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Oh the poor taleban and al-queda..

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several terrorists attacked a chruch in islamabad Pakistan near the US embassy during mass, the church is known for being the place the US workers go for service..several arab men tossed hand grenades through the windows..

40 wounded.  2 americans killed, a woman and her 7 year old daughter..

on a side note lobbiests are demanding the prisoners at camp x-ray be give cold drinks including gatorade or other sports drinks at least every 3 hours insted of the "cruel room temperature tap water"  

what next a fucking birthdayparty with clowns and an american pinata for the prisoners?

EDIT: it was 2 men, each threw 6 hand grenades. and 5 dead now.

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funny, people lobby and get prayer leaders, prayer mats, bibles and their own spiritual leader for the prisoners at Camp X-ray..  (to go with their gatorade I guess).. cause you know... we wouldent want to deprive them of their religion

Its nice how people point oout how imporant religion is to these "people" that not giving them prayer mats, and their own spiritual leader while in camp x-ray that that would be cruel....

very important.. yes you can tell someone has much respect for religion when they toss grenades into a prayer gathering..

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Well said. Once again this shows that 'human rights' activists actually know f**k all about human nature. 'Cruel cold water' is all people like that deserve. In fact, people who chuck handgrenades through church windows during mass deserve to be lined up and shot.

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AMMENDMENT: daughter was not 7, was in earley teens.

over 40 injured..

sorry, data just trickleing in...

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the ones at camp X-ray didnt do it, unless usa started to give them vacations...however.

if you want to see individuals as one single person...some us soldiers raped and killed a 12 year old girl in japan, i say that all us soldiers should be hung by there balls.

the terrorist act you mentions is one more in the long list of cruel deeps made by lunatics...terrorism has to be stopped, just as any other crime in the world....but you cant really sentence people who didnt do anything before they did it...it doesnt work.

if you do....what makes you any better than the terrorists?

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I have to agree with pete, the Al Queda members at X-Ray didnt have anything to do with this attack so why even try and make a connection?

In fact do any of us even know at all if any of the prisoners at X-ray have done anything, or are we all just speculating with things like

"Oh they are Al Queda therefore they have surely raped women, murdered babies and planned massive terrorist attacks"

Have a little empathy, if you were a prisoner would you like a nice drink? Yes of course you would. You might not necessarily deserve it, but what harm can it possibly do?

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basically human rights is not something that you decide to give others...it is the right you have.

you wish to remove certain human rights and you also remove them from yourself.

if i for some reason even end up in some difficulty, get taken as a prisoner by a enemy or what so ever (can happen to all of us, in case of a war) i would like to be treated as a human...not as a animal, but i quess there is always some along us who wish to be humiliated/tortured..

but i dont.

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Well USA considered this a war didn't it? what about the geneva convention? if US POWs were not looked after USA would play hell. But in the news we got here USA didn't want the geneva convention for these so called POWs (afgan fighters). And also a country that rekons its fighting for freedom of speach and also human rights, then USA does not have a very good record  confused.gif USA has bombed more countries and innocent people than every other country put together. What about innocent people there? Don't get me wrong I'm NOT trying to be smart here but americans everywhere wouldn't be happy being targets in a war. But in other wars innocent people have been the target of US aggresstion (WW2, Vietnam, Iraq, many others ect) most wars have not affected US soil directly. But over the past century USA has messed up other countries and even now has "occupied" certain spots (probably for economical gain) I'm sure americans would not be happy if they were consantly bombed by other countries and had hostile aircraft patroling "no fly zones" over their homes and also defining what their country can do and not do, simply because other governments don't like what your government thinks or does. I'm not repeat not trying to be an arsehole here. I'm just thinking about the innocent people that always get caught in the middle, between the US government and a hostile government (Saddam for example) US planes over Iraq hurt innocent people more than Saddam. The more you bomb him the worse he will make life for his own people just to stay in power.

Oh shit have I gone too far? Ok I'll stop there. Once again I am thinking of the innocent ones caught up in it all. I am believing that all governments are evil.

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First of all, I think room temperature water is good enough for the prisoners. But you have to at least treat them with a bit of decency. These guys were only fighting for their country and for what they believe is right.

But of course, a terrorist act such as what happened today can not be justified.

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A civilized society has a system of absolute values and principles (i.e laws). We have distanced us from the old-testament 'an eye for an eye' for a good reason. Just because sombody does a bad thing to you doesn't justify doing the same to him. We define actions as 'bad' or 'good' and avoid doing the 'bad' (there is of course the problem of deciding what is 'bad' and what is 'good').

That is why I among other things fail to see the logic behind capital punishment.

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yes i also think the prisoners at camp xray were caught during a conflict and therefore pow's

the ones that killed those poor folks at the church are just murdering bastards, and deserve to hang

any my only greiff about capital punishemnt is it takes to long for the process to be completed from going to court and being found guilty to the point of the execution.

still wasting tax payers money.

