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Bind key to Dialog

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So i learn how to make my own dialog.. took forever with the lacktarded documentation which is mostly non-existant..

Now i have a dialog.. but i cant use it.. WHY!?!?!?

...I dunno how to bind it

How to bind a key or something to Newly Created Dialog menu?

Where/what script to put it in?

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ok, im done then, no editing for me.. 3rd generation of game, and the simplist of docs aint around other than

click open mission edit and place unit.. there ya go enjoy


your stuck with hold/warefare/evolutionf forever, and since all of them are curretnly coded like complete shit, good luck..

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Asides from a fair amount of scripting that'll go into creating your own interface; I'd say have a reasonable amount of patience with the community.

There are plenty of mods, addons, and scenarios on the way - they're in process this instant.

We should not expect too much without first giving them a chance. Some of the best ARMA mods took what, at least 2 to 6 months to realize?

There are others who share you pain, myself being one of them.

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Ygh, with no documentation there never WILL be a community.... just a bunch of wanna be's.. The modding community and scripting communities are far apart. The scripting community is NON EXISTANT and with no docs never will be, as you can tell its 10 years later and still no fucking clue how to do anything

You see, all the cool shit being released by some people, specially go out to say.. this script is not meant to be supported.. "in other words.. ha ha we are doing this for our in house team to get a job in the future and fuck anyone else who cares to learn" Do nto ask a question, we wont answer it...

The very basics of scripting have ZERO examples, and ZERO documentaton...

The dialog example... hi, here is a example dialog... but hell if there is an example of how to wire it. The perons trying to learn is stuck already with no where to turn.

Which is why you NEVER will see a new type of game... if it aint provided.. its all you will ever get, because us who CAN make shit will never care to learn, because we have tried and failed miserably due to being absolutely fucking clueless.

I spend 6 hours to learn how to do one stupid fucking thing that should take 30 minutes, and other things that ending up taking 16 hours to 5 days that should be done in 5 minutes, only learned by hacking apart 79 old scripts, which are probably done incorrectly since they were just learning when they did it... Thats a great recipe.. and its why evolution in its third generation is a big pile of compiled crap with more bugs than a fresh cow patty on a hot summer day.

Now we have to times the learning curve of trying to make a script by 150,000 hours because of everything you try has no docs whatsoever, and i can tell i will have to spend 2 years to make a 2 hour mission..

NO THANKYOU.. I am way too experience to waste my time here.. I quit and leave the hell to you.. have fun with it

Edited by cackle

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hey man.. chill down..

you just need to learn how to search & use the availeble documentation.such as this forums seach function. Bis awesome wiki. which has lots of examples for most of the commands. you also got sites like ofpec.com armaholic.com.. + many more.

now back to your problem..

you say you want to open a dialog by pressing a button ?

well the code isnt that fancy and hard..

something like this should get you started..

ButtonNr = "the number for the button you want"
blah = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", " call {if (_this select 1 == ButtonNr) then { x = createdialog 'YOURDIALOG';}}"]


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Dont waste anymore time, I already quit dude.. the tools are zapped, and soon will

be the game too.. Good luck and trust me you aint helpng

blah = ????, you just put the exclamation point on my point.

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What are you talking about?

OFPEC Editor's Depot

OFPEC Forums

The search actually works at the OFPEC forums, and most solutions for OFP still work for ArmA and Arma 2.

Also, Scripting topics in the BIKI.

Cool your panties, mate. The end-all of learning is patience, trying things yourself until they work, looking for examples and imitating, and finally if all things fail, just ASK (or, in most cases, somebody else's already asked and been given an answer).


Edit: And also, you're in the wrong forum.



Edited by Wolfrug

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hey man.. chill down..

you just need to learn how to search & use the availeble documentation.such as this forums seach function. Bis awesome wiki. which has lots of examples for most of the commands. you also got sites like ofpec.com armaholic.com.. + many more.

now back to your problem..

you say you want to open a dialog by pressing a button ?

well the code isnt that fancy and hard..

something like this should get you started..

