froggyluv 2136 Posted July 13, 2009 (edited) DEVILS PEAK 1.0 Updated 9/5/09 This is a large scale D-day type amphibious assault mission at night. You are part of a 200+ assault team to both take the fortified beach, then eradicate all AA batteries from the cliffs. Enemy tanks are coming in from the east to assault the city of Chernogorsk, but friendly Air can not come in to counter until those AA are dealt with. Finally, an high ranking enemy officer is to be terminated in Elektrozavodsk. Youtube video: -video by [DirTyDeeDs]-Ziggy- Version History: v1.0 Updated Version 1.0 -Resized forces so they play out better -All of your team are teamswitchable now -more complete ending -changed starting gear/character for more pimpin gear v0.92 - Changed AA triggers so now you only have to kill the gunners to complete - Added choppers and reduced tanks cause choppers were getting skewered - Made it so you can complete the mission if 1 has died and you teamswitched - Lots of other little things v091a - Small fix where a few boats weren't coming - delayed the tanks a little. v0.91 - All major bugs fixed and should run smooth now. As always, I recommend Veteran settings. Warning: This mission is quite large with many units fighting from the start and may not run properly on more moderate PC's Install: Place pbo into Arma2/Missions Downloads: Armaholic: Devil's Peak v1.0"]Devil's Peak v1.0[/url] V1.0 Megaupload: -version 1.0 Credit: Worldeater for his RSCTitleTicker Edited September 12, 2009 by froggyluv Disclaimer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 79 Posted July 14, 2009 First of all: Seaborne invasion missions - always good. Secondly, major issues with the mission: - The tanks that go to Chernogorsk drive right up to the beach, waste any survivors and shoot at me and the AI troops on the hill. By the sounds of it, they were meant to remain in the city? - I killed all the AA pod operators but no choppers came. I don't know if they arrive before hand, the mission got a bit confusing (which is good) with fire coming from everywhere, but I am sure I saw a chopper wreck in the woods east of the peak. Once you fix up this mission it will be pretty good. I have a pretty good 'puter so no performance issues. Here's a short AAR: Ordered the boat to go forward, shot at enemy on the hill with my 50 and had the boat land in an area that provided cover. Disembarked, moved forward where my squad got pinned down and took 2 or 3 KIA. A warning message came up saying tanks arrived so I had my and my squad go up the front of the hill, cleared out the enemy on the top. I am sure I got all AA pod operators but there was no confirmation message, I think the hill is clear too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted July 14, 2009 (edited) Hmmm. Did you receive a message that objective 2 had been completed? I think what happened is that you have to clear all enemies within a 30x30 radius of the peak and there are some guys really hidden in those rocky crannies - while testing I couldn't find guys even while using Cadet's radar mode :p One reason I used a perimeter trigger is that when I named actual units to be killed, ie.AA1, even if you killed the user, the unit was still alive until you killed the actual gun. That made for a very time consuming blowing up of 8 or so units. The other is that all of the Static guys, ie. Ags-30;Kord;AA, are programmed to hop out of their units if Blufor gets too close to him and join the firefight, and then get back in. The tanks are rolling toward you once the mission starts to give you a real sense of urgency, but I wonder how long did it take them to arrive? It should have been about 20 minutes. And of course, the choppers only come after Objective 2 is complete, but I will test this thoroughly today. Excellent feedback -snafu-! Edit- The tank warning comes when the tanks reach Elektrozavodsk, but they are en route to Chernogorsk, that means right down that beach-y road you are on. Did you say you assaulted the mountain from the front?!? Edited July 14, 2009 by froggyluv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 79 Posted July 14, 2009 Hmmm. Did you receive a message that objective 2 had been completed? I think what happened is that you have to clear all enemies within a 30x30 radius of the peak and there are some guys really hidden in those rocky crannies - while testing I couldn't find guys even while using Cadet's radar mode :p I didn't receive a message so I guess there were still some bods hiding somewhere. I find that the soldiers in ArmA2 tend to blend in really well with the environment that I have trouble spotting enemies. One reason I used a perimeter trigger is that when I named actual units to be killed, ie.AA1, even if you killed the user, the unit was still alive until you killed the actual gun. That made for a very time consuming blowing up of 8 or so units. The other is that all of the Static guys, ie. Ags-30;Kord;AA, are programmed to hop out of their units if Blufor gets too close to him and join the firefight, and then get back in. I can't remember how it works, but wouldn't placing empty AA pods in with guys (named AA1 etc.) given an order to board them get around that? The tanks are rolling toward you once the mission starts to give you a real sense of urgency, but I wonder how long did it take them to arrive? It should have been about 20 minutes. And of course, the choppers only come after Objective 2 is complete, but I will test this thoroughly today.Edit- The tank warning comes when the tanks reach Elektrozavodsk, but they are en route to