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ATI Catalyst 9.7 is here

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hi, i just tried to download the new driver but i have this message:

Unauthorized Download

We're sorry, but this download request cannot be authorized. As an option, you may visit any of the pages below for information about our services and products:

Download Drivers & Software

Latest drivers and software for ATI graphics products.

It directs me to an AMD Graphics Drivers & Software, but the available version is 9-3_1_legacy_xp32-64_dd_ccc.exe which is outdated.

Is the version 9.7 still available?

edit: ARF, i just tried again and it work now. Go figure.. :\

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Anyways 9.7 runs fine. just like the 9.6 ect... hope the 512mb cards get a fix soon?

Edited by kklownboy

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Cool, I have just copied an MP3 from one place to another and now believe my ArmA 2 has improved. I get the same results in ArmA Mark II but it feels better. Not sure if this works for you but I also suggest facing the PC to the east to see if that also helps. :rolleyes:


No sir I updated from the 9.6 drivers!!!!!!!!! When did I say I was using the beta drivers where????


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there i help your reading skilzzzz. Go away and play the sims. Mr complainer...pifft

Anyways 9.7 runs fine. just like the 9.6 ect... hope the 512mb cards get a fix soon?

Thanks for your valued contribution, not sure what you added but thanks for posting, it really helps. Not really into the sims but I am guessing you are seasoned player and are asking me on a date in some kiddy slang ? Well, sorry but no thank you, I am flattered though.

choC, you are posting my reply to my post, why put it again in the same order, oh and look the original was updated today when my original post was last night a 9pm, Miss Marple would be saddened by your lack of observation.

Wow this forum is cool place to hang out, getting down wiv da kids.

Edit: Interesting kklownboy, why change your post ? Its ok I have quoted it here, cheers.

Edited by Thr0tt

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Easy to misread isn't it ? ...
So does he use XP or win7, or even vista? the drivers are different with vista and win7.. but you didnt go there? Maybe you need to take some comprehension classes...

PS no i didnt change it because you quoted me, Boy you are a narcissists... i changed it cause i was to personal with my post. And what i contributed to the thread is One; you cant read , and two; the 9.7s seem the same as the 9.6s, in XP64 vista64 and win7, they all run great on my kit. with steam, .DE and 505. that would be three OSes, and three different copys of the game. If your maths are any good then you will see i tested nine different setups...


Ahh then there's your typical spam and crapping.. never any real substance in anything you post anymore...

Edited by kklownboy

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Maybe, maybe you need to come over here and give me a big hug, I can see that is what you want, come on, mmmmmmm xxxx :286: :811:

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Now this runs smoother but still I have texture loading issues.

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New drivers with Xp: no significative improvement.


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Anyways 9.7 runs fine. just like the 9.6 ect... hope the 512mb cards get a fix soon?

What is the problem with 512mb cards and Arma2 ?



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I have just installed 9.7 and i rather have a little performance decrease over the previous release.

Can't explain it, its around 1-3 frames less on identical settings/mission, which sounds not like "much", but in this game it is much and can make the difference between a fluid gameplay and a bit more stuttering...

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Indeed, any improvements or loss is just a bi-product of the drivers which is a shame, if only BI had the foresight to communicate with AMD/ATI prior to release, imagine what they could have acheived together.

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Well I think they're running better than the 9.6's.

I can actually play the game with high/very high settings now without significant frame dips in forests etc.

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The way you're attacking everyone sure makes it obvious who "da kids" are.

I updated from 9.6 myself, and also added some switches to the game at the same time. I'm noticing increased performance, however, I'm not sure if its related to the driver update or the switch I used to make it use all of my memory.

Thanks for your valued contribution, not sure what you added but thanks for posting, it really helps. Not really into the sims but I am guessing you are seasoned player and are asking me on a date in some kiddy slang ? Well, sorry but no thank you, I am flattered though.

choC, you are posting my reply to my post, why put it again in the same order, oh and look the original was updated today when my original post was last night a 9pm, Miss Marple would be saddened by your lack of observation.

Wow this forum is cool place to hang out, getting down wiv da kids.

Edit: Interesting kklownboy, why change your post ? Its ok I have quoted it here, cheers.

---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------

Well I think they're running better than the 9.6's.

I can actually play the game with high/very high settings now without significant frame dips in forests etc.

Same here!

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Running the game on XP, I noticed a slight increase in performance and better loading time of textures (no more blurry trees and bushes). However, "silver" heads and disappearing helmets still remain.

I played it for only a while, cannot assess what the game would do in a city.

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Updated from 9.7beta to 9.7

Noticable FPS increase. Arma-Mark score jumped from 2850 to 3150!

(texture: norm; vid_mem: v_high; AF: v_high; AA: off; land:norm; objects: norm; shadows:high; post-processing:high; resolution&3d-resolution:1920x1200 )

XP32-bit, c2d [email protected], hd4850-1gb

Edited by ModeZt

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The way you're attacking everyone sure makes it obvious who "da kids" are.

I updated from 9.6 myself, and also added some switches to the game at the same time. I'm noticing increased performance, however, I'm not sure if its related to the driver update or the switch I used to make it use all of my memory.

Same here!

I guess you put that in for me to respond to you ? Well, ok then, good that you have updated from 9.6 and you may or may not have performance increases that may or may not be due to this or another switch you used, real nice.

XP user myself, had the leaked XP drivers that are the same at the official released ones. Not checked the Win7 or Vista ones so who knows the performance may be there. I am glad that BI are let off the hook with the brilliant performing game ArmA 2, I for one say they should delay any patch release and wait for the drivers to hopefully give perfromance increases so they can concentrate on ArmA 3, maybe the hardware will catch up to out perform it.


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Upgraded from 9.6 to 9.7 getting CTD every game now. Running Vista64

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Upgraded from 9.6 to 9.7 getting CTD every game now. Running Vista64

same for me!

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I've seen a few more lockups with this official version over the beta ... strange

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