I live in Scotland, where unfortunetly we dont have it but i back the idea of bringing capital punishment back all the way. Then perhaps theres a deterent out there, and some of them sicko bams would maybe think about it, and perhaps my kids could play safe in the street again.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InRange @ Mar. 17 2002,17:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">These guys were only fighting for their country and for what they believe is right.<span id='postcolor'>

Technically, they werent fighting for their country. Every single detainee at Camp X-ray is a foreign national, i.e., not Afghan.

The hardest part to figure on this one is whether these guys are POWs or not. Because if they ARE POWs, we are violating the Geneva Convention because we are interrogating them, which is a no-no by the Geneva Convention.

However, if they ARE NOT POWs, we would be violating the terms of our judicial system, most notably the writ of habeas corpus, which states that we cannot detain people for unreasonable amounts of time without charging them with a crime.

Fuck what we are giving them to eat and drink, we are doing fine for them on that account. However, we are violating principals that we would expect that other countries hold to if they had US POWs.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 17 2002,19:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I live in Scotland, where unfortunetly we dont have it  but i back the idea of bringing capital punishment back all the way.  Then perhaps theres a deterent out there, and some of them sicko bams would maybe think about it, and perhaps my kids could play safe in the street again.<span id='postcolor'>

Captial punishment is really not logical in a civilized society. The state can't say 'killing is bad' and then do it itself. Besides it is a waste of a perfectly functional human body: let them run around in a hamster wheel generating electricity, for all that I care.

As the part of it being a deterent - there is no proof of that. On the contrary, correlated or not, but countries that have capital punshment have more crime then the ones that don't.

I don't say that there are not criminals who don't deserve to die. Hell, I would put a bullet myself in a child-molester, but I think that capital punishment brings more negative things than positive. One good argument I think is that it is terminal. Which is kind of a bugger for innocent people who get convicted. I am glad that they don't practice CP in the EU.

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What good does it do taking a life for another life it does not bring them a dead person back.

Capital punishment is one of the few barbaric parts of society left in the 1st world in the countries where the majority people know no better and are socially backwards.

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It must be verging on 342 by now.

Yep I now have a store of reply for this type of topics I just pick on at ramdom and paste it in. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What good does it do taking a life for another life it does not bring them a dead person back.

Capital punishment is one of the few barbaric parts of society left in the 1st world in the countries where the majority people know no better and are socially backwards. <span id='postcolor'>

I agree with you, but I guess you know... smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 17 2002,22:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What good does it do taking a life for another life it does not bring them a dead person back.

Capital punishment is one of the few barbaric parts of society left in the 1st world in the countries where the majority people know no better and are socially backwards. <span id='postcolor'>

I agree with you, but I guess you know... smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

know what? confused.gif

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Know that the evil is growing and those posts will not be allowed.

Still it's nice.

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Drinking water too cold in a hot climate can kill becuase it is such a shock to the body so its a good thing that they dont have cold water.

I dont agree with capital punishment but I feel that criminals(not large organised military) should have bad conditions so that they wont want to go through it again.

In Britain people re offend becuase the courts are usualy on thier side and the sentences are short. Also the prisons are like hotels with tvs for those that behave and regular meals cooked by the trainee convict chefs. Its a joke sad.gif

The victims are the ones that get punished but the government are going to change all this, or so they say

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Mar. 17 2002,11:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">on a side note lobbiests are demanding the prisoners at camp x-ray be give cold drinks including gatorade or other sports drinks at least every 3 hours insted of the "cruel room temperature tap water"  <span id='postcolor'>

You mean the same "cruel room temperature tap water" I mostly drank for the first 11 years of my life? Or that many fellow Cubans without working refrigerators drink every day?.

mad.gif Jesus fucking Christ, din't get me started, these are some of the last fucking human beings in Cuba who deserve cold water, and it looks like they're about the only one's living there who get the Western media's attention these days. What the fuck?!?

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If someone coldly and without remorse takes another life why should they have any right to keep their own life? All I know is if someone murdered a member of my family I wouldn't them to live out the rest of their life in a nice warm prison cell with free cable and 3 hot meals a day.

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Capital Punishment is morally (from a Judeo-Christian standpoint) wrong, but it is effective. in the 1950s in the US, the number of violent murders was at its lowest the same year that executions of murderers was at its highest. the year after the Federal Government imposed a moratorium on Capital Punishment, the number of murders increased sharply, and rose every year until the Death Penalty was reimposed.

Nothing will make a guy think twice about pulling the trigger than thinking about himself fryin away in the chair.

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God it's hard to ignore that last post from Tex[uSCM]...

...aaargh!...must resist....

I think I did it....now to sort this confusement out:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Mar. 17 2002,23:34)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 17 2002,22:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What good does it do taking a life for another life it does not bring them a dead person back.

Capital punishment is one of the few barbaric parts of society left in the 1st world in the countries where the majority people know no better and are socially backwards. <span id='postcolor'>

I agree with you, but I guess you know... smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

know what? confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

That  I agree smile.gif

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