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Hi, I read a large portion of this thread but could not find a solution to my problem. What I am trying to do is change the sound of an addon, more specifically, the HC4 Chinook. The range of the engine sound of the helicopter is way too far, the engine can actually be heard anywhere on the map at all times in a muffled form. I extracted the PBO contents and found the config.bin file, then used UnRAP to take the config apart and opened the resulting file, config.cpp, up. Inside I found the following line: "soundEngine[] = {"\kyo_P82Chinooks\Ch47\Sound\ch47engine", 50, 1};". I tried to change the first value (50) to 25, then saved config.cpp, opened BinPBO and packed the whole thing back up. When I started the addon everything worked fine, I could place the unit on the map and what not, then when I went to preview the mission the game would crash while loading up. I tried many combinations of removing the $PBOPREFIX$, the config.cpp, and a few other things before packing. Every time the game would crash the same way.

My question is, can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there a specific file I need to include or make to fix the game crashing issue? I appreciate any information you can give me.

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Nevermind, problem solved, it was just a matter of the packing procedure.

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I am looking for Hellfire, has anyone seen him or heard from him? Or can someone help me with some trouble shooting in some configs for sound? I need help stream lining my config file so I can finish my sound mod thingy...someday

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Can anyone who has knowlegde on the configuration files for sound help me finish my mod? I just need someone to help me finish since I finally got the ball rolling once again. I lost contact with Hellfire, he helped a lot but he does not seem to be on anymore.

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Why not just post your problems or configs?

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Why not just post your problems or configs?

.............................I will try that :confused:

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ok. here is a lis of what is going on:

Shotguns: Saiga and M1014 use the vanilla reload which is the M16 reload.

I'm trying to change the "getin" sound for the M2 but can't find the right entry for it.

4x AZP-85 has a weird sound as if the ROF is way way too fast.

GP-25 has vanilla sound

M1911 has vanilla sound

the M8MG or SCAR machine gun has a 100 round ball sack but only holds 30 rounds.

I'd like to make a reload sound for the tanks.

the UH-1 door gunner has no sound and has sound for the pilot but not for the door gunner or does not sound in 3rd person.

the Hydra does not have a consistant sound. It fires 2 at a time but will not sound that way. unless I put a multiple sound to go with it.

I'd like to add a configuration for the sound of the Falanga 3M11. It uses the AT5 and Konkurs

the AIM-9L Sidewinder has the vanilla sound.

Alot of these nuances are hard to find or pinpoint in the config because I can't for the life of me , find where the error is. I can change something that is relative to the shotgun or any one sound, and still it will not do anything.There are a lot more configurations I would like to add to separate the sounds as individual

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the AIM-9L Sidewinder has the vanilla sound.

class CfgWeapons
class MissileLauncher;
class SidewinderLaucher: MissileLauncher
	begin1[] = {"\chammy\sidewinder",1,1,350};
	soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};

If you have the correct classes above already then its probably that you are missing the required addon in the list.

With regards to required addons i use every one of them with every weapon and every vehicle.


requiredAddons[] = {"CA_AIR_E_MQ9PredatorB","CA_AIR_E_Su25","CA_Animals_E","CA_CruiseMissile","CA_Dubbing_E","CA_Dubbing_PMC","CA_DubbingRadio_PMC","CAAir_BAF_CH_47F","CAAir_E_A10","CAAir_E_C130J","CAAir_E_Halo","CAAir_E_Mi24","CAAir_E_MI8","CAAir_E_UH60M","CAAir_PMC_KA137","CAAir_PMC_KA60","CAAir2_Pchela1T","CASounds_E","CATracked_E_BMP2","CATracked_E_M1_Abrams","CATracked_E_M113","CATracked_E_M2A2_Bradley","CATracked_E_T34","CATracked_E_T55","CATracked_E_T72","CATracked_E_us_m270mlrs","CATracked_E_ZSU","CATracked_W_BAF","CATracked2_AAV","CATracked2_BMP3","CATracked2_T90","CAWater2_Destroyer","CAWater2_fishing_boat","CAWater2_Fregata","CAWater2_seafox_EP1","CAWater2_smallboat_1","CAWeapons_AmmoBoxes","CAWeapons_DMR","CAWeapons_E_AGS","CAWeapons_E_AK","CAWeapons_E_Colt1911","CAWeapons_E_D30","CAWeapons_E_DSHKM","CAWeapons_E_FIM92_static","CAWeapons_E_fnfal","CAWeapons_E_G36","CAWeapons_E_GrenadeLauncher","CAWeapons_E_Igla","CAWeapons_E_Javelin","CAWeapons_E_KORD","CAWeapons_E_ksvk","CAWeapons_E_LeeEnfield","CAweapons_E_m107","CAWeapons_E_M110","CAWeapons_E_M119_Howitzer","CAWeapons_E_M136","CAWeapons_E_M14","CAWeapons_E_M16","CAWeapons_E_M240","CAWeapons_E_M252_81mm_Mortar","CAWeapons_E_M2StaticMG","CAWeapons_E_M47","CAWeapons_E_M9","CAWeapons_E_MAAWS","CAWeapons_E_Makarov","CAWeapons_E_Metis","CAWeapons_E_Mk19_MiniTriPod","CAWeapons_E_PK","CAWeapons_E_Podnos_2b14_82mm","CAWeapons_E_RPG18","CAWeapons_E_RPG7","CAWeapons_E_scar","CAWeapons_E_Searchlight","CAWeapons_E_SPG9","CAWeapons_E_STATIC","CAWeapons_E_Stinger","CAWeapons_E_Strela","CAWeapons_E_TOW","CAWeapons_E_ZU23","CAWeapons_PMC_AA_12","CAWeapons_PMC_AS50","CAWeapons2_HuntingRifle","CAWeapons2_SMAW","CAWheeled_E_BRDM2","CAWheeled_E_BTR40","CAWheeled_E_BTR60","CAWheeled_E_HMMWV","CAWheeled_E_Ikarus","CAWheeled_E_LADA","CAWheeled_E_M1030","CAWheeled_E_MTVR","CAWheeled_E_Offroad","CAWheeled_E_Old_bike","CAWheeled_E_Old_moto","CAWheeled_E_Pickup","CAWheeled_E_s1203","CAWheeled_E_SCUD","CAWheeled_E_stryker","CAWheeled_E_SUV","CAWheeled_E_TT650","CAWheeled_E_UAZ","CAWheeled_E_Ural","CAWheeled_E_V3S","CAWheeled_E_Volha","CAWheeled_PMC_ArmoredSUV","CAWheeled_W_BAF","CAWheeled2_BTR90","CAWheeled2_GAZ39371","CAWheeled2_LAV25","CAWheeled2_MMT","CAWheeled2_TowingTractor","CAWheeled2_VWGolf","Warfare2_E","Warfare2Vehicles"};

