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Intro in Multiplayer

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I've got a little problem. I made an intro for a coop multiplayer mission, but it doesn't work. I wrote a camscript wich works fantastically in the editor, but when I try to watch it in multiplayer it's overlapping with the mission. It looks like ArmA 2 tries to use the script on the mission and not on the intro.

I don't know, what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help?


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sounds like you made the intro in the intro part of the editor which is SP only - anything MP all has to be done in the mission area..

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Yes, I did. And then I exported it to multiplayer missions. Any idea how to get it work though?

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Yes, I did. And then I exported it to multiplayer missions. Any idea how to get it work though?

your gonna have to copy and paste the intro into your mission area and then make sure nothing happens until the intro is finished..

Timed Waypoints - triggers and such so anything that need to move stays inplace for so long and then moves when those timers run out..

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Hm, that's bad, because the intro happens at another time than the mission does.

Well, thank you anyways. Maybe I'll find a good solution...

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Darn, i would of thought they would of added the intro/outro bit into multiplayer for the co-op campaign?

Is the official co-op campaign in one .pbo or can you choose to do them in any order from the start? I was avoiding them till more patches came out.

If they are 1 campaign pbo maybe you could create the intro as the first mission and the mission itself as the second?

Don't have access to the game right now so i can't check.

Edited by Flock

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Hm, that's bad, because the intro happens at another time than the mission does.

Well, thank you anyways. Maybe I'll find a good solution...

Use the skiptime command. Set your intro, then skip time to your mission time. I used it in a old ofp mission years ago.

But i agree, that there should be a section for intros in mp. That way people can easily turn them off, or skip on a mission retry. Would also make the intro more stable, as they could be run locally rather than on the mp.



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Use the skiptime command. Set your intro, then skip time to your mission time. I used it in a old ofp mission years ago.

But i agree, that there should be a section for intros in mp. That way people can easily turn them off, or skip on a mission retry. Would also make the intro more stable, as they could be run locally rather than on the mp.



skipping intro's is possible using the titleparam commands.

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Thank you for your ideas! But I put the intro into a separate mission and it works quite well.

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Thank you for your ideas! But I put the intro into a separate mission and it works quite well.

Could you add some info on what you did to get this to work in MP.

In principle I understand you created a separate mission which was for the intro video, when that finishes, you then jump to a second mission which is where the actual game play starts.

I do not know how to make that link / transition from one mission to the next.

any help appreciated :)

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I'm afraid there is no link. :( If the Intro is finished, I pick the next mission manually. The campaign i'm working on is supposed to be played on small LAN-Parties with 3-6 players, so my solution isn't the best for internet matches, i guess.

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i can't do this .... u can give one exemple the mision and what code i can try to use for start the intro not the mision or who i change the one mision for another .

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