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coop 15 Operation Desperados part1

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Operation Desperados part1

Mission by Lightninguk

Uses Ambient Civillian,Civiilian Vehicles,First AId,UPS


Your mission tonight is to eradicate all 3 radar and radio Towers from the towns of Parlovo,Zelengorsk,Komarovo which is currently under Russia control.

Good luck!

mod use

LHD Carrier in Editor


Download mission here



no briefing it in they but does not work

Edited by Lightninguk

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Some odd reason all that link does for me is sit waiting to get accepted :(

Ah fixed downloaded it from armaholic :D

Edited by moosenoodles

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some people dont load your mission because they need this Addon.

Its better to make Missions without Addons.

Use this script for your Mission, with that can you place the carrier anywhere you want and noone need this Addon:


BTW Nice Mission!^^

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Operation Desperados part2

Mission by Lightninguk

Uses Ambient Civillian,Civiilian Vehicles,First Aid,UPS


Your mission Today is to eradicate 2 helos on the airfield and capture it so we can use it in our missions in the future as the LDH Task Forces as been ask to return to america so we need this airbase. We also need to attack the major town of Chernogorsk which is currently under control from the Russian Army's 76th Airborne Division .this unit is the first professional unit in the russia army.

Good luck!

download here


Edited by Lightninguk

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I've placed both PBO files into the correct AddOns folder, and restarted my game.

I don't see where I can load / play the mission. It's not in the menu anywhere.

I'm looking in the Szearion(Scenario) tab.

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Abumarwan, the missions must be placed in the MPMissions folder not in the addons one.

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Lightninguk :

I've got a minor problem with your first mission ( op. desp. part 1 )

@ the start (lhd) the ospry is bouncing itself to a wreck, and sometimes the '60 does as well, or just explodes at the start ( the 60 ). Ohh, and one of the escorts is sinking? ( the stern with the helipad is below water ;) )

Other than that, it looks like a very nice mission

edit : replaying again, it might look like you're spawning 2 lhd's at the same place.

Edited by Noraf

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ok thanks i check that out asap and release a updated version thank

Operation Desperados part3

Mission by Lightninguk

Uses Ambient Civillian,Civiilian Vehicles,First Aid,UPS


today marines we got 4 target to hit.

a)we need to search and destroy the local warlords ammo dump

b)last night a uav spotter a Anti Air site which need to be destroy

c)the same uav also spotter a arty site that been attack our forces moving inland

d)we belive the local warlord is meeting with a high level FSB officer we need to kill both of them

Good luck!

download here


Edited by Lightninguk

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Thanks for the mission Lightning !

We a lot of fun with this mission last night (part 1), all had to download the addon to get it working, but if i had been more observant i would have gone to this forums first :P

Anyways.. we had a lot of problems after we restarted the map. The chopper at the very end of the carrier spawns about 150 meters in the air and drops like a bomb on the other choppers leaving us one chopper and the ospry. The same happened when i loaded part 2. I have not tried the version that doesn't need the addon though.

Edited by cri74

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Anyways.. we had a lot of problems after we restarted the map. The chopper at the very end of the carrier spawns about 150 meters in the air and drops like a bomb on the other choppers leaving us one chopper and the ospry. The same happened when i loaded part 2. I have not tried the version that doesn't need the addon though.

Its the same. Lightning, you should give your missions a through test before releaseing them. It puts people off using your future missions. Keep at it though!

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Put up / shut up. Sometimes things get through unoticed.

Looking forward to your mission Mickd.

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Looking forward to your mission Mickd.

Theres a Charlie Foxtrot PvP event tonight if you want to try some of our missions. Your very welcome.

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