ButtonNr = "the number for the button you want"
blah = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", " call {if (_this select 1 == ButtonNr) then { x = createdialog 'YOURDIALOG';}}"]


Where did you get the number 46?

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You know, IDIOTS like cackle, just need to leave these forums. We actually don't want anything created by you as you aren't willing to learn the ropes like the rest of us have.

You are typical of today's INSTANT GRATIFICATION generation. You want everything now and don't want to wait. Got news for you .... it doesn't work that way.

Go back and play BF2 or COD. We won't miss you.


The Community

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Wow? All i asked was where did he get the number 46. And I looked on the wiki. Its a pretty magic number imho. I've seen it used a LOT but never definitely said '46 means this'

Or the other 45 values. I get you can make your own display as well and assign it a number but I haven't figured out where you guys are getting 46.

So before I posted, I had already scoured the wiki and didnt find it. Maybe its just that I didnt look in the right place, and if you find it in the wiki please link it to me. Otherwise can we quit with the flamebait for our good chum above us and just answer nicely?

I think a better answer would have been "its here on the wiki" with a link. If you dont know, thats a viable answer too, other than 'take a look on the wiki'. I've done searches on this forum and ofpec, I've looked in every display related link on the wiki here and nothing comes out and says what the number 46 means and when/where you can use it.

The guy who wrote the FLIR test uses it, you reference it here, and another member on ofpec that I saw used it as well. There is no list that I have found describing each display number and what it does. Maybe there should be? I dont know... cuz I dont even know what the first one I've found references.

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Wow, what a thread. I have to sympathise a little with cackle, new to arma scripting, first saw sqf and though WTF is this butchered C++ / matlab like language with if.. then's (who needs a freaking "then"?!), semicolons at the end of blocks etc... throw in locality issue in MP which i'm pretty sure BIS could've shielded scripters from better whilst preserving nearly all functionality.

However, there's a brilliant saying I try to live by, "a good craftsman never blames his tools". If the API has at least 1 get and 1 set and the language is turing complete, we're good to go!

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So of the few people before me who actually discussed code no one can tell me where they came up with 46? Or where I can find a list of displays and what each number means?

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46 is the number of the default display and therefor often used to attach "keydown" eventhandlers. Other numbers can be defined in via config/description.ext when you create your own dialogs.

The scripting community is NON EXISTANT

Oh really ? Then what is this forum ? What are all the people in it and the 1478 Threads ? Aside from that there are other sites too.

You're complaining about lacking documentation ? I guess you've not looked at the bis-wiki or the comref. 95% of the documentation needed can very easily be found, if you actually search for it.

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Wow, what a thread. I have to sympathise a little with cackle, new to arma scripting, first saw sqf and though WTF is this butchered C++ / matlab like language with if.. then's (who needs a freaking "then"?!), semicolons at the end of blocks etc... throw in locality issue in MP which i'm pretty sure BIS could've shielded scripters from better whilst preserving nearly all functionality.

However, there's a brilliant saying I try to live by, "a good craftsman never blames his tools". If the API has at least 1 get and 1 set and the language is turing complete, we're good to go!

:yay:You think you can do matlab?:yay:

Sorry, I don't know what came over me.

It just takes time. How long is the game out? A few months...patience....

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46 is the number of the default display and therefor often used to attach "keydown" eventhandlers. Other numbers can be defined in via config/description.ext when you create your own dialogs.

Oh really ? Then what is this forum ? What are all the people in it and the 1478 Threads ? Aside from that there are other sites too.

You're complaining about lacking documentation ? I guess you've not looked at the bis-wiki or the comref. 95% of the documentation needed can very easily be found, if you actually search for it.

Good to know. Any meaning to the other 45 numbers?

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45 numbers ?

nah... there can be way more than 45

No idea why they picked the 46 for the main display.

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(who needs a freaking "then"?!)

Well, the there is also the exitWith function which works sort of like break in C++ ;)

if (true) then
//code in here will be executed if the condition is met, the script will then proceed on running

if (true) exitWith
//code in here will be executed if the condition is met, the script will then exit the scope where the if is

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