirish and hoping it does something?????? plz explain ty:)

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You have a lot to learn young Padawan !

The files are in .SQF or .SQS format. Don't worry about scripting for a LONG time - work on punctuation instead.

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im sorry for my spelling i could not really give a rats a** but can you plz answer my post?

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Not too sure what you mean but the scripting language is full of gibberish , also known as keywords.

To be able to read and understand it one must take the time to first learn it , just as you had to do to read/write English (which BTW looks like gibberish to a Frenchman).

Be patient little one..work hard at deciphering the phrases and characters of the secret scripting language and the light of knowledge will indeed illuminate your wondering and curious soul. :p

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I'm not very good at scripting, but I understand it better than this "gibberish."


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wizbomb - I understan you :)

When i first was looking at scripts it didnt make any sense to me at all.

What you see is a bunch of fuctions and events that need to be written so that game understands that it needs to for example: spawn units, make objectives, create markers and so on.

In other words script says "hey ArmA2 spawn bunch of units whit diffrent weapons in random locations" and game says "ok lol" :)

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im sorry for my spelling i could not really give a rats a** but can you plz answer my post?

Good spelling and sentance structure (syntax) is important if you wish to understand and use ArmA 2 scripting.

---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

Btw, it's not gibberish. Gibberish has no actual meaning. Script on the other hand has a very, very literal meaning... so call it code.

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I guess this thread should really be in Editing and Scripting, but here goes.....

Hi Wizbomb...

If you haven't had any experience of OFP or Arma 1 scripting may seem exactly like gibberish - it did for me at first, and it will for you if you don't have a background in C coding (me neither)...

Worry not! - If you're interested in playing with editing the editor is the place to start...

It's largely point and click and with the modules you can get pretty good results (think of the modules as "ready made gibberish")...

Wht you place any unit in the editor you'll see an "init line" in its "control panel" - this is the place to start experimenting with gibberish of your own!!

You can put simple one-line gibberish statements in there, and do funky things like change loadouts of that unit, change his face texture, all sorts of things...

After a while it'll get annoying typing bigger and bigger bits of gibberish you've copied or read elsewhere into that crappy wee slot in the editor...

At that point you'll probably wanna get notepad out and write all of your gibberish into that - save it as a file and call it "my script.sqf" - then, instead of typin it all into the init line, you can just call the external script from there...

Eventually - you may more or less do away with the editor completely and write almost your whole mission in gibberish, on notepad...

It's a learning curve - a fairly tough one if you have no background in programming...

Start with the editor, hit the Wiki and/or OFPEC for basic init line commands to start with...

Above all - have fun doing it!

You'll pick it up as you go along.....


Edited by Bushlurker

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Yea i have never played any other arma games and im sorry for my spelling but my point is i just dont understand it and ill just have to learn one phrase at a time OH BTW can any one tell me how to spawn people with a specific weapon like i want a sniper to have a halo silenced (:

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When I first started playing with the editor I didn't know how to do much more than place some good guys and some bad guys and make them fight eachother.

Since then I've been able to do some more complex stuff. Sometimes I sit down at the game and say "I'm going to figure out how to make a unit, like an airplane, move from point A to point B repeatedly so as to give the affect of airplanes flying over every once in awhile."

Eventually you'll get the hang of it.

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When I first started playing with the editor I didn't know how to do much more than place some good guys and some bad guys and make them fight eachother.

Since then I've been able to do some more complex stuff. Sometimes I sit down at the game and say "I'm going to figure out how to make a unit, like an airplane, move from point A to point B repeatedly so as to give the affect of airplanes flying over every once in awhile."

Eventually you'll get the hang of it.

how do you do that like have random jets flying over a battle field that would be cool i have seen it before on campaign

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Wizbomb, heed the words of these people.

Ask for help but make sure you try and search for the answer first. If you get no joy then post in these forums asking for help.

Mission / Map editing takes an eon to learn if your like me and I am still in the infancy of the learning curve by a long way.

Once you have the basics and can create missions / scenarios then trust me all the hard work is worth it in the end.

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