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Patch 1.02 makes image blurry

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I got Arma2 yesterday by 505games. The blur makes the game unplayable. I’ve got a nividia 8600 512MB GT-TDH with 2MB ram and a duo E8600 cpu on an XP home. I spent most of the evening trying to get the balance right by farting about with the settings. I patched to 1.02 with no mods.

This is the best game/sim out there and is very enjoyable? Every time I fire my weapon there is a momentarily delay. So tracking a speznaz and shooting him, the delay cuts in and he ends up putting the rounds into me.

What I’m asking the devs and the boffins on here is: what are the best settings I can get with decent visuals with the setup I’ve already got?

And is there any way to get rid of that blur?

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I got the game yesterday and was wondering what blur you were all talking about... until I tried the "low->disabled->low" trick - it was as if I'd suddenly put on my glasses, heh. It's obviously some kind of initialization error, should be easy to fix.

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I got the game yesterday and was wondering what blur you were all talking about... until I tried the "low->disabled->low" trick - it was as if I'd suddenly put on my glasses, heh. It's obviously some kind of initialization error, should be easy to fix.

Its the motion blur. When you move about, the surrounding blur from view. What I wanna know is, are BI going rectify this problem - apart from things?

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Von_Paulus, thanks for benchmarking the 32 HDR precision thing.

For others: Is it really the normal "HIGH" postprocessing kicking in at game start, complete with all effects, despite it being set to OFF? Or is it just a part of the HIGH effects? In that case it would mean that HDR 32 should be much slower, since you'd be covering blurryness caused by high PP effects, so I assume it isn't.

Please vote on the issue at http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/2196

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Not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread, but having had the same problem, I found that after you have changed the settings to how you want them, sometimes the display doesn't "sharpen" up again when escaping from the menu back into the game. A solution that works for me every time if my display is blurred is simply press escape to bring up the menu, then escape again to go back to game. I got the impression that for some reason it was simply a case of the display sticking to its blurry state that it is in when the options menu is brought up in game, and nothing to do with any settings at all.

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Confirmed that even though it says disabled you have to set it to something else then back to disabled every time you start the game.

As someone else said, this setting feels like you are extremely nearsighted, hope they fix it soon.

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