Colt 1911:

class CfgWeapons
class M9;
class Colt1911: M9
	drySound[] = {"\chammy\Dry",1,1,20};
	reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\chammy\Reload",1,1,20};
	begin1[] = {"\chammy\1911",6,1,125};
	soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};

GP 25

class CfgWeapons
class GrenadeLauncher;
class Rifle;
class AK_BASE: Rifle
	class GP25Muzzle: GrenadeLauncher
		drySound[] = {"\chammy\Dry",1,1,20};
		reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\chammy\Reload",1,1,20};
	    begin1[] = {"\chammy\grenadelauncher", 10, 1, 200};
		soundBegin[] = {"begin1",1};

Hope it goes some way to help chammy, oh and the hydra we have to suck it cos its a bug from day 1, i think i remember reading a long time back that the double fire couldn't be solved

Edited by Bigpickle

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Oh hey, thanks Bigpickle. I hadn't checked the forums lately till today. I'm going to have a looksee on this , see what I can do I'll go ahead and report back here in a bit

Edited by Chammy

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Been working on aircraft sound mods for a couple of years now, just thought id show you guys the results F14 F16 F18 F22 and Typhoon config and sound upgrade. Its about as close as you can get, so get youre ear defenders on. Heres the awesome GLTF-16 RS2 and check out my other vids as well their are download links in the youtube discript if you wanna give them a try


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I wish that there were those out there who loved armor the way i do, the sounds really do need some work, the interior sounds are really lacking detail. I wish i had the ability to correct this myself. Not alot of time between work and college.

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in AiA certain sounds are extremely loud now and some very silent

class missiles_ASRAAM: MissileLauncher
 sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\missile_2",1.12202,1,1000};
 soundFly[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\weapons\Rockets\rocket_fly_2",1,1.5,700};
class SidewinderLaucher: MissileLauncher
 sound[] = {"\ca\Sounds\weapons\cannon\Javelin1",31.6228,1,1000};
 soundFly[] = {"\ca\Sounds\weapons\cannon\rocket_fly1",25.1189,0.8,700};

so first number is very different


A3 works complely differently with loudness now

so pre-A3 stuff will be off

loudness and distance is differently used by engine

it's engine low level change - not settings

in past was system where loudness was recalculated to distance e.g. 0dB = 1000m

now are these two 2 values fully indepedent in config cfg: { "sound", 0dB,1,100}

so you can control both loudness and distance

in this example the sound is in distance 0m loud 0dB and slowly fades into 100m after that is fully quiet

in OA this value would be 1000 ...

so, the approx conversion is multiply by 10

volume is loudness by the source, it fades out (curve type) into defined distance

sound, volume, frequency, max hearable distance

frequency is usually 1

it changes pitch a sound is deformned

frenkee not recommends to use that

the change is inside the frequency band so it's not changing lenght (shorter nor longer) of the sample

thus it really deforms it


what about sound definitions that just have two parameters next to the file - faulty definition?


sound[] = {"SOUND",1,1};


sound[] = {"SOUND",1,1,1000};

(for internal sounds last params is obsolete yes, like soundEngineOffInt)


> sound[] = {"SOUND",1,1};

last parameter is there calculated in relation : 0dB(1) = 1000

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trying to figure out why i can hear this from 100 meters away:

begin1[] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1, 1, 2};

what gives?

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How do you make it so sounds only play from certain times? (Arma 2)

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I personly dont have any experience of sound modding. would any of you want to be a crew member on the HBG M16A4-project?

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Hi, I tried to replace some sounds of some mods, exp. JSRS and F18@RS. The weapon sounds never change, no matter what I do. Are the sounds already broken again due a new patch?

Btw where can I find a list of the sounds with their triggers?

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I've had problems with A3 not playing the entire sound file for one's that I specify in soundEngineOnInt[], soundEngineOnExt[], etc. It seems to truncate them to ~ 5 secs playing.

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Hi, I tried to replace some sounds of some mods, exp. JSRS and F18@RS. The weapon sounds never change, no matter what I do. Are the sounds already broken again due a new patch?

Btw where can I find a list of the sounds with their triggers?

for ArmA2 or 3?

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trying to figure out why i can hear this from 100 meters away:

begin1[] = {"tw_rifle_mxf\sound\TWFiring.wav", 1, 1, 2};

what gives?

that might be ArmA3

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anyone have an idea where i can find the templates at?

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