Chernogorsk, that means right down that beach-y road you are on. I think it took them 10-15 mins to arrive but I am not entirely sure. I think it was about 5 mins after the message appeared that they were heading to Chernogorsk. Did you say you assaulted the mountain from the front?!? Hehe, yeah. The message appeared saying that the tanks are on the way so instead of flanking, which I thought would take to long, I went up the hill with my Corpsman, the other two in my section were slower in getting up. My guy did fall twice though. One of the worst things about mission editing, people who play your missions tend to do things completely different than you expect! :biggrin_o: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted July 14, 2009 Ok, there was a problem with that trigger atop the peak so thats been fixed and helos are incoming now. Still having a problem with the endgame triggers but it should all be fixed and reuploaded today. Also, slightly delaying the tanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt gul 0 Posted July 14, 2009 is the new mission up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted July 15, 2009 (edited) I'll have it up within the next 2 hours I promise :D Fixed 99.9% of all problems and its turning out really well. ---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 10:28 PM ---------- Updated Version 0.91 All major bugs fixed and should run smooth now. First post updated Version .91a uploaded. Small fix where a few boats weren't coming + delayed the tanks a little. Edited July 15, 2009 by froggyluv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted July 18, 2009 (edited) Updated Version.92 -Changed AA triggers so now you only have to kill the gunners to complete -Added choppers and reduced tanks cause choppers were getting skewered -made it so you can complete the mission if 1 has died and you teamswitched -Lotsa of other little things Edited September 6, 2009 by froggyluv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trickster1982 10 Posted July 19, 2009 It seems a good mission this!only problem is once my team got out of the boat everything slowed down horribly & then crashed to desktop, not sure if it was a game error or my rig creaking under the sheer amount happening on screen!:( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killerwatt 0 Posted July 19, 2009 @Froggyluv. I can mirror your mission on my rapidshare premium account if you like? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted July 19, 2009 @Killerwatt- That would be great. Much appreciated :) @Trickster1982 - That sucks! What are your system specs and do you generally have problems with larger sized mission? There's definitely a lot of units in this mission and a lot of triggers as well. Just about every static gunner has his own trigger to get out and fight if a Blufor unit get's too close. Strange though that I haven't experienced any slowdowns in this mission such as I might when wandering around one of the big cities :confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trickster1982 10 Posted July 19, 2009 My specs are: AMD Athlon 64 6000 X2 @ 3.00 GHz Nvidia 8800GTX graphics card - driver version 190.15 Windows Vista 32 bit home edition 2GB RAM 600GB dual hard drives I cant say ive had any real problems with other large scale battles to be honest!Im running everything on a mixture of normal & high settings with a 3000m view distance & decent frame rates, might just have been a one off crash so il have to try again later! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killerwatt 0 Posted July 19, 2009 @ Froggyluv here is the link just edit it into your post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted July 19, 2009 @trickster1982 - Sorry bout that mate. Let me know if it gets any better for you. Snafu said he didn't have any probs but he did say his system was rather beefy. @killerwatt- thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 5, 2009 (edited) Updated Version 1.0 -Resized forces so they play out better -All of your team are teamswitchable now -more complete ending -changed starting gear/character for more pimpin gear Edited September 7, 2009 by froggyluv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tarisai 10 Posted September 8, 2009 Looks great from what I can tell - watching all those tracers fly over head and the deafening firefights are really quite immersive. I'm having a problem that I've never experienced before running this mission. Basically, I get my squad off the boat and we make for a nice firing position; I set up targets and give the order to fire and...everyone is shooting nerf pebbles... Everyone and everything is invulnerable. I can walk out into the open and i don't die. I can walk up to the enemy line and empty entire magazines into the their faces and nothing. Is this a problem anyone else has experienced? Would really like to play this mission as you designed it. As I said, it looks great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 8, 2009 @Tarisai- Well that is just bizarre! I can't recreate that God Mode effect at all and get promptly shot in the brain when I've tried. The mission is quite a beast on resources, so perhaps some crazy performance bug set in or something. Are you running any mods with this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trickster1982 10 Posted September 8, 2009 I still struggle with this one!it starts out ok but once I get halfway up the mountain my frame rates absolutely drop through the floor & it gets unplayable :( shame as it seems a pretty awesome mission! I dont get problems with any other SP missions ive downloaded barring a couple that have insane amounts of enemies & friendlies on screen, must just not agree with my rig! I could maybe turn my settings right down & play it, but you know how it is when you've got used to the game looking gorgeous & dont like turning things down.