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Problems with squad logo ...

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Hi guys ... i am having a problem to use my clan logo texture with ARMA2.

1) i created the XML file like its supost to be, but i got that error all the time i load a map and yes, i have access to save files in my folder 'C:\Documents and Settings\BE_QUICK\Configurações locais\Dados de aplicativos\ArmA 2\squads\ACE' :


2) i did a logo.png with 24bits and 128x128 pixels...


3) i can see al my info inside ARMA but the logo i just cant...

Anyone can help me with that problem?

Tnks for att.

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It looks like it searches your hard drive though and cant find. But maybe thats how it works? Get it off of the web and then puts it temporarily in the document&settings internet temp folder where it uses it for the time being?

Not sure. Never seen it like that though.


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The wierd stuff is .... i already have that file in that folder because the game download it from web site. :mad: :butbut:

Other clan mate did it and had the same error... HELLLLLPPPPPPP !!! :D

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The game automatically downloads the picture from the XML Internet site and then attempts to load the file from local space. This is why the error message contains a local path and is nothing to be concerned about.

The logo is probably not the correct format for ArmA2 in terms of bit depth or whatnot. Try to change the image with a known working XML logo and see if that's the problem. I would suggest reading a tutorial on making an XML with extreme attention to detail with regards to format. Also I would suggest the PAA format for images which the game likes the best.

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There are some errors in the file "squad.xml"


Download and use "texView" to convert the image "logo.png" --> "logo.paa"

Upload the picture (with the same folder as the file quad.xml) and change in the file squad.xml : <picture>logo.paa</picture>

<member id="760007" nick="[ACE]BE_QUICK">
<member id="669511" nick="[ACE]Jean_1911a1">

There is no need to put the tag of the team in Arma that will automatically (after the name): nick="BE_QUICK" --> BE_QUICK [ACE] ingame

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In the end I had to manually save the logo in the C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\squads\YOURSQUAD folder and tick the Read-only box to get the logo to work.

I guess it's another bug :j:


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thanks Darkman, that fixed it for me, I just made it read only before uploading it

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If you followed Darkman's advice strictly then all your doing is forcing a good copy of the logo in local cache. No one else will see it online.

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Ok, right now I have my squad.xml setup here..


with that everything works perfectly fine, except for the clan picture...

I have the XML setup to have my logo.paa there. My logo PAA shows up in game, but how do I make it show up on the site?


I looked at this XML these guys made, and they have it showing up, but when I look at the XML itself, that picture is set up as a .png and not a .paa. It makes it show up on the website, but not on the vehicles. How do I find the median between the two?

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Hi guys, im getting the same problem, hace to save the logo locally, but isnt the only problem.

I cant get the logo be transparent, i used text view, save as paa upload, nothing is loaded, no error nothing, i use then the paa plugin for photoshop the logo is a png i saved it to paa, and the transparent convert to white.

How i make the transparent part work?

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Havoc, do you care to explain how/what you did to the CSS to get the .png file to show up? Thanks!

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Apologies for bumping such an old thread, but would it appear that if we're having issues, make the 'logo.paa' read-only before uploading and it should work?

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I, also am sorry for bumping an old thread.

However I am also curious as to how you guys get your squad logo's onto vehicles and such? Is there a document someone could point me to on how to add things like this into ArmaII? (Keeping in mind, that I am a VERY new member to the PC gaming community)

I am however confident that, after MUCH reading I could do this.

Btw: are you able to add squad logo's onto your character without actually editing the model itself?

Thanks guys.

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Wow this is an old thread.

All models that can/do use the squad XML logo have a special model file (P3D) selection that specifically is there to be where the XML logo texture is placed. Not one of us is capable of selecting where it works and where it doesn't, soldiers, vehicles, etc. It either works on everything or doesn't work at all.

To get the XML logo working first you need a working XML document online. This is a very HTML-like document, pretty short, that is what ArmA2 reads for all the necessary information. When this file is hosted properly online the link to it is placed in your player profile.

When you join a multiplayer server (and only MP) the game looks at the online XML document and specifically looks for the entry that contains your username and your user ID number. It then loads this information about your user. If your username/ID is not in the list in the linked XML, then you will only get the general squad information loaded.

One such piece of information in the squad section is a link to an image file located on the internet to use as your logo. The game then downloads this image (which has to be of a specific size and format) to place on P3D models that have a designated "logo" selection like HMMWVs, aircraft, arm patches, etc.

Several unit mods are made from BIS soldier models that don't actually have a "logo" selection built into the model P3D file. This means no logo will show up because there is no place designated for it. Your XML and XML logo can be working perfectly but no image is seen because that model doesn't call for it. The best and most authoritative check is done on the player screen "P" key by default.

Biki link: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/squad.xml

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