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USEC Mods (B1B, Navy, HH60, AAV(P)) from Rocket

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Thanks Rocket and everyone in USEC!

WOW Factor of 10!!

I LOVE the B1. If anyone is looking for somewhere to fly and land this beast I have made an Island specificly to handle large bombers/aircraft.plenty of room to taxi,park several bombers and have somewhere to fly bombing missions to.It was made in OFP days specificly for GNAT's B52.It is an OFPPort so it isnt as lush as Sahrani.

It is called Anzac 51klm nam and it is in the VTE mod.I dont mean this as a "plug" i simply want to let ppl know there is a place to use these special types of units, available in ARMA now.It was also made with C130 cargo missions inmind.

I havnt even used any functions really and i am astounded.

Again ,Unbeleivable Work . Thanks.Thanks Thanks!



Edited by ANZACSAS Steven

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Couple of points with the B1B:

- You have to select a weapon type to be able to move the gunner turret

- Make sure you're going at a constant speed and altitude when you drop bombs, because if the bombs hit the aircraft, it may stall

- To lock onto a target, use the "Seek" buttons to search through them.

- To destroy a building, use the GPS button, then open the map, click a location, and then go back to console. The location is then targeted

- And for goodness sake, don't drop bombs at low level. You WILL blow yourself to pieces.

Gas Mask:

- Gas Grenades only work with units that have them activated. Study the config.cpp file for more info. Probably a better way to do this, but it was all we needed for our purposes. Try using one of the USEC Specfor people to pick one up.

- No units start with gas masks. You need to pick these up from the crate. They only work with the Specfor units.

- CS Gas causes people to cough. VZ gas causes damage to health. THEY WORK ON PEOPLE IN VEHICLES, so be careful.

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Cool thanx for the info, I was wondering where the gas masks were. Now how about the ships left and right gunners? :D

Edited by CrazyAce

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Cool thanx for the info, I was wondering where the gas masks were. Now how about the ships left and right gunners? :D

they actually have ammo, but no tracers , so it seems they don't shot , but they do , at least in my computer, it can be fixed by making the config extended eventhandler compatible, that way they could use sickboy's tracers and they'd look great ( i can assure they actually look great :) )

Edited by william1

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Hu... thats Crazy, when I'm sitting in either of the left or right gunner positions I see that it has 0 ammo count in the top left corner of the screen. I know I installed it right... but I wonder if ACE has anything to do with it. The deck guns work fine and has ammo, just not the machine gunners.


I guess if ACE is deleting the ammo out of the guns then I would need to go into the config file of the ship and change out the ammo used with ACE compatible ammo... Uhh which class name is the machine gunners is it the M61A1?


Found it... looks like it was using a different ammo type than ACE uses. Changed it out now I'm getting an error on start up that is preventing the game from starting:

File uses_navy\config.cpp. line 451:

'/LHA_DCCConsole/BayRepairButton.Bay1':""encountered instead of '='

Oh well I guess I'll have to make due without the M61A1 guns until someone makes an ACE compatible version.

Edited by CrazyAce

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outstanding work on the LHA! I've been having a blast with it, but I too have ran into the problem with the back of the ship and opening the gate, when i hit the option that says "raise door" the ship does nothing. Is this an error or do we have to do something to make it work?

great job! Now all we need is a CH-46 Sea Knight Helicopters, CH-53 Super Stallions, and a LAV's to be created, and possibly an LSD ship and we got a fully functioning USMC mod for Arma! :yay:

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... and a LAV's to be created...

The USEC_EFF mod has the AAV(P) and a partially fictional AAV®. If you have this installed, you can spawn them on the bays of the LHA.

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Kinda old, anyway it doesn't have a nice sound I just hear a bee sound when it bombs using Mando's CAS script. I'd want it to have the same sound as the harrier, a nice loud jet engine sound. Any ideas? I'm using ACE by the way.

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Any help?

I unpack, edit cpp file, repack and it doesn't appear at the units in the mission editor. Is it binarized or something?

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I recently came apon an old post from long ago from you hopefully this message reaches you and you remember...I pasted your old message below hopefully will refresh your memory. I recently installed ACE with armed assault and have been playing using the USEC LHA ship as well as the small CWIS Phalanx guns. I know the guns worked before installing the ace mod, and now with the ace mod I am guessing like you said that ACE changed the weapons ammo name so now they are not firing and showing the ammo as 0.