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 8, 2009 (edited) I just did a guestimate and it seems that there are approximately 350 total units in this mission, and a hells a lot of waypoints -so, yeah, it can be a beast! I'm running it on a intel 8500 @3.8; 4 gig ram; ati 4870 oced; win7 and I do usually set my settings down to mostly 'Normal' except I always like very High on Object detail and VD at 2000. My FPS usually starts around 29 and can dip into 14-15's when all hells break loose but generally maintains 20-22. There are also a lot of triggers firing such as telling the enemy static gunners to get out and fight you if you get to close but then to get back in so this might be adding to the hit. Maybe I'll see about making a lite version that takes away those features and what not but would be more playable for everyone. Edited September 9, 2009 by froggyluv wrong FPS count Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-DirTyDeeDs--Ziggy- 0 Posted September 9, 2009 appears difficult to assault the beach with the units on the hill firing down upon us. The hill is too far to shoot with the m16, I end up using half a clip to kill one guy. SPRsayswhat? ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
s-ck 10 Posted September 9, 2009 Holy memory resource hog lol Wasn't able to play either here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 9, 2009 (edited) -Ziggy-;1433604']appears difficult to assault the beach with the units on the hill firing down upon us. The hill is too far to shoot with the m16' date=' I end up using half a clip to kill one guy. SPRsayswhat? ;)[/quote'] Then you would have hated the 1st version in which you had nothing but ironsights! :p I wouldn't recommend spending too much time trying to take out the guys high up on the rockface although someone here did take the peak with a full frontal ascent. There are a few different ways to attack that mountain but there is definitely a 'soft spot' as well. One good idea is to watch your friendly AI squads before you fully engage and look at which areas are taking the most damage. I tried to make this mission play out as dynamically as possible and I've seen AI Blufor take the peak themselves as well as get annihilated pretty early -same goes for the later tank vs. helo battle. Holy memory resource hog lolWasn't able to play either here Looks like I might have to put a liability disclaimer on this mission -"Play at your own risk!" Edited September 9, 2009 by froggyluv Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tarisai 10 Posted September 9, 2009 I'm running a dual core with 2gigs of RAM on an out-dated MOBO with Windows Vista. That's my problem right there. :P Got up to date replacements currently in the post to match my GTX 260 so I'll give it a go then. I think the scripting in this game is what kills my (and possibly other people's) performance. In simple scenarios, even if there are hundreds of units, I can crank the eye candy; however in the campaign or in script/trigger heavy user missions my FPS drops and get bugs like this one (invulnerablilty). Anyway, it looks intense. Can't wait to give it a proper go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-DirTyDeeDs--Ziggy- 0 Posted September 9, 2009 I like hard missions, but I would enjoy the mission more if I were able to kill more. as it is, I saw the ai doing more of the work than me and my two mates. I died climbing the hill, as I crested a ridge my character hopped up into the air and fell down the hill. I think a rock glitched me flying! it does require a hefty system. I ran the mission all high, AA normal, and post low. mission start I was at 25 frames. but it looked EPIC ! I will see what happens when I run fraps, maybe I can give a short vid to the community. :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 9, 2009 -Ziggy-;1434083']I like hard missions' date=' but I would enjoy the mission more if I were able to kill more. as it is, I saw the ai doing more of the work than me and my two mates.I died climbing the hill, as I crested a ridge my character hopped up into the air and fell down the hill. I think a rock glitched me flying! it does require a hefty system. I ran the mission all high, AA normal, and post low. mission start I was at 25 frames. but it looked EPIC ! I will see what happens when I run fraps, maybe I can give a short vid to the community. :cool:[/quote'] I hear ya. Perhaps I will add some 'extra' weaponry in a future version stored in your boat. I generally aim straight for a flanking position with my squad, foregoing most of the initial beach battle to try and attack the Mountain from an angle or the rear. Still a lot of fighting to be had on the sides, depending on whether a patrol spot you or not, and definitely on the top. A video would be great as I don't have the software for it. I'm working on a modified version with about a quarter of the Blufor troops cut and some smaller cuts on the Redfor side and it seems to add about 5-7 fps with possibly more. If anyone that was having major performance problems is interested in testing it just drop me a PM. It still plays out nicely, but not quite in the grandiose way that I envisioned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites