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View Distance / Sight Range - What's the maximum ?

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  galzohar said:
So you suggest limiting view distance to X ignoring the mission is better? If you want your mission to be played by low-end players, you have to design it to be playable by them. If you don't, limiting view distance will not only ruin it for the low-end players, but will ruin it for everyone. The method I was suggesting allows everyone to play missions that are designed for everyone, while still not limiting the high-end players from playing missions that require a high-end machine. If a mission is designed in a way that no more than 1500m view distances is needed, then the high-end players won't have a serious advantage by having 4000m view distance.

Making missions that depend on high view distance and then limiting the view distance as a server setting is just stupid.

If a decision needs to be made, it should probably lean to the side of the higher spec machines. Anything else is 'isolationist' and dimunitive, not expanding or growing the possibilities.

(wow, unnaturally large words for someone who has drunk... wait a minute, I found the amount of alcohol that expands my vocabulary! :D)

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  galzohar said:
So you suggest limiting view distance to X ignoring the mission is better? If you want your mission to be played by low-end players, you have to design it to be playable by them. If you don't, limiting view distance will not only ruin it for the low-end players, but will ruin it for everyone. The method I was suggesting allows everyone to play missions that are designed for everyone, while still not limiting the high-end players from playing missions that require a high-end machine. If a mission is designed in a way that no more than 1500m view distances is needed, then the high-end players won't have a serious advantage by having 4000m view distance.

Making missions that depend on high view distance and then limiting the view distance as a server setting is just stupid.

What I suggest is that the servers set the VD as teh same for everyone just like what we see in Warfare/CTI, if its a COOP then VD doesn't matter too much and should be set via options a la Domination.

You don't need a VD of more than 2k in PvP anyway, even 1500 is enough for that. Hell if you need 4k VD for flying then you need to spend some more time in bootcamp, 2.5-3k is big enough VD for flying.

ArmA is a very niche series, you don't wanna be cutting off new players by expecting them to have super powered PC's, you have to keep it balanced, having every server's VD set to 10k but with 0 players isn't what we want.

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Originally Posted by Max Power

AFAIK, the view distance slider refers to the diameter of the area around the player that will potentially be rendered in total (given the player is looking in that direction). So, the terrain will fade to mist 5k from the player's eyes at 10k vd. In ArmA 1, the distance at which objects appeared was dependent on the 'object detail' slider.

The view distance is not diameter but radius, i.e. distance from player to edge of visible area. Draw distance of objects like trees and houses seems to be 40% of view distance and is not affected by object detail setting - only by view distance. Object detail setting affects object density within the draw distance.


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If a mission is designed to work fine with 2k view distance, then I will not gain an unfair advantage by having 3k, and thus the server only needs to recommend 2k view distance rather than enforce it. If a mission is designed for 500m view distance, then again I won't gain an unfair advantage if I have mine at 1000m, so no need to limit it. My point is that it's up to the mission designers to design (some of) them to work on low-end systems, and the servers should just let everyone do what they see fit when it comes to view distance.

My graphic quality shouldn't be limited by other people's machine specs. Other people's machine specs shouldn't limit my ability to enjoy missions that are designed with long range engagements/observations in mind. If you want to make stuff work for low-end players, run your server with missions that don't require long view distances to play well, rather than setting a hard limit on all players.

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