How do I get into the game and edit to fix this problem ? DO I have to unpack the pbo's ? please walk me through how you were able to fix this ?

thanks and please email me

alcmann AT gmail DOT COM

Jun 11 2009, 18:32 #32


Staff Sergeant

Join Date

Jul 6 2008



Hu... thats Crazy, when I'm sitting in either of the left or right gunner positions I see that it has 0 ammo count in the top left corner of the screen. I know I installed it right... but I wonder if ACE has anything to do with it. The deck guns work fine and has ammo, just not the machine gunners.


I guess if ACE is deleting the ammo out of the guns then I would need to go into the config file of the ship and change out the ammo used with ACE compatible ammo... Uhh which class name is the machine gunners is it the M61A1?


Found it... looks like it was using a different ammo type than ACE uses. Changed it out now I'm getting an error on start up that is preventing the game from starting:

File uses_navy\config.cpp. line 451:

'/LHA_DCCConsole/BayRepairButton.Bay1':""encountered instead of '='

Oh well I guess I'll have to make due without the M61A1 guns until someone makes an ACE compatible version.

Last edited by CrazyAce; Jun 11 2009 at 19:05.

---------- Post added at 12:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 AM ----------


I recently came apon an old post from long ago from you hopefully this message reaches you and you remember...I pasted your old message below hopefully will refresh your memory. I recently installed ACE with armed assault and have been playing using the USEC LHA ship as well as the small CWIS Phalanx guns. I know the guns worked before installing the ace mod, and now with the ace mod I am guessing like you said that ACE changed the weapons ammo name so now they are not firing and showing the ammo as 0.

How do I get into the game and edit to fix this problem ? DO I have to unpack the pbo's ? please walk me through how you were able to fix this ?

thanks and please email me

alcmann at gmail DOT COM

Jun 11 2009, 18:32 #32


Staff Sergeant

Join Date

Jul 6 2008



Hu... thats Crazy, when I'm sitting in either of the left or right gunner positions I see that it has 0 ammo count in the top left corner of the screen. I know I installed it right... but I wonder if ACE has anything to do with it. The deck guns work fine and has ammo, just not the machine gunners.


I guess if ACE is deleting the ammo out of the guns then I would need to go into the config file of the ship and change out the ammo used with ACE compatible ammo... Uhh which class name is the machine gunners is it the M61A1?


Found it... looks like it was using a different ammo type than ACE uses. Changed it out now I'm getting an error on start up that is preventing the game from starting:

File uses_navy\config.cpp. line 451:

'/LHA_DCCConsole/BayRepairButton.Bay1':""encountered instead of '='

Oh well I guess I'll have to make due without the M61A1 guns until someone makes an ACE compatible version.

Last edited by CrazyAce; Jun 11 2009 at 19:05.

---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------


I recently came apon an old post from long ago from you hopefully this message reaches you and you remember...I pasted your old message below hopefully will refresh your memory. I recently installed ACE with armed assault and have been playing using the USEC LHA ship as well as the small CWIS Phalanx guns. I know the guns worked before installing the ace mod, and now with the ace mod I am guessing like you said that ACE changed the weapons ammo name so now they are not firing and showing the ammo as 0.

How do I get into the game and edit to fix this problem ? DO I have to unpack the pbo's ? please walk me through how you were able to fix this ?

thanks and please email me

alcmann at gmail DOT COM

Jun 11 2009, 18:32 #32


Staff Sergeant

Join Date

Jul 6 2008



Hu... thats Crazy, when I'm sitting in either of the left or right gunner positions I see that it has 0 ammo count in the top left corner of the screen. I know I installed it right... but I wonder if ACE has anything to do with it. The deck guns work fine and has ammo, just not the machine gunners.


I guess if ACE is deleting the ammo out of the guns then I would need to go into the config file of the ship and change out the ammo used with ACE compatible ammo... Uhh which class name is the machine gunners is it the M61A1?


Found it... looks like it was using a different ammo type than ACE uses. Changed it out now I'm getting an error on start up that is preventing the game from starting:

File uses_navy\config.cpp. line 451:

'/LHA_DCCConsole/BayRepairButton.Bay1':""encountered instead of '='

Oh well I guess I'll have to make due without the M61A1 guns until someone makes an ACE compatible version.

Last edited by CrazyAce; Jun 11 2009 at 19:05.

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