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Ammo Crates in MP

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Has anyone else noticed the old ARMA (prob ofp) bug, where you have to click about 20 times on the weapon to be able to take it from an ammo crate?

Whats going on?



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Hi Cloughy

Yes I did; then "Ohhwwwhh the embarrassment!" I realised, as you will, that I was clicking the ammo and weapons I already had. If you look you will see; the ammo only you have is Green, and anything that is extra to what you have is white.

I was playing "Longest Day" running from one ammo box to the next trying to find an extra SMAW round, every ammo box I went to had this one green SMAW round but the love of Darwin the damned ammo box would never give it up! I was thinking damn some kinda supper lag spike or a monumental net split. Maybe Michael Jackson had risen from the dead as a zombie for a second "Thriller Tour" and the Internet was awash again!

But "Ohhwwwhh the embarrassment!" green means already got it and there is no more in the ammo box. White means that there is extra of that item or some extra toy you have not got in that ammo box.

"Ohhwwwhh the embarrassment!"

Kind Regards walker

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Glad I read this post before I come across this situation. Would be nice if there was an instructions box that came up along with the gear menu to tell you things like this. But, so far, I haven't had any trouble.

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I was playing last night and came accross the same prob. It was a mission where you start off as civs, bit cak really, but there is a ammo crate at the start, and you dont have any weapons, so you need to take from the crates, therefore i didnt already have a gun. I still had to click 20 times, my mate also has the issue. If you do gear to a dead body, no such trouble. I hope this is fixed, it has been a major prob for a long time. Thats the problem when they say the engine has been in development for 10 years, there are 10 year old bugs as well.



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Am I the only one that finds the new gear system to be... confusing?

What was wrong with having the crate items on the left and your own gear on the right?

Why is it useful to list all items, including the ones the player carries, on the left side list and use colors to differentiate between crate items and carried items?

I don't get it... :(

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We are going off topic here, the problem is having to click a gun loads of times to take it. This bug was in Arma1 as well, so has nothing to do with the new layout.



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i don't have this problem but in the gear would of been nice to have addons to guns or clothings

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The problem is with the netcode, its very slow to respond on this function. Nothing you can do.

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Hello all

Im an occasional sufferer of this also, moreso in A1, but as Null said, Its something to do with the netcode, and clears up for me depeding on the busyness of the server.



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