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Rivers and subterranian features

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nobody said the pond objects had to be totally flat

Ok ... so this is just insanely impressive!!!


Apologies for the bad pic - it's a grab from Visitor, and the object has a sneaky tendency to disappear from certain angles, but...

It's water...

Flowing downhill!!!


Tell me you're gonna finish this and make it in a variety of snappable shapes!!!??? :D


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it would be hard to create generic peices and expect them to fit any terrain. i imagine you would have to convert part of your heightmap into a mesh then import into o2 or 3ds max to create the water. bit then u would have the crazy pond lod issues to deal with.

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But you will see every start and end overlapping and this looks ugly.

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But you will see every start and end overlapping and this looks ugly.

That's because it's just an example, to show it can be done. Sheesh, don't be so quick to judge something if you don't know all the details of it.

What RStratton just made could end up (I am right on this, right bushlurker?) revolutionizing the way rivers and streams are done. So what if it's a little rough?

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Someone mentioned mountains... I haven't gotten into the map making aspect of the game yet... still need to finish a mission, but there is a technique called fractal terrain generation that produces some pretty amazing results.

here's a link http://www.vterrain.org/Elevation/Artificial/

water... as always been complicated. But it would be nice if BIS could use FFT to produce waves... that stuff is amazing.

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What RStratton just made could end up (I am right on this, right bushlurker?) revolutionizing the way rivers and streams are done. So what if it's a little rough?

You bet, Darkhorse.... the fact that it can be done, and a hint of how to do it, means that it probably WILL be done now... its possible - it'll happen - eventually...

there is a technique called fractal terrain generation that produces some pretty amazing results.

Yup - a clever technique for generating "imaginary islands" - I believe IceBreakrs been drooling over some fractal terrain generating software recently - it does those sorta Arizona eroded mountains and canyons real well...

The problem with all these techniques is the ground res we have to work with...

In simplistic terms - imagine the ground as a network of points - a hefty 10 meters apart - you make landscapes - in effect - by making those points different heights - and the land inbetween "planes" from one point to another...

Too big a difference between adjacent points and it looks jagged - this also explains why trenches, etc aren't possible - unless they're a minimum of 10m wide...

This situation isn't likely to change anytime soon - the 10m res is the price we pay for 10x10km or 20x20km terrains...

It can be made lower - Beton (I think) had a go at a small terrain with 1m res - fabulous ground detail + all sorts of performance problems...

Anyhow - I don't want to turn this into an islandmaking discussion - we have a section for that...

Awesome Proof-Of-Concept, rstratton!!!

And since this thread is supposed to be "Suggestions for BIS" I'll make one...

Could we please, PLEASE, PLEASE have a basic 50x50m pond surface object which the AI actually recognises as WATER and behaves accordingly??? They know what Sea is, and how to behave around it - could that same behaviour be applied to a pond object?


Edited by Bushlurker

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Why is it that just the RealVirtuality engine seems to have these problems with ditces, rivers and stuff?

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nice one randy, have you thought about making a set of road models for the river beds?, road models dont have to be flat, you could have rocks falling away on one side of it, might be a bit figity though and collision/veiw geo could get a bit heavy.

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I think theres no rivers becouse AI will act crazy around it (Island duala for example)

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I think theres no rivers becouse AI will act crazy around it (Island duala for example)

Then they could just fix the AI ._.

The shouldn't even have been broken in the first place, too much broken stuff in this game ._.

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