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About Bellicosity

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    Private First Class
  1. Between posting that and now I have came across a separate solution to the problem, thank you though! Still have an issue of catching when something explodes (cuz that would OBVIOUSLY set off an alarm), although specifically just a satchel charge is all I really need.
  2. Bellicosity

    Mobile Spawn

    If you make it respawn_west_1 (I think, it might be respawn_west1) then they will randomly spawn between the MSP and the base Another thing you might do is add an action to a flag like Domi has that says something like _caller setPos (getPos MSP) Take a look at this to see what I am talking about http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addAction
  3. Bellicosity

    Ammo caches + parachutes

    I used this code to drop an ammo crate from a plane via an action, Im sure you can adapt it to do it at a preset time _gen = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _ammoBox = "USVehicleBox" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _parachute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle getPos _gen; _vector = velocity _gen; _vectorLength = (sqrt (((_vector select 0) * (_vector select 0)) + ((_vector select 1) * (_vector select 1)))); _unitVector = [(_vector select 0) / _vectorLength, (_vector select 1) / _vectorLength, (_vector select 2) / _vectorLength]; _parachute setPos [(getPos _gen select 0) - (10 * (_unitVector select 0)),(getPos _gen select 1) - (10 * (_unitVector select 1)), (getPos _gen select 2) - (10 * (_unitVector select 2))]; _parachute setVelocity (velocity _gen); sleep 0.1; _ammoBox attachTo [_parachute, [0,0,0]]; waitUntil { getPos _parachute select 2 < 6 }; detach _ammoBox; _ammoBox setPos [getPos _ammoBox select 0, getPos _ammoBox select 1, 0]; sleep 5; deleteVehicle _parachute;
  4. Bellicosity

    Mobile Spawn

    null = [] spawn { while {true} do { "respawn_west" setMarkerPosition (getPos MobileSpawn); sleep 1; }; };
  5. Looking at that code you posted previously... there is a lot of undefined variables. It'd really help reading your code if you put _blah = _this select 4 and used that through out your code (obviously changing blah to something descriptive). Im going about trying to mimic the results of that code in a different manner but have came across a hiccup... need the typeOf for every russian soldier. "Man" gets every soldier, anyone know what will return only russian soldiers?
  6. I tried this on a fired eventhandler but it also fires if they pick up the satchel _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = _this select 1; _muzzle = _this select 2; _mode = _this select 3; _ammo = _this select 4; _shot = nearestObject [_unit, _ammo]; sleep 0.005; waitUntil { !alive _shot }; hint "Boom?";
  7. Dont tell it to fire at the helicopter, tell it to fire at where the helicopter is/going to be. It'll do that just fine
  8. I get how to catch when someone places it but how do you catch when it explodes? I'd like the alarm to go off if it explodes, so if there is code to catch if ANYTHING explodes that'll probably work too
  9. Bellicosity

    Mobile Spawn

    Norrin's script has been causing major lag/desync on the few missions in our community that have tried it with 20+ players
  10. Bellicosity

    Mobile Spawn

    Yeah you can update that markers position to the vehicle's position. OR you can do like domi does and have some object with an action that teleports them to the vehicles position
  11. Bellicosity

    Mobile Spawn

    just have a loop that updates the respawn markers position to the position of said vehicle
  12. Is that tested dale?
  13. I think you're splitting hairs if the check in the waitUntil is a relatively easy operation I'd imagine that a sleep has the game checking every frame if time > (oldTime + sleepTime) then going its merry way whereas a waitUntil of someBool == someOtherBool or a waitUntil of someNumber < anotherNumber is going to be doing the same damn thing (as sleeping) every frame.
  14. Bellicosity

    "waituntil" problem

    Have you tried doing something like hint format ["%1", getPos _troop] and hint format ["%1", getPos _log]; into radio calls and seeing if they are actually within 50 meters of each other? (Change the variables so they aren't private in scope first though)
  15. Bellicosity

    heli pad h?

    One key step you all are missing... Empty doesnt show up unless there is one unit set